Saturday, May 2, 2020

By The Numbers: How Far The Journalism Professional Has Fallen From a Truth And Integrity Perspective - The Tara Reade Story

On a periodic basis we do some posts that fall under the theme of “by the numbers.” Rather than trust what the American political tells us about reality, we like to examine the real numbers and the real reality in the world to understand what is actually going on. Relying on politicians, and their cohorts in the media, to tell us what is reality is always a sucker bet. They have their own agendas and goals, usually centering around their needs and self-enrichment. So we need to look at the reality of the numbers to determine what is really going on.

Previous analyses of “by the numbers” can be accessed by entering the phrase in the search box above. This is the third and final post this month where we look at the numbers to truly find out how good, not likely, or bad, most likely, the American political class is doing in managing our tax dollars, protecting our freedoms, and resolving major issues that affect all of us. 

It has always been our position and opinion that an unbiased, aggressive, and truthful news industry is critical to freedom and democracy. A news and journalism industry with integrity and smarts allows the public to be educated in an unbiased way in order to make the correct decisions at voting time and also keep politicians and government employees in line from a corruption perspective.

Unfortunately, that is not the case with journalism and news reporting in this country today. Rather than be in integrity and report news and happenings in an unbiased, and straightforward, honest manner, news media sources and organizations today have decided that they want or do not want to support certain political entities and government institutions. As a result, their reporting is biased, incomplete, deviously deceptive, and a disgrace.

No where has this disregard for truth and integrity been more obvious than the recent news about a woman named Tara Reade. Ms. Reade has come forward, with some pretty good evidence, that Presidential candidate Joe Biden brutally sexually assaulted her many, many years ago when he was a Senator. 

When these types of accusations were leveled at then Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the left leaning news outlets in this country went into a detailed feeding frenzy about how the, now discredited, women had accused Kavanaugh of similar actions. The news was biased and unfair and basically assumed that Kavanaugh was guilty of heinous actions before the facts and discussion had even started, before he could even speak up in his defense.

And of course, Democrats were more than happy to get into the act in order to attack and undermine their mortal enemy, President Trump. Never mind facts, never mind that all of the women coming forth to accuse Kavanaugh had little if any evidence to prove their accusations, the press and Democrats attacked an innocent man with a vengeance that was unfair and unwarranted, using unfounded sexual accusations as justification.

But Tara Reade comes along and makes the same accusations that Kavanaugh had to endure against a major Democrat, Joe Biden. If the world was just and the left leaning media and Democrats were unbiased and within integrity, then we should expect a media storm assuming that Biden was guilty of heinous acts against Ms. Reade and then make Biden prove that Reade is a liar, much like they did with the Kavanaugh accusations. But as the numbers show, as of a week ago, the hypocrisy of the press and Democrats is unbelievable:
  • The Media Research Center has put together some numbers on the coverage of the Tara Reade accusations.
  • A month after the accusations came to light, ABC News and NBC News spent a combined total of 0 minutes covering the story.
  • CBS News had spent 63 second covering the story.
  • PBS had given it 7 minutes of coverage.
  • MSNBC spent only 4 minutes on the story.
  • CNN spent 0 minutes on the coverage until the MRC posted CNN’s own video from 1993 which seemed to validate Reade’s accusation, 31 days after the Reade accusations became public.
  • And it was not like the networks and news organizations could not ask Biden about the accusations since Biden recently did interviews on ABC, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC.
  • But of the 77 questions he was asked during these interviews by all of these news organizations, not a single question pertained to Ms. Reade.
  • They ignored the issue even though a Larry King clip from his CNN show seemed to capture a call in from Ms. Reade’s mom discussing the alleged assault by Biden.
  • And CNN still did not address the scandal.
  • Thus, during the month since Ms. Ready made her accusations public, the major news organizations across the country spent a total of 27 minutes addressing the accusations.
  • CNN scheduled three get togethers with Biden and during those three interviews asked him 33 questions, none of which had to do with Reade.
  • MSNBC interviews with Biden asked him 22 questions none of which involved Ms. Reade.
  • So let’s do the math: 6 major news organizations (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN,MSNBC, and PBS) times 30 days times 24 hours a day equals 4,320 hours of news broadcasting time.
  • 27 minutes on the accusations results in the major news outlets spending .01% of their broadcast time covering a major sex scandal involving a Presidential candidate. 
  • In a surprising change of attitude, the usually left biased New York Time actually did a story on her accusations, discussing in great detail the accusation that Biden “pinned her to a wall in a Senate building, reached under her clothing and penetrated her with his fingers.”
  • And it was not just news entities that refused to acknowledge the accusations since during a 24 minute interview on The Late Late Show, Biden was asked 0 questions on the Reade accusations. 
  • Compare this hypocritical paltry coverage to the coverage of the unfounded sex accusations against Kavanaugh.
  • Within 12 days of the accusations arising about Kavanaugh, ABC, NBC and CBS devoted six hours to the unsubstantiated accusations.
  • These six hours do not include the coverage that CNN, MSNBC, and PBS devoted to the Kavanaugh issue.
  • So in 12 days, just the three networks, ABC, NBC,and CBS, used up six HOURS of coverage while in the first 30 days of the Reade accusations, these networks plus CNN, MSNBC, and PBS devoted only 24 MINUTES to the coverage.
  • During the Kavanaugh circus, the networks and others on the left kept putting forth the mantra, “believe all women,” regardless if there is any proof to the allegations.
  • During the Reade accusations, the same news organizations have more or less “ignored all women,” namely Tara Reade.
You get the point: the biased coverage of both situations, the over coverage of the Kavanaugh situation and the under coverage of the Tara Reade situation shows in stark contrast how far the journalism profession and the news entities in this country have fallen from the high journalistic standards of the four “Cs”: context, correctness, clarity, and communication. This is just the most obvious example where journalists today are not only failing their industry but failing the country, refusing or unable to provide unbiasedness, truth and integrity in their reporting. 

And as a free people, we are far worse off. We have survived bad leaders, inept and corrupt politicians, stupid government programs. I'm not sure we can survive as a free country when the main bastion against tyranny, a free, unbiased press no longer exists. The numbers don't lie.

Note: since the MRC article containing the above analysis was published, a few of the news entities have devoted more time to the accusations, probably not because they wanted to but because the issue, the elephant in the room, became too large to ignore any longer.

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