Thursday, July 4, 2024

Biden's Failed Immigration Policies and the Death and Violence It Has Caused To Americans - Part 2

 We have often discussed the reality that Biden’s border policies have been an unbelievable failure. Illegal drugs are flooding into the country, violent South and Central American gangs setting up shop in  U.S. cities, and local city and state budgets are being adjusted so that illegal immigrants can be fed, sheltered, and given medical attention, stealing government services from American taxpayers.

But one particularly distressing and tragic result of Biden’s failed immigration policies is the danger that have befallen innocent Americans at the hands of violent illegal immigrants who never should have been admitted to the country. This is not to say there should be no immigration into this country.  But there has to be a rigid screening process so that violent people do not get into the country and carry out heinous, often fatal, attacks on innocent Americans.

The first set of sad stories relative to the dangers to Americans can be accessed at:

1)On February 22, 2024, University of Georgia nursing student, Laken Riley, went out for a midday jog. Unfortunately, she never came back since Jose Antonio Ibarra, an  illegal immigrant from Venezuela, came across her path, and that encounter allegedly led to Ms. Riley's death.

Ibarra is charged with killing her and as a result has been charged with 10 criminal charges: felony murder, malice murder, false imprisonment, and aggravated assault with intent to rape and kidnap. Her body was found in a nearby park and the cause of death was determined to be blunt force trauma and asphyxiation.

The suspect illegally entered the country in 2022 under Biden’s watch and was living in an apartment about a mile from where the body was found. He has had multiple arrests by state and Federal law enforcement authorities and at least once failed to appear in court for a shoplifting case.

So sad that a law-abiding, young lady could not go out in the  middle of the day for a jog without being brutally accosted and killed.

2)Let’s leave this tragedy in Georgia and skip up to New York City:

  • Christian Inga has been arrested and charged with a violent sexual attack on a child.

  • He is alleged to have come across two 13 year olds in a field, forcing them into the woods at knifepoint, tied them up and then sexually assaulted the 13 year old girl.

  • Inga is allegedly an illegal immigrant from Ecuador who entered the country on Biden’s watch in June, 2021.

  • To make this episode of illegal immigrant even  more disgusting, there are news stories that he allegedly recorded himself sexually assaulting the victim.

Fortunately, people in the neighborhood recognized the suspect and apprehended him, keeping him under control until police arrived.

3)Let’s keep heading north, up to Massachusetts:

  • Cory B. Alvarez is an illegal immigrant from Haiti.

  • He has been  charged in the suspected rape of a 15 year old teenage girl in a shelter in Rockland, Massachusetts.

  • Despite facing multiple counts of rape he was released on a measly bail of only $500 despite the local district attorney wanted at least a $10,000 bail and conditions for his release.

  • But the judge went with only a $500  cash  bail.

  • Back in March, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) issued a detainer order for him but since Boston is a “sanctuary city,” city officials refused to honor the order and turn Alvarrez over to the Feds.

  • The unnamed source within ICE opined: “The dumba– judges are the ones causing a lot of these issues by ignoring the root of the problem. California, New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, and other blue states all do this bulls–t. If we run records checks on people out of those states, they have policies that are in place to prevent sharing of any information.”

Apparently in some areas of the country, local  politicians are more worried about protecting illegal immigrants than they are in protecting the innocent perpetrated by a sub-segment of the  illegal immigrants Biden has let walk  into the  country.

4)Back to New York:

  • Illegal  immigrant, Jhon  Moises Chacaguassay-Ibis is accused of murdering illegal immigrant, Joselyn Jhoana Toaquiza, in Syracuse this past June 18th.

  • He has been arrested and charged with second degree murder and concealment of a human corpse.

  • Both were in this country illegally and were from Ecuador.

  • He buried her body in a shallow grave and then took a bus to NYC where he turned himself in.

Another sad tale of violence from an illegal  immigrant.

5)Down in  Irving, Texas, police arrested Oved Bernardo Mendoza Argueta for allegedly shooting up a Chick-fil-A restaurant, a shooting spree that killed two people. His wife works at the fast food location and identified her husband as the shooter to police.

According to police, Argueta was under an  “ICE hold” which implies he is in this country illegally and should have been detained by the Feds. Unfortunately, before he could be detained, he killed two people.

6)But it is no just innocent Americans who have been attacked and killed by violent illegal immigrants:

  • Recently, two New York Police Department officers were shot by a 19 year old  illegal immigrant from, where else, Venezuela.

  • Bernardo Raul Castro Mata was driving a scooter the wrong way down a one-way street when police officers tried to stop him.

  • As a result of firing a gun at them he is now in custody and facing two attempted first degree murder charges.

  • News reports claimed he was a member of a local illegal  immigrant gang that was wanted for robberies in the city.

  • He had been arrested multiple times previously and had two stolen credit cards in his possession when  arrested.

  • According to CBS News: “According to court documents, Mata, who lived in a migrant shelter and remains in custody at Bellevue Hospital, told detectives he's a member of a Venezuelan gang and that guns are smuggled into shelters through food delivery packages to avoid metal detectors. He also said it's common practice for Tren de Aragua members to shoot at police officers because Venezuelan officers shoot at gang members for minor infractions. However, he plead not guilty, claiming the gun wasn't his and it accidentally went off during the encounter with police.”

But according to the Biden administration,, there is nothing to worry about recent, given comments by Biden’s Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas: "We screen and vet individuals.” I would bet that Laken Riley’s family and friends, and the hundreds or thousands of other American  families that have had family members killed, raped, and attacked by illegal immigrants might disagree with Mr. Mayorkas’ assertion. If Mayorkas is screening and vetting illegal immigrants, he is obviously not doing a good job.


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Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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