Monday, May 11, 2020

May, 2020, Part 5, Political Class Insanity: The Sad, Sad Decline Of Joe Biden and How Dangerous That Is For The Country

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

Today’s insanity is completely attributed to Joe Biden. As we have said in the past, everyone stumbles over their words once in a while, saying stuff that they did not mean. However, Biden has made an art of saying insane, stupid, and inappropriate things at inappropriate times. 

We have also said we feel sorry for him. Given his cognitive decline due to whatever causes, the fact that Democratic Party powers continue to put him up front in their bid to take over the White House is a form of elder abuse. It is our non-medical opinion, based on experiences with our family, that