Thursday, September 3, 2015

A National Day of Prayer For Law Enforcement Officers, Past, Current and Future

We will take a day off from reviewing the latest insanity from America's political class to provide a prayer for law enforcement officers across the country. As you may or may not know, it seems that it is open season on the lives of police officers across the country. Upwards of nine officers have been intentionally gunned down in the past week or so. 

Reasons for this violence against those that protect us can be debated but two things are clear. Many radical activists in the minority communites across this ocuntry have not been shy about wanting to harass and murder police officers. Second, the President has been despicably silent about this violence and the threat of violence against law enforcement officers across the country. 

When leaders do not provide leadership sometimes the worse of society comes forth since leaders do not step up to tamp down the violence.

Tomorrow, September 4, 2015, churches around the country will open at noon for a National Day of Prayer For Those that Protect and Serve. In other words, they are showing more caring and leadership than the current residence of the White House. 

If you believe that those that serve and protect are brave, vital members of our communities, than please consider offering this prayer tomorrow for their safety and also say a little prayer that somneone, somehow within the political structure of this country find the courage to actually speak out for the safety of these brave men and women.

Dear Heavenly Father, 

We come before you with humbled hearts. We pray Your protection over all our law enforcement as they faithfully serve our communities. We lift up to You the family of Deputy Darren Goforth and all the families of our first responders and our military who have lost loved ones. Comfort them and provide them with Your peace that surpasses understanding in the midst of unimaginable grief. God, we ask for Your healing over our communities. Let us come together and unite in peace and prayer. 

In Your Name, we pray. 


Thank you.

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