Sunday, October 22, 2023

October, 2023, Part 3, Political Class Insanity: Fentanyl Hits a Playground, The New York Times' Biased Reporting, Biden Continues to Send Taxpayer Money Around the World and More

 Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of operating any level of government in this country. 

Even their best efforts are almost always inefficient and ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

1)We have often talked about the many disasters that Biden’s failed borer policies have caused:

  • The porous borders have resulted in the drug cartels moving incredible volumes of illegal  drugs into the country which will eventually result in skyrocketing drug overdose deaths of Americans.

  • Those same borders have allowed criminal gangs from South and Central  America to waltz into the country and contributing to skyrocketing crime and violence throughout the country.

  • Billions and billions of tax dollars have been spent on housing, feeding, and providing medical support to the millions of unvetted and unvaccinated illegal  immigrants Biden has allowed to enter the country.

Nasty, nasty results from the Biden administration. Amd these situations do not include the potential terrorists that Biden has allowed to easily enter the country:

  • Thousands of natives of Middle East countries have come over the border into the country.

  • At least 432 of these folks that have been apprehended are on the terrorist watch list and are suspected terrorists.

  • This is a 685% increase since 2021.

  • These people include more than 3,000 Egyptians, 600 Iranians, 500 Syrians, 100 Lebanese and others.

  • At least one member of Congress recognizes the danger, Mike Kelly:  "At a time of increased global uncertainty, we must take every measure necessary to secure our country. That includes our northern border, which is greatly unsecured. "The majority of suspected terrorists caught this year have crossed between the United States and Canada, which is the longest continuous border between two countries in the entire world.”


Serious stuff and it is not going to go well when, not if, some of these terrorist elements do what they do, terrorize. Words from the Biden administration show how much they are out of touch with this reality. National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications, John Kirby, recently said that the Biden administration would coordinate with police forces around the nation to monitor potential terrorist attacks: “We are constantly in touch with local law enforcement, state and federal officials across the country to make sure that we are as vigilant as we can be to be able to identify and disrupt any threats to the American people.”

Despite what Kirby says, maybe if Biden’s administration had done their job in the first place and secured the  border they would not be playing catch up to “disrupt”  threats.

2)As we have said far too many times a lot of Americans are suffering these days:

  • At any one time there are likely up to 600,000 homeless Americans in the country.

  • Millions of Americans are more frequently having trouble feeding themselves and their families since Biden’s economic policies have resulted in grocery price inflation of about 20% over the past two years,

  • Well over 100,000 Americans die every year from drug overdoses and that number will likely skyrocket going forward since Biden’s lax border policies has allowed the drug cartels to flood this country with tons of illegal drugs.

  • Millions of Americans currently cannot afford health insurance for themselves and their families.

Yes, a lot of Americans are in need. But apparently that news has not gotten to Washington D.C. yet:

  • The Biden administration has sent over $110,000,000,000 of American taxpayer dollars to the Ukrainians to help in their war against Russia.

  • Biden is proposing tens of billions of more dollars be sent not only to Ukraine but also israel.

  • Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently implied, “no problem,” we have enough money to give to both Ukraine and Israel.

  • Specifically: “America can certainly afford to stand with Israel and to support Israel’s military needs and we also can and must support Ukraine in its struggle against Russia.” 

  • She also claimed that the American  economy has performed “extremely well” in recent months.

  • Biden  recently told Israeli leaders that the U.S.would “provide an update on our military support and efforts to protect civilians.”

So Biden is spending our tax money to protect Israeli citizens despite the fact we have millions of Americans who are homeless, hungry, and in need of drug treatment and medical  treatment. Yellen nonchalantly claims that our economy is doing great and we can afford to simultaneously fund two foreign wars despite the fact we have millions of Americans who are homeless, hungry, and in need of drug treatment and medical  treatment.

Oh, by the way, Biden has helped drive up our national  debt to a mind numbing $33,000,000,000,000, a debt burden of about $100,000 for every man, woman, and child in the country. We cannot afford to fund two wars, we cannot afford to protect foreign citizens, and we need to take care of our friends, family, and neighbors who are hurting, a reality that never dawns on the Washington political class.

