Sunday, February 18, 2024

February, 2024, Part 5, Political Class Insanity: The CDC Lied To Us, Biden Unfit for Trial but Can Still Be President and Americans Realize That Biden Is Too Old To Get A Second Term

 Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of operating any level of government in this country. 

Even their best efforts are almost always inefficient and ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

1)We often talked about how Biden is a pathological liar. He  lied about his athletic prowess. He lied about being places he never visited. He lied about talking to people who died years prior. But when  it comes to  Washington, it is not just our current President who is a lair:

  • The Center For Disease Control (CDC)  was in charge of handling Americans’ safety during the COVID pandemic.

  • They were the Washington bureaucrats who told us to stand six feet apart, to stay home, to wear masks, to get vaccinated, and generally shut down our lives for a very long time.

  • We paid good tax dollars to fund the CDC so one would hope that they would give us the best available advice to make us safe, they were the experts, the scientists that knew best, right?

  • But now we are finding out that the CDC’s own scientists found that face masks, regardless of what kind of mask was to be used, were not effective in preventing the virus from being spread.

  • And yet the CDC still forced every American to wear masks despite the science.

  • Journalist Paul D. Thacker has published a paper with the Disinformation Chronicle that lays out how useless the masks were and how the CDC knew it.

  • According to the article, the CDC’s position on controlling the spread of disease had not been updated since 2007 so they put together a panel of scientists to update guidelines on how hospitals could better control the spread of infections.

  • This panel created an 80 page analysis and concluded that N95 respirators and regular surgical masks were not effective at stopping any virus from spreading.

  • The study also found that N95 mask users had secondary health problems including “difficulty breathing, headaches, and dizziness, skin barrier damage and itching, fatigue, and  difficulty talking.”

  • And yet, the CDC told the public to wear masks.

  • In June, 2023, at a formal CDC meeting, Erin Stone, a public health analyst in the CDC’s office of Guidelines and Evidence, presented findings on the effectiveness of N95 and surgical masks.

  • Her bottom line is the data “suggests no  difference” in effectiveness between the two types of masks.

  • And yet in November, 2023, CDC Director, Many Cohen,  while testifying  in front  of Congress, refused to directly answer the question of whether kids should be wearing masks.

  • However, six days later, the Archives Of Disease In Childhood journal published a study that found “mask recommendations for children are not supported by scientific evidence.”

  • In May, 2020 the CDC  itself  published a policy study and concluded that there was not “a substantial effect for masks in stopping the transmission of respiratory viruses.”

  • And finally, on its own webpage, the CDC  wrote: “There’s not a whole lot of evidence the N95 respirators do in fact  work better than masks at  stopping viruses. Laboratory studies have demonstrated that FFRs [filtering facepiece respirators] provide greater protection against aerosols compared with surgical masks … however, the results of clinical studies have been inconclusive,” the CDC wrote, citing a 2019 study in JAMA comparing N95 respirators to masks. Among outpatient health care personnel, N95 respirators vs medical masks as worn by participants in this trial resulted in no significant difference in the incidence of laboratory-confirmed influenza.” 

  • And it was just not the CDC that understood how inadequate masks were, the infamous Dr. Fauci stated that a mask might “block a droplet” and “make people feel a little better,” it does not provide “the perfect protection that people think it is.”

We could go on and on discussing many other studies that found or know that masking was not an  effective virus preventer for covid, or any other virus. And yet, the political class in this country, from Washington to state governments to local  governments herded us into the misconception that masking was healthy, moral, and needed to be done. 

All  along, many of the powers to be  knew that that masking was not a healthy plan but a controlling plan to control  our actions and make us subservient and a public relations plan to make us think that these politicians knew what they were doing when in reality, they did not.

Long,  long ago, when I was in grade school, we had safety drills in  case we were attacked by nuclear weapons. These drills usually had two  facets: getting underneath our desks to prevent us from being harmed by nuclear explosions or going into  the basement of the school. Looking back,  we see what idiocy these drills were, a nuclear explosion  was still going to kill whether or not we were under our desks.

These stupid drills were a way of the political class at that point in  time trying to pressure us that they knew what was best and to control its citizens. Seems covid is the new “get under your desk” insanity. More studies and more proof from  other reputable sources regarding the failure of masks can be access at:

2)We have discussed the reality that it is our opinion that Joe Biden is sinking lower and lower into the depths of dementia everyday. Having been the legal guardian for many years of an elderly uncle who died from dementia, many of the symptoms I saw arise in my uncle’s behavior are mirrored by Biden’s actions:

  • My uncle for most of his life was a very passive, reserved man who became a raving, profanity spewing person once dementia took hold, much like Biden’s ranting, raving, and profanity recently.

  • My uncle always wanted to leave his assisted living facility at the end to  get back  to the familiar surroundings of his home, much like Biden’s who has taken a record number of “vacation days” back at his homes in Delaware.

  • My uncle’s physical capability became stiffer and  more rigid in his walk and actions, much like Biden's current  movements.

  • My uncle  continually lost his train of thought and stumbled to find the words he wanted to say, much like Biden.

  • My uncle suffered constant memory lapses about his life.

Now, Biden supporters would probably dismiss these obvious traits that Biden currently displays, they would probably minimize my observations and experiences with my uncle since I am not a doctor. 

And they certainly are actively trying to dismiss the analysis and observations of Biden’s own Department of Justice which had recently concluded its investigation into whether or not Biden violated Federal law by improperly storing  highly confidential government documents in his home garage:

  • A special Department  of Justice investigation concluded that Biden actually did improperly and illegally store government  documents in his garage.

  • The illegality of his actions meant he should have been charged with breaking the law.

  • However, the investigation found that his memory was “hazy,” “fuzzy,” “faulty,” “poor,”, and had “significant limitations.” recalling significant memories of his life.

  • Specifically: "He did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended ('if it was 2013 — when did I stop being Vice President?'), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began ('in 2009, am I still Vice President?')," the report said. “He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died.”

  • As a result of his deteriorated mental state, the Department of Justice decided not to prosecute him because his  mind was too feeble to defend himself in court: “It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him — by then a former president well into his eighties — of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.”

  • Biden’s White House immediately attacked the report and findings as not accurate.

  • But keep in mind that this report was issued at the time that Biden claimed that he had spoken to two European leaders, Francois Mitterand and Helmut Kohl, in 2021 even though both had been dead for any number of years prior to 2021.

So, in the eyes of Biden’s own Justice Department, he is too  old and mentally gone to be prosecuted for mishandling government documents but he is still allowed to be President and have access to nuclear weapon launch codes and authority. If that reality is not scaring you then nothing should be able to scare you.

3)But in reality, it is not just Biden’s  Department of Justice and myself who recognize that he is not fit to be President for a second term:

  • A recent survey found that a whopping 77% of Americans say Biden is too old to be effective as President for four more years.

  • 89% of Republicans polled say he is too old to continue as President, which is not surprising, but what is surprising is that 69% of Democrats polled agreed he should not continue to be President for another four years.

Another case for term limits for all American politicians. We would not be having this conversation about whether a career, and ineffective politician, should continue to be in office since term limits would have ended this misery this November. 

In the meantime, our political processes have gotten so screwed up that we are not addressing the real issues in this country but are observing and discussing the senility of a person who should be resolving those issues but we are stuck with someone whose Presidency has resolved nothing of consequence.

That will  do it for today: the CDC and its political handlers lied to us, Biden broke the law but is mentally unfit to be taken to trial but can still run the country, and Americans finally realize that he is unfit to continue on as President, given his cognitive decline and possibly dementia mental state.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:


Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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