Monday, October 22, 2018

October, 2018, Part 2, I Am A Global Warming Doubter and a Believer In Science: Why Politicians and Singers Make Poor Climatologists:

Every month we have enough material to return to a continuing theme in this blog, namely that “I am a global warming doubter AND a believer in science.” This became of interest because of people like Al Gore who fanatically and verbosely claimed that you had to be an idiot to not believe in manmade global warming. It has been my life belief that anyone that is that loud and that obnoxious is hiding something, that rather than argue facts and reality it is better to beat down and insult anyone who disagrees.

As we have dove into the whole issue of manmade global warming, or its new rebranded title of climate change, we found that Al Gore and people like him were guilty of a number of things:
  • Ignoring science and realities that did not support their opinions and positions.
  • Rather than have an adult conversation about climate, these types of advocates like Gore sank to the level of insulting those who dared look at ALL science by calling them a variety of names including racists, homophobes, terrorists, flat earth believers, and other slanderous names.
  • Continuing to insist that politicians step up their intrusions into our lives with higher taxes, more regulations, and more control on our freedoms and standards of living based on a shaky theory at best.
To see the past posts and the multitude of evidence that we have compiled that showed it is perfectly okay to be a global warming doubter and a believer in science, enter the phrase "global warming doubter” in the search box above or go through the monthly historical post listed on the right side of this page.

Thus, let’s see the latest facts and science that prove you can be a global warming doubter and a believer in science, regardless of what Al Gore proclaims.

1) I moved to Florida from New Jersey in 2005, a year after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans. At that time, global warming advocates predicted with robust confidence that we would see constant devastating hurricanes like Katrina and we needed to immediately downsize our living standard and carbon footprint.

However, as with every other global warming prediction, this one also fell flat on its face. From 2004 until Hurricane Irma in 2017, thirteen years, Florida suffered through virtually no substantial hurricanes, never mind devastating hurricanes like Katrina.

But despite that epic failure or prediction, Florida Senator Bill Nelson decided that one bad hurricane, Hurricane Michael, proves that global warming is real: “Yes. The earth is heating up. The hotter water — that extra heat is absorbed primarily by the oceans. That hotter water serves as a fuel for the counterclockwise winds. And that is the phenomenon that is occurring. So here we are in October, the Gulf of Mexico is hot.”

Yes, another politician who thinks they are an expert in climatology. Never mind that the Senator ignores thirteen years of hurricane slumps in his home state and gets all riled when a single hurricane hits the state with a lot of force. Why deal with stats, science, and realities, as a politician in this country you get to say anything you want without thinking.

2) One of the great coups of the global warming cartel was to somehow convince us that diluting gasoline with agriculture ethanol to reduce global warming was a good idea, the so-called Renewable Fuel Standard. Never mind that by diluting gas you get lower gas mileage which requires you to burn more ethanol diluted gas which to some degree defeats the whole idea of reducing the carbon footprint.

And now, according to an article on the Self Reliance Center website, maybe ethanol and gas really do not mix:
  • The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) has been fighting for conservation and wildlife since 1936.
  • Thus, one would believe that these folks are looking out for the good of the Earth.
  • The NWF recently posted a study on their website from the EPA regarding the use of corn and soy based ethanol usage in our gas.
  • The study, the Second Triennial Report, reported that the current process of putting ethanol into the gas supply “is wreaking havoc on wildlife habitat, water resources, and air quality.” 
  • According to David DeGennaro, agriculture policy specialist, National Wildlife Federation: “The Second Triennial Report is a red flag warning us that we need to reconsider the mandate’s scope and its focus on first generation fuels made from food crops. If we do not, then we will continue to see less wildlife and wild land, and more air, water, and climate pollution.” 
  • According to Jonathan Lewis, senior counsel – climate policy, Clean Air Task Force: “The 2018 Triennial Report indicates that the use of biofuels can negatively impact air quality, and that corn ethanol—which has accounted for more than 85 percent of total RFS compliance—is particularly problematic with respect to NOx emissions and ozone formation.” 
  • According to Dr. Tyler Lark, associate researcher, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment, University of Wisconsin-Madison: “By rigorously reviewing the existing data and evidence, this triennial report helps lay to rest some of the tired debate about whether these landscape changes and environmental impacts are occurring, and thus enables more meaningful conversations about how to improve the sustainability of existing biofuel feedstocks, and how to support the development of cleaner, greener next generation fuels, including those from non-food cellulosic feedstocks.” 
  • According to Dr. Kent Hoekman, research professor, emeritus, Desert Research Institute: “New research has improved our understanding of the environmental impacts of ethanol production and use—confirming many of the impacts that the EPA forecasted in its 2011 report. What is clear is that at today’s production level of ethanol in the United States, the costs far outweigh the benefits, and any increase beyond 15 billion gallons per year should be undertaken with extreme caution.” 
So when liberals go after liberals it is fun to watch. At last some liberals finally recognize how a major global warming program is actually more harmful than helpful. How long do you think it will take for liberal politicians to realize the same reality that the NWF realized?

3) But it is not just politicians like Bill Nelson and Al Gore that do not use valid research, or any research, before getting on the global warming bandwagon. A few months ago, Aretha Franklin died. She was one of the greatest singers and entertainers of our times. She was a senior citizen that died from pancreatic cancer. These things happen, it is called life.

But that did not stop another great singer, Stevie Wonder, from somehow tying global warming to Aretha Franklin’s death. Specifically, he blamed those of us who are global warming doubters and believers in science for causing Ms. Franklin’s death from cancer. Even though every global warming forecast has been a bust, turning global warming advocates into hysterical Chicken Littles, it is our fault that she came down with pancreatic cancer.

We have covered many zany global warming claims in the past, e.g. beavers building dams cause global warming, but trying to link a senior citizen’s death from cancer to global warming is so over the top.

That will do it for today: singers and politicians that are still paranoid about the global warming myth and a good liberal organization actually has the courage to go against a bad liberal position.

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