3)The drug overdose epidemic in this country is bad and getting worse, mostly aggravated by the immense amount of fentanyl that is being flooded into the country by the drug cartels. We recently discussed the reality that the Mexican drug cartels have gotten so  entrenched in this country as a result of Biden's horrible border policies that even Alaska, about as far away from the cartels as you can get, is not immune to the drug overdose epidemic.

Consider this recent drug overdose incident up in Portland to get a feeling how bad the situation has gotten:

  • Eight local residents of the city, all in their teens or early twenties, recently overdosed on fentanyl at one time in a local playground.

  • The overdose happened at 10:00 am one morning.

  • In the morning on a playground, not deep at night in a seedy drug den.

  • Fortunately, quick acting EMTs, using Narcan, were able to save their lives.

  • It was the highest number of overdoses they had ever received on a single call.

  • A local resident, Robert Savage, told local  news  outlets about his personal experiences in the area relative to drug overdoses: "Found three bodies gone. Overdosed. I want to know why Multnomah County, the city of Portland, and the Joint Office isn’t releasing as much money as possible towards personnel on the street that can help solve this because I can tell you, they’re not. Nothing has changed in the last four years since I’ve been here. In fact, it’s gotten worse." 

The really scary aspect of this incident is not that eight idiots who almost overdosed on illegal drugs but that it happened on a playground, a place where I assume young kids go to play, roll on the  ground and  have fun but who are now very likely to come in contact with drugs that kill almost immediately. Insane.

4) We have often  made the assertion that this country can survive bad Presidents, e.g. Nixon, Carter, Obama, Biden, but will  not survive the corruption  and biasness of the journalism industry in our democracy. World class journalists should be keeping politicians honest and as corruption free as possible with unbiased, tough, and honest reporting of the facts, no matter where they lead.

Journalists are not supposed to be advocates for specific politicians or political parties or policies. Unfortunately, that is not the case in this country and it is pretty scary. And an article that recently ran in the New York Times is a perfect example of how honest political journalism in this country is now a distant memory:

  • The Times recently ran an article written by Nobel  Prize winning economist Paul Krugman.

  • Did I  mention he was a Nobel Prize winner?

  • In a classic case of journalism bias,  Krugman wrote that Biden had beaten  back inflation.

  • He claimed that the “war on  inflation  is over” and  “we won, at very little cost.”

  • He displayed a graph that showed that inflation had receded to the not too scary 2% level which  would be great. 

  • However, the inflation number that Krugman and the New York Times decided to base their biased reporting and analysis on, and which was displayed in the article, did NOT include food, energy, shelter, and used cars.

  • So, if you do not eat, you do not need shelter, you do not need energy to heat/cool your home or operate your car, and you are not in the market for a used car, life is great from an inflation perspective.

  • However,  at least three of those cost components,  shelter, food, and energy are parts of just about every American’s life everyday so ignoring them in the analysis is ridiculous.

  • In reality, the overall growth in year over year total inflation was over 80% higher when you include the four life components that Krugman ignored in order to make his point that Biden is doing a great job (he is not).

Geez, how stupid do Krugman and the New York  Times editors think we are? Of  course, Twitter users were quick to point out the faulty journalism: As Washington Times columnist Tim Murtaugh noted, “”This is fantastic news for all Americans who don’t need food, a place to live, or fuel & electricity.” Note the dripping sarcasm here.”  

So many other Twitter users piled on to this nonsense that Krugman eventually had to go to Twitter and somewhat admit that maybe he did not make the best decision  to  exclude all of those life essentials while avidly trying to boost Biden’s failed economic policies.

That will do it for today’s political class insanity, most of which is a result of Biden’s failed policies: terrorists coming over the porous border, Biden continues to  send taxpayer dollars around the world while needy Americans suffer, fentanyl hits the playgrounds of America, and the New York Times tries to pull a fast one.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:


Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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