Sunday, November 3, 2019

November, 2019, Part 3,Political Class Insanity: Was Epstein Murdered, Math is Racist In Seattle, and Another $15 Minimum Wage Failure

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) It is our opinion that there is nothing too low, too dastardly that the American political class would not do to protect their power and greed. Which raises an interesting conspiracy theory: is the sudden interest in impeaching Trump for no notable or unlawful offenses just a cover to divert attention away from the Jeffrey Epstein pedophile scandal? Recall that Epstein was the famous pedophile that had been associated with many famous people including Democrats Bill Clinton, George Mitchell, Bill Richardson, and others.

Could it be that Democratic party powers have a lot more to hide and lose relative to pedophile Epstein and needed to get attention off of the suicide/murder of Epstein and that is why this false impeachment scenario is playing out and having the press obsess about it? While attention has been on the impeachment circus, consider some of the latest revelations in the Epstein matter that the mainstream press has basically ignored:
  • According to famous forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden, who sat in and observed Epstein’s autopsy, there is, in his professional opinion, an excellent chance that Epstein was murdered and did not take his own life.
  • In a Fox News interview, he says all of the evidence points to a likely murder.
  • According to the Fox interview: “Baden said the autopsy’s findings were more easily explained by homicidal strangulation, not suicide by hanging. Specifically, the doctor noted that Epstein suffered two fractures on the right and left sides of his throat at his Adam’s apple, and one fracture on a small bone just above his Adam’s apple.”
  • Furthermore: “Those three fractures are extremely unusual in suicidal hangings and could occur much more commonly in homicidal strangulation.” 
  • He said that in his 50 years of experience he had never seen those injuries in a suicide situation.
  • Thus, in his view, the official autopsy report is likely wrong and that Epstein was murdered.
Now, the doctor could be wrong. This rush to impeachment could have nothing to do with Epstein’s death. This conspiracy theory could be totally wrong. But we have seen in this blog many times how the political class will do anything to maintain the status quo and the murder of Epstein, especially since it involves the ultimate political power couple, the Clintons, does give one pause. 

Keep in mind that the embedded powers in Washington, including the Obama administration, the FBI, the CIA, and others in D.C. went to extreme lengths to create and push the Trump/Russia collusion fallacy to protect their own self interests. Two years ago few Americans would have believed that government entities would actually try to usurp a valid Presidential election. You cannot make that statement today. And if they were willing to overturn an election, it is not a stretch to think they would kill a pedophile to protect their interests.

2) In many liberals’ minds everything in the world today is racist. A Betsy Ross flag is racist according to Nike. The New York Times believes that suburban front lawns are racist. The list is endless which leads us to the observation: when everything is racist than nothing is racist. Trying to associate front lawns with the real racism battles that have been fought for equality is just plain stupid. And a disgrace to those brave individuals who stood up and faced real racism over the years and in some cases died for their bravery.

Which brings us to the latest idiocy when it comes to calling everyone and everything racist:
  • According to an article by Warner Todd Huston on October 24, 2019 on the Godfather Politics website, somehow the buffoons running the Seattle public schools have concluded that mathematics is racist.
  • Not that mathematicians are racists, the use of numbers is somehow racist.
  • According to the article: “The Seattle Public School system seems to feel that math is racist and the course needs to have “ethnic studies” added because math is a tool of “racial oppression.”
  • The school system has actually put a committee together to take racism out of math.
  • Apparently, according to the powers to be, there are different math “frameworks” and that the committee wants to eliminate the idea that there is only racist “western” math.
  • In the most ridiculous assertion, the committee claims that math is “subjective” and denies the concept that a math answer could be “right.”
  • Also, the committee somehow found that math is “used to disenfranchise people and communities of color.”
In the real world, two plus two is four, regardless of what version of math you are using. That is the beauty of math, it is precise, it is universal, it is unemotional. To think that 1) there are multiple answers to two plus two and 2) that somehow answer to two plus two is not necessarily four is ridiculous beyond belief. 

There are one and/or two processes at work here. Educators have nothing better to do than come up with this nonsense rather than become better teachers or that this is part of a bigger, Orwellian plot where both language and math is corrupted and usurped to serve those in power. I do not know the true reason for this nonsense but it is nothing but nonsense and a waste of time and taxpayer resources. It diverts attention from the failure of government controlled education to actually educate our kids.

When everything is racist, including math, then nothing is racist.

3) We have often pointed out the idiocy of having politicians force higher and higher minimum wages onto the marketplace. In all cases, the people that higher and higher minimum wages are supposed to help, the lower earning workers in the economy, the worse and worse the economic plight of those very people becomes.

Businesses only have a fixed amount of money they can use to operate their businesses. So when a government entity forces them to spend that limited amount of money on higher and higher wages, other parts of a business suffer. Often that means that businesses have to cut expenses and often the expenses they cut are their labor costs.This results in the cruel reality: the good news is that your hourly pay rate went up, the bad news is that you no longer have a job because I had to cut labor expenses.

We have seen this reality happen across the country whenever politicians mandate higher and higher minimum wages. And it recently happened at the Target department store chain where higher wages actually made workers worse off economically:
  • According to Bradley Cortright, writing for the Independent Journal Review, Target announced in 2017 that it would raise the minimum wage paid to its employees to $15 an hour by the end of 2020.
  • At that time, the move drew praise from liberals and labor organizers across the country.
  • But according to a report by CNN Business, things are not going well for Target employees despite the higher wages.
  • While wages at Target have been going up, the number of hours Target is giving employees to work has been going down, offsetting the higher wage rate per hour.
  • In many cases, employees are taking home less in their paychecks despite being paid higher per hour wage rates.
  • CNN Business found one Target employee who was paid more than before but her hours had been cut in half: “An employee named Heather told the news outlet that she used to work around 40 hours a week, and since the rate hike was announced her work week has been cut in half. I got that dollar raise but I’m getting $200 less in my paycheck.”
  • All of the employees interviewed by CNN Business said their working hours had been cut back significantly over the past year.
  • This in turn has caused them to lose their Target funded health insurance since they have to work over 30 hours a week to qualify.
  • The company has totally eliminated some backroom/inventory positions and has installed self-service kiosks where customers can check themselves out without the help of a human working a cash register.
  • But none of this should come as a surprise since back in 2014 the former head of Starbucks, Howard Schultz, warned of unintended consequences of a $15 minimum wage.
  • Heidi Shierholz, who was the chief economist at the Labor Department during the Obama Administration, said the drive for a $15 minimum wage was not always a good thing:, “Most workers aren’t getting any more of what they really need.”
And despite the warnings of economists and savvy business owners, despite the real life experiences of raising the minimum wage level too fast in Seattle and other places, liberal politicians continue to pander to the American people on what a great idea a $15 minimum wage is. They never tell those most affected by such policies, those in the lower income brackets, that while their wage rate will go up, the availability of jobs and the availability of working hours is likely to go down, along with their benefits, almost always resulting in a lower living standard.

Today’s insanity told us that: maybe impeachment is a diversion from the real reason and politically dangerous reason how and why Epstein died, liberals in Seattle have completely gone off the deep end thinking that mathematics is racist, and more examples why politicians who want to raise the minimum wage either are too stupid to understand basic economics or are too dishonest to tell voters what will happen if that rate is raised, i.e. they will be poorer.

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