Saturday, November 2, 2019

November,2019, Part 2, Political Class Insanity: Hypocrisy, Stupidity, and Congressional Sexual Threesomes

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) One of the worst human characteristic to have in my opinion is hypocrisy. It involves lying, dishonesty, and the denial of reality. Hypocrisy is never in short supply when it comes to the American political class where they always want to tell/command us what to do but often want that advice or order to not apply to them. This eventually results in a top down government culture and the loss of individual freedoms.

Democratic Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren displayed this sin recently:
  • According to a recent article on the Freedom Outpost website, Warren promised to “crack down” on school choice to help public schools keep more of the taxpayer wealth that now goes to private schools.
  • Many parents turn to private schools, charter schools and other alternative schools because the public school processes in this country do a horrible job educating our kids.
  • For the most part, these alternative schools do a much better job at education than government controlled public schools.
  • And yet Warren’s son went to an elite private school, bypassing the public school education option.
  • Thus, it is okay for her to seek and get the best education option for her kid but it is not okay for ordinary Americans to do the same.
  • And many times school choice options help lower income and minority kids to get a better education since they often live in the poorest performing school districts.
  • In Warren’s own, hypocritical words: “To keep our traditional public school systems strong, we must resist efforts to divert public funds out of traditional public schools.”
But in the denial of reality, our public schools in general are not strong and thus, Warren misses the entire reality of the situation.

If she and other members of the political class would fix the public school problem, there would be no need or desire for private or charter schools or other alternative education options. But she misses the root cause of alternative schools and would rather maintain the status quo: lack of choice, inferior education of our kids, less freedom, and most importantly, the political support and financial resources of teacher unions.

2) Sometimes you just shake your head and try to logic through what a politician was thinking when he or she comes up with a stupid idea. This recently happened with some proposed legislation in the state government in New York state:
  • According to a recent article on the Godfather Politics website, there is a proposed law being debated in the New York state legislature that would give convicts the right to vote.
  • These are not ex-convicts that have served their sentences, these are currently jailed criminals.
  • Democratic state senator Kevin Parker is proposing the law: “If an incarcerated individual can be counted as a whole person in the census, then why can’t their vote be counted in an election?” 
  • A convict would be allowed to vote in the voting district he or she lived in prior to going to prison even though that criminal would likely no longer live in that district….because they were in prison.
  • Thus, someone who no longer lived in the voting district would be able to decide what happens in that district.
Such idiocy. Think about it: someone commits and is found guilty of a mass murder. This murderer would still be able to vote even though the many people he killed would no longer be able to vote because they were dead. Commit a crime and there should be consequences, including the forfeiture of voting rights until society says that person has served their time.

The good news is that even some Democrats see what an insane idea is: “If an individual has committed a crime and is incarcerated, they have lost the right to vote. They should serve their sentence and not be allowed to exercise a right they once held,” Long Island Democratic Sen. Monica Martinez said.

Oh, by the way, it may not be good will why this bill is being proposed. Given that studies show that 60% of locked up criminals lean Democrat, the cynic in me suspects that this has nothing to do with voting rights but with getting more votes to skew election results.

Maybe if current politicians worried more about failing public schools, widespread drug addiction, homeless and hungry citizens, etc. rather than this nonsense, life would be better for a lot more, law abiding citizens.

3) One would hope that the leaders of a nation have some kind of decent moral code. That they lead by example and represent what a nation is all about. In addition, you do not want a leader to be subject to blackmail possibilities because of their less than stellar behavior.

But that is very often not the case with American politicians as we see with this latest example of political behavior:
  • California Congresswoman Katie Hill recently announced her resignation from Congress due primarily to an affair she had with a young female staffer.
  • Apparently her affair with this female staffer also included threesome sex romps with the staffer and Hill’s husband.
  • Her resignation was also moved along with the publication of nude photos showing her engaged in sexual activity and drug use.
  • Thus, she has taken the trust of her constituents and thrown it all away while in the process of subjecting herself to possible blackmail possibilities if someone of lesser repute had gotten hold of those photos.
  • But in true, juvenile style of American politicians, it was not her fault since according to Hill: “This is what needs to happen so that the good people who supported me will no longer be subjected to the pain inflicted by my abusive husband and the brutality of hateful political operatives who seem to happily provide a platform to a monster who is driving a smear campaign built around cyber exploitation.’
Look, what consenting adults are doing in their own private moments is of no concern to me. But this is a member of Congress we are talking about, a person with tremendous influence and power over the affairs of the country and all Americans. Use some common sense and do not be so stupid as to open yourself to the possibility of blackmail and embarrassment. 

Stupid Congress person, stupid voting ideas, and blatant hypocrisy, the American political class never ceases to surprise and disappoint when it comes to stupid.

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