Wednesday, August 11, 2021

August, 2021, Part 3, Political Class Insanity: Obama's Hypocrisy on Covid, Insanely Bad Priorities, Carnage in Chicago, and Biden's Grasp on Reality Continues to Slip.

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) It has always been our contention that Joe Biden is in the throes of a serious cognitive decline. Having been the co-guardian of an elderly dementia afflicted uncle for a number of years, my uncle's decline and behaviors during that decline are very, very similar to Biden’s behavior over the past year. Irritable, lasing out, forgetful, generally out of touch.

We recently saw that at a recent White House signing ceremony:
  • The signing ceremony was to help disabled Americans and there was a disabled woman sitting right next to Biden during the ceremony.
  • Biden was supposed to sign a document, an action every President has done numerous times, and then hand out ceremonial pens as souvenirs to the attendees.
  • After signing, Biden gave out pens to a lot of people but NOT the disabled woman sitting next to him, the honored guest to celebrate the anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act.
  • Dementia behavior number 1: forgetfulness.
  • When VP Kamala Harris, who was also at the ceremony, reminded Biden to give the poor disabled woman sitting right next to him a pen, he angrily snapped back at her.
  • He basically mumbled that, “I will, but I wanna make sure I got all the..." but then he realized he had already given out all of the pens and this poor lady, the guest of honor, had not gotten one. realized that was the last pen and that she hadn't received one.
  • Dementia behavior number 2: easily angered and impatient with others.

What an embarrassment: forgetful, nasty retorts, and dishonoring an American citizen.

2) Hundreds of thousands of Americans are homeless. Millions of American families often are food challenged. Millions of Americans are having problems with their drug addiction problem. American families are struggling because of the pandemic and the lockdowns and job losses that occurred.

Lots of big issues to work on. But you would not know that, given another insanely bad priority of a member of Congress:
  • Congressman Earl Blumenauer has proposed a tax on private space travel.
  • While this might be a big industry SOME day, right now the industry consists of two rocket launches, one by Richard Branson and one by Jeff Bezos.
  • His “Securing Protections Against Carbon Emissions (SPACE) Tax Act” would create a new tax on commercial space flights that carry human passengers that are no for scientific research.
  • According to his press release: “Just as normal Americans pay taxes when they buy airline tickets, billionaires who fly into space to produce nothing of scientific value should do the same, and then some. I’m not opposed to this type of space innovation. However, things that are done purely for tourism or entertainment, and that don’t have a scientific purpose, should in turn support the public good.”
Seriously, given the hungry, homeless, jobless, and drug addicted Americans in need, this Congressman and his staff are already proposing taxes on an industry that does not really exist yet?! What a waste of time and government resources, given how many Americans are in need. There is plenty of time to tax something that may exist in the future, take care of Americans that are in need now. Insanely stupid priorities.

Oh, by the way, how many people and how many taxpayer dollars were spent coming up with such a convoluted name for this idiocy?

3) Every month or so we check in to see how the street violence and crime is doing in Chicago. We have always maintained that a very very basic function of any government entity is to protect the lives, the families, and businesses of ordinary law-abiding citizens. Failure to do so, regardless of any other accomplishments is an utter failure of the political class and the government entity they oversee.

Unfortunately, the current set of Chicago politicians and those that preceded them have failed miserably in fulfilling this basic government function, month in and month out, year in and year out:
  • The Chicago Tribune recently reported that at least 4,115 Chicago residents were shot last year and 762 of those shot died from their wounds (Note: these numbers were calculated with four days still left in the year so they probably finished higher than this).
  • The 762 dead were a whopping 55% higher than the 491 residents who died from gunshots in 2019, i.e. the trend is not good.
  • This carnage is almost the highest rate in the past five years in the city.
  • Mayor Lori Lightfoot continues to have no clue on how to fix the problem, blaming the virus for her own incompetence.
  • She is blaming the covid pandemic for the increase in murders in the city as if a human virus causes people to go out in the streets and shoot other people.
  • I guess that her defunding of the Chicago police department had NOTHING to do with the increase in violence.
  • Keep in mind that Chicago is under siege even though the city has some of the most stringent gun control laws in the country.
Every year, Chicago residents are killed and shot because the city politicians cannot provide that very basic government function, protecting lives of city residents. It matters little if the city can keep the streets clean if it cannot keep thousands of residents from being shot every year.

4) Mostly liberal mayors, governors, and politicians, including Biden, keep trying to impose tough and often unnecessary pandemic restrictions on the lives of Americans via their power tripping. Wear a mask, maintain social distance, get vaccinated, avoid large crowds, avoid family gatherings of more than a handful of people. We have all heard these dire warnings over the past year and a half.

But American politicians have often followed that old elitist path, “do as I say not as I do.” The California governor required everyone to wear masks when they left home but he attended a fancy restaurant where he and no one else present wore a mask. The Chicago mayor shut down the city, including all beauty shops, but insisted that her favorite one open only for her. The Beaumont Texas mayor shut down her city including nail shops but forced her favorite nail shop to open to get her, and only her, nails done. You get the idea, all over the country, we were told to restrict our life activities while the politicians telling us to do so were ignoring their own edicts.

Now in case you were not invited, Barack Obama hosted a 60th birthday party for himself and 200 of his closest friends this past weekend on Martha’s Vineyard. The photos leading up to and at the party show hundreds of people not social distancing, not wearing masks but having a grand old time. At the same time, Biden is pushing for a national mask mandate regardless of what you and your family are doing. So, Obama gets to party and we get to suffer, just another elitist “do as I say, not as I do” example.

Oh, by the way, the original party list was for 700 people, not 200. However, once work leaked out about this outrageous hypocrisy, Obama said he would trim the party down to just “close friends and family,” which somehow turned out to be 200 people. 

Imagine what the authorities and politicians would do to you in NYC, Los Angeles and other cities where there are power tripping covid politicians. Your party never gets off the ground, maybe you get fined or arrested, and your right to party is trampled while Obama parties on with hundreds of people.

A typical day for American politicians: hypocrisy on covid, insanely bad priorities, carnage in Chicago, and Biden's grasp on reality continues to slip.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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