Tuesday, April 21, 2020

April, 2020, Part 7, Political Class Insanity: A Senator Lies, A Mayor Hates, and A Congressman Is Useless In Time Of Crisis

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) Obviously, the country is going through some rough times caused by the Chinese coronavirus crisis. Initially, shortages of ventilators, masks, and other supplies were widespread across the country. But various efforts by various government and private sources have helped narrow if not close the supply shortages.

One of the major perceived shortages initially in the crisis was for breathing ventilators in New York city, a city that has been, by far, the worst hit region in the country, accounting for about a third of all cases and deaths. New York politicians realized early on that they probably did not have enough ventilators if things went really bad and asked the Federal government for help in getting more ventilators.

The request resulted in more ventilators being shipped to New York City to relieve the shortfall, many of these ventilators ended unneeded and in storage, and after the virus started to subside in NYC, New York politicians shipped 100 unused ventilators to New Jersey and another 150 unused ventilators to other states where they actually were needed. Bottom line, according to experts in the Trump organization, no one who caught the coronavirus did not have access to a ventilator if they needed one.

But this reality and timeline did not stop Washington Senator Tammy Duckworth from putting out a major falsehood about Trump and ventilators: “As he watches Americans die by the thousands, Trump remains incapable of showing empathy or leadership. He *could* have saved lives by sending more ventilators, but he didn’t. That’s true regardless of who Donald ‘I don’t take responsibility at all’ Trump tries to blame.”

Total tripe. If New York was in such dire needs for more ventilators then why did they ship 100 ventilators to New Jersey and another 150 to other states? Of course, Duckworth provided no proof to her lie, just blather to not only disparage Trump but adding nothing to the solution for the bigger problem.

Three people with knowledge of the situation proved that she was lying:
  • During a White House Coronavirus Task Force press briefing this week, Adam Boehler, a former HHS official who is now CEO of the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation and who has been tapped to help with the coronavirus response, said, “There’s been no American that has needed a ventilator that has not received one.”
  • Even the governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, stated that Duckworth was lying: “Have we saved everyone? No. But have we lost anyone because we didn’t have a bed, or we didn’t have a ventilator, or we didn’t have health care staff? No. People we lost are the people we couldn’t save.”
  • White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx said that there was no evidence that there were any shortages of ventilators around the U.S. “We were reassured after meeting with colleagues in New York there are still ICU beds remaining and there’s still significant, over a thousand or 2,000 ventilators that have not been used yet.”
Never let the truth get in the way of Washington politicians playing politics.

2) In a sane and perfect world, politicians would actually be leaders, uniters, and not political and vengeful hacks. Unfortunately, we don't live in that kind of world. This reality was recently driven home by a hateful, vindictive politician out in California:
  • William Kirby was the mayor of Auburn, California until recently.
  • He is now out of a job after residents were appalled when he posted some very hateful messages about citizens on social media.
  • On social media he compared Trump supporters to be like members of the racist Ku Klux Klan even though many of his constituents were Trump supporters.
  • Rightfully so, he came under attack for being such a hateful, loathsome public official and ended up rightfully resigning his post as mayor.
  • One of his most hateful posts is when he posted a photo of a hooded KKK member with the caption: “Good news for Trump supporters is that most of them already have masks."
  • But his most hateful post went as follows: “If Hitler and everyone who supported him was removed from the face of the earth in 1939 the world would be a much better place. The same is more true of Trump and his supporters today.”
  • This is a public official who is supposed to respect and protect the rights, lives, and property of all of his constituents, not wish about half of them to die.
Tough not to live in a hate filled country when many of those in public office are leading the hate brigade.

3) Let’s stay with hate for another incident:
  • According to the Washington Examiner, Democrat Congressman Harley Rouda of California recently verbally attacked his Republican challenger.
  • His challenger is Orange County Supervisor Michelle Steele.
  • Roud’s words: “You can’t make this up: @MichelleSteelCA and her colleagues are standing in masks…refusing to create workplace safety provisions that would give masks to our brave essential workers. This isn’t leadership — it’s reserving the lifeboat for yourself.” 
  • Apparently, Mr. Rouda did not understand the reality of the situation and just went off on a political falsehood since Steele had to set him straight: “No, @HarleyRouda What’s shameful is your continued efforts to politicize this pandemic. This is a picture of me accepting 2,000 face masks for the county’s emergency health workers.”
So, Steele is 1) doing her job and getting medical supplies to the workers she supports and 2) she is taking the necessary pandemic precautions as laid out by the CDC by wearing a mask during the pandemic.

And somehow Rouda had to politicize all of her behavior for cheap headlines under false pretenses. 

More despicable behavior and lack of leadership in a time of crisis. By the way Mr. Rouda, if you want to talk about leadership, how about you call your boss, Nancy Pelosi, and have you and her and the rest of Congress get off your vacations and back to Washington and actually do something productive?

A Senator lies, a mayor hates, and a Congressman looks for cheap publicity in the midst of a crisis, which he is doing nothing to help resolve while on vacation. The insanity and pettiness that dominates American politicians today.

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