Sunday, July 26, 2015

July, 2015, Part 1: Politicians Say The Darndest Things

Ever so often we run a series of posts under the theme, “Politicians say the darndest things.” It is a parody of an old television show, “House Party,” where host Art Linkletter would ask simple questions of young kids and wait for their often funny responses. This segment of his show was called “Kids Say The Darndest Things.” 

Unfortunately when kids say silly or dumb things, it is funny. When politicians say silly or dumb things, there are usually serious ramifications across the land that often involve stupid laws, wasteful spending, self delusion of a politician’s intelligence or abilities, or a continued lack of faith that today’s politicians are smart enough to get anything right.

So let’s take a look at the latest darndest things that American politicians are saying today:

1) Most often politicians say the darndest things in an asinine view, proving that they often do not have a concept or reality or what they are talking about. However, we start today with a politician’s quote that is just down right mean, uncaring, and pathetic. Katie Steinle was recently killed on the streets of San Francisco by an illegal immigrant that had seven felony convictions and who had been deported five times. Obviously, a serious criminal element.

When he reentered the country, he headed for San Francisco since that city is a so-called “sanctuary city,” a term that means that city has unilaterally decided to disobey standing immigration law and not aggressively, or not at all, seek to send illegal immigrants back to their home country. As a result, a young American lady, Kate Steinle, is dead because of this law breaking and the continued presence of this illegal immigrant on the streets of America. 

This is a tragedy in so many ways, not the least of which the grief and mourning that has been caused to rain down on Ms. Steinle’s friends and family. A young lady cut down in the prime of her life because of the illegal doings of the national and local political class. But that sadness is only compounded by a quote from a Hispanic Illinois Congressman, one who has been in the forefront of making life easy for illegal immigrants, Luis Gutierrez: “Every time a little thing like this happens, they use the most extreme example to say it must be eliminated.”

A woman’s murder is a “little thing” to this heartless bastard of a politician. I bet it is not a “little thing” to her parents, her brother, her boyfriend, and other her family members and friends. I dare this low life to say this in front of those that have been grieving and will be affected for the rest of their lives by this tragedy. How would he feel if his daughter had been shot on the street by someone who should have been in jail or shipped out of the country permanently, would it still be a “little thing?” Yes, sometimes politicians say the darndest things and this case, they say the most heartless, uncaring, and ignorant things. 

The politicians have denigrated themselves so much that human life is now secondary to their political ambitions and goals. To hear the actual quote out of the politician’s mouth go to:

2) Martin O’Malley used to be the Governor of Maryland and now thinks he is worthy of being the Democratic Party nominee for President in 2016. Consider his latest darndest quote, as reported by Bloomberg News: “One of the things that preceded the failure of the nation-state of Syria and the rise of ISIS was the effect of climate change and the mega-drought that affected that region, wiped out farmers, drove people to cities, created a humanitarian crisis that created the symptoms — or rather the conditions of extreme poverty — that has now led to the rise of ISIL and this extreme violence” 

Ah, climate change/global warming, the cause of every problem in the world. As we have said countless times in response to Al Gore-type climate hysteria, correlation is not causation. Just because a weather or climate event happened, it does not mean it caused other events to happen that seem to occur at about the same time. 

I am sure that throughout time, the Middle East and Syria have suffered through mega droughts long before the concept of man made climate change was even a thought. I am also pretty sure that those previous meg droughts did not give rise to the deadliest terrorist group of all time.

Rather than use faulty correlation/causation logic and political hysteria, let’s take a look some real analysis and do a reality check based on facts. According to the George C.Marshall website: “The George C. Marshall Institute was established in 1984 as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation to conduct technical assessments of scientific issues with an impact on public policy.

In every area of public policy, from national defense, to the environment, to the economy, decisions are shaped by developments in and arguments about science and technology. The need for accurate and impartial technical assessments has never been greater. However, even purely scientific appraisals are often politicized and misused by interest groups.

The Marshall Institute seeks to counter this trend by providing policymakers with rigorous, clearly written and unbiased technical analyses on a range of public policy issues. Through briefings to the press, publication programs, speaking tours and public forums, the Institute seeks to preserve the integrity of science and promote scientific literacy.”

So, here is a 31 year old science based organization, indicating that they have a long track record of doing what they say they do. They must be doing something right to be around for so long. They might be a good place to check in to see if O’Malley’s assertion has any validity: “In summary, the climate-security argument is dangerously overstated and designed to serve a domestic political purpose more than filling a void in strategic thinking,” writes Marshall Institute president Jeff Kueter, the author of the study.

Wow, strategic thinkers think O’Malley’s assertion is basically unfounded garbage. How about another strategic analysis firm, the Cato Institute: “It is not until you dig pretty deep into the technical scientific literature, that you find out that the anthropogenic climate change impact on drought conditions in the Fertile Crescent is extremely minimal and tenuous—so much so that it is debatable as to whether it is detectable at all,” according to Chip Knappenberger and Patrick Michaels, climate scientists at the libertarian Cato Institute in a writing of theirs from March 5, 2015.

Now, some readers might claim that these two organizations are not liberal enough in their views and their science is skewed. Fair enough, but until these readers or O’Malley can produce contrary evidence, science-based evidence, to support his point, something he has not done, we will assume that O’Malley is just saying the darndest thing without any valid science supporting his politically biased and likely incorrect position.

3) Sometimes people talking about politicians say the darndest things and we include those quotes also in this series. The one we are using today is from a cable news person operating out of San Diego, Tomi Lahren. In a closing segment recently on her show, she took the President to task relative to the recent murder of four U.S. Marines in Tennessee by a homegrown terrorist. She minces no words and probably shows more courage, honesty, and insight to a real world problem than any politician in Washington, up to and especially including the President has shown, on the whole Middle East/Islamic terrorist crisis:

“Four United States Marines are now dead. Climate change didn’t kill them. Lack of free community college didn’t kill them. The income gap, wage inequality — nope, not those things either. Gay marriage? Nope. Oh, white racism? Not that either. So what did?” Lahren asks before addressing the president. “President Obama, if you won’t say it, I will: Radical Islam.”

One of the darndest and insightful political statements made recently and made by a non-politician. The video of her quotes and excellent lesson in reality can be seen at:

That will do it for today’s darndest political quotes. A Washington politician that has no compassion and basically no heart relative to a murdered innocent young American, a politician whose spouts off a theory without any basis in reality, and a brave young newsperson who says more truth in two minutes than most Washington politicians say in a lifetime.

We will continue this update tomorrow, focusing on some recent Obama quotes which show just how out of touch he is with reality, a bad reality that was almost all of his doing with a little help from others in Washington.

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