Saturday, December 21, 2019

December, 2019, Part 7, Political Class Insanity: Whistleblowing the Clinton Foundation, IMpeaching Trump Because He Is Too Tall, and More Insanity and False History from Ocasio-Cortez

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) After impeaching Trump for virtually nothing, it should be interesting to see what Democrats think about the financial shenanigans that were recently uncovered relating to the Clintons:
  • According to a recent interview by Congressman Mark Meadows, three whistleblowers have come forward and provided hundreds of pages of information relating to possibly illegal and unethical financial activities relative to the Clinton Foundation.
  • The whistleblower documents allege misuse of charity funds and quid-pro-quo promises made to rich Foundation donors.
  • Meadows has called for Congressional hearings relative to an already investigation going on relative to the Foundation.
  • That investigation has been going on since 2018 and is being led by U.S. Attorney John Huber.
  • Huber recently requested documents from MDA Analytics LLC, a company that has been investigating the Clinton Foundation.
  • MDA recently contacted the FBI in Arkansas, the Department of Justice and the IRS to share the findings that their analysis has turned up.
  • Back in 2016, Clinton Foundation CFO, Andrew Kessel, allegedly told MDA that, “one of the biggest problems was [former President Bill] Clinton’s commingling and use of business and donated funds and his personal expenses” and that Bill Clinton “mixes and matches his personal business with that of the foundation. Many people within the foundation have tried to caution him about this but he does not listen, and there really is no talking to him.”
  • What is also interesting and suspicious is that back in 2016, when Hillary was running for President, the Foundation pulled in $62.9 million in donations but once she lost out to Trump, the Foundation only pulled in $26.6 million in 2017, about a whopping 60% decline in a single year.
  • Meadows believes that this sudden drop off “raises grave concerns their operations were not above board as the American people have been led to believe. Whenever we look at the possibility of ‘pay to play’ by government officials, current or former, it demands answers, and anyone who uses public office to sell access for their own financial benefit must be held accountable.” 
Should be interesting to see if Nancy Pelosi has any integrity at all and supports an investigation into the Clintons and the possible phony front charity foundation. Given her history of strictly bitter and partisan politics, I doubt it. It is only political opponents that she goes after, integrity and trust be damned.

2) Georgia Congressman Hank Johnson was the laughing stock of Congress, and quite possibly the nation, several years when during a Congressional hearing he wondered and worried out loud that the island of Guam could tip over. Yes, during a hearing on the deployment of naval resources to the island, he asked a high ranking Navy official if the island would tip over if too many resources were deployed there.

If this is not enough to show how perverted and insane our political processes have become, that someone like this not only got elected once but has been reelected since showing these extreme ignorance, than nothing is.

But that does not stop him for continuing to speak silliness and ignorance:
  • During the debate on Trump’s impeachment, Johnson stated that Trump should be impeached because he is taller that Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
  • Specifically, “Colleague from Georgia talks about how Democrats are trying to make Zelensky look weak. Well, I’ll tell you. That brings to mind the picture of President Trump and President Zelensky meeting in New York in September at the UN — and a big chair for President Trump — a little chair for President Zelensky.” 
  • Forget high crimes and misdemeanors as outlined in the Constitution, let’s impeach Trump because he is taller than another nation’s leader.
  • Johnson did not know when to shut up, going on to describe Trump as, “Big, 6’4″ President Trump and 5′ 11″ Mr. Zelensky.”
  • And he is not even right with his “facts” since if you look at the picture of the two leaders shaking hands, the chairs are identical in size and style, one is not bigger than the other.

You cannot make up this nonsense. During the very serious process of impeachment this guy is focused on Trump’s height rather than reality. To see this foolery in action, go to the following link to see that Johnson is actually this out of touch with reality:

3) So many times we have had to review the insane comments, logic, and positions of Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Despite having a college business degree she did not know the simple definition of the unemployment rate. Despite running for Congress, she did not know the three branches of government. The list goes on and on and can be reviewed by simply putting her name in the search box above.

And despite her history of speaking from a position of ignorance, she continues to stick her foot in her mouth as recently illustrated:
  • She recently asserted that the Democratic Party should go back to the way the party used to be and the values it represented, specifically citing the Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
  • She also said that the party needed to return to its roots during the passage of the Civil Rights Act back in the 1960s.
  • Specifically, “I want to be the party of the New Deal again. The party of the Civil Rights Act, the one that electrified this nation and fights for all people. For that, many would call us radical. But we aren’t “pushing the party left,” we are bringing the party home.”
  • She obviously does not realize that FDR did not fight for the rights of tens of thousands of Japanese American during World War II since he shipped them off to internment camps in one of the most egregious violations of human rights in this country’s history.
  • She obviously does not realize that Democrats opposed the Civil Rights Act and filibustered the bill for 75 days until Republicans were able to get it passed through the Senate.
  • She obviously does not realize that a higher percentage of Republican in Congress voted for the Civil Rights Act than the percentage of Democrats in Congress that voted for it.
  • She obviously does not realize that it was a Republican President, Eisenhower, who made tremendous strides in breaking the back of segregation in the 1950s.
  • She obviously does not realize that the Democratic Party was the party of the Ku KLux KLan and Jim Crow laws after the Civil War.
The ignorance of this member of Congress continues to boggle the mind just about every time she speaks. Combine her erroneous rantings with the Georgia Congressman who thinks a Pacific island can actually tip over...a Texas Congresswoman who thinks the Constitution is 400 years old AND who wanted to know if an exploring vehicle on Mars was going to be near the area where Neil Armstrong walked on the moon... a Speaker of the House who actually said a piece of legislation had to be passed in order to find out what was in that legislation and you can see why we feel our political processes are so broken that these types of people actually hold public office.

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