Friday, April 10, 2020

April, 2020, Part 2, Political Class Insanity: Biden Is Still Clueless, The Mayor of Chicago Is Both Vain and Dangerous, and Pelosi's Priorities Are Still Repugnant

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) Over the past few months we have many times pointed out the stupid, inane, and sad things that Joe Biden has said on the campaign trail. He wants to be President of the United States and yet he forgets facts, he makes up facts, he forgets where he is, he makes up false histories, etc. 

It is very sad on two counts: first, he certainly appears to be having some serious cognitive problems and to prop him up and parade him around with these problems getting worse and worse is a form of elder abuse. Second, there is no way, given his recent incoherent and often antagonistic behavior, that he is fit or capable of being President.

Three of his better insane comments from recent appearances:
  • In South Carolina Biden claimed that he had personally negotiated the Paris Climate Agreement with Chinese Premier Deng Xiaoping.
  • Unfortunately, Deng had been dead for 23 years when the Paris Climate Agreement came about.
  • Specifically, “I’m the guy that came back after meeting with Deng Xiaoping and making the case that I believe China would join if we put pressure on them.” 
  • At the same gathering, Biden put forth the following statement regarding gun control: “Who in God’s name needs a hundred rounds in a bullet, in a clip, with a gun you have?”
  • I have no idea what that means as does every other human being.
  • But he wasn’t done with his incoherence: “Where I come from, you don’t get far unless you ask. My name’s Joe Biden. I’m a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate. Look me over. If you like what you see, help out. If not, vote for the other Biden.” 
  • Again, huh? He is running for the Presidency not the Senate and who is the “other” Biden?
Scary that this person has gotten this close to actually being a candidate for President. 

2) We have often pointed out how societal norms and laws seem to be requirements for most of us but merely suggestions for the American politician. We all go to jail for insider trading but as we have pointed out over the years, American politicians get rich off of insider trading with the knowledge of secret government information but never go to jail. Recently, New York Mayor de Blasio decided that it was okay for him to go to the gym in the midst of the coronavirus crisis even though his administration had cut off gym access for every one of his constituents.

And this privilege gene was again on display recently in Chicago:
  • Despite having placed a “safer at home” edict on the Chicago city residents, the mayor decided that she really needed to look her best for the news cameras.
  • Thus, even though her orders had shut down beauty parlors across Chicago for ordinary folks, she exempted herself from her own order to go to a beauty parlor and get her hair cut.
  • Even worse, pictures that arose out of her violation of the safer at home order showed that no masks were used to minimize the chance of infection of herself and those with her when she got a haircut.
  • She tried to justify her actions and really just dug a deeper hole for herself: “I’m in the public every day. And candidly, my hair was not looking the way it did. I thought maybe I’d do it myself, but I knew that would be disaster.”
  • In other words, I should look good but the hell with the rest of you.
  • She then, like a good politician, tried to change the topic: “But I think what really people want to talk about is, we’re talking about people dying here. We’re talking about significant health disparities. I think that’s what people care most about.”
This is a prime example of what true leadership DOES NOT look like. Pompous condescending, arrogant, and insulting, those words do not begin to capture the hypocrisy that is the American political class.

3) We have touched on this subject before but let’s revisit it again with more data. Nancy Pelosi showed her disregard and basic non-caring attitude regarding Americans suffering from the coronavirus crisis by holding up and then holding hostage the economic stimulus legislation that was so badly needed to support American families and business. 

Rather than put together a clean bill with no frills and wasteful spending in order to get the stimulus going as fast as possible, she roadblocked the legislation until she got her wasteful and useless priorities in the bill. Priorities that had nothing to do with the healthcare and economic crises facing Americans.

It is now coming out what BS went into and what delayed the aid to Americans in need:
  • $10.8 billion for African agencies, agencies that have nothing to do with Americans in need.
  • $25 million for the Kennedy Center in Washington DC so that Washington politicians could still go to the opera and plays even though the board of directors of the Center consists of very rich people that could have easily coughed up the $25 million for a priority that had nothing to do with Americans in need. [Note: despite getting $25 million in free taxpayer money the Center still fired all of its employees making the job situation in America even worse.]
  • Sunscreen manufacturers are mentioned 49 times in the legislation and also got a boatload of money which had nothing to do with Americans in need.
  • Pelosi made sure that she and her House of Representative friends got something out of the bill with an additional $25 million going to them for salaries and other expenses.
  • The Post Office also got bailout money because they cannot run a profitable delivery business like UPS and FedEx does, a bailout that has nothing to do with Americans in need.
I am sure there are dozens if not hundreds of other things that Pelosi forced into the legislation, holding it hostage and delaying relief to millions of Americans. Her priorities and attitude are despicable, repugnant, and evil.

So, in summary: Biden is clueless, the mayor of Chicago is vain and a danger to others, and Pelosi is, as we just said, despicable, repugnant, and evil. Insanity all around.

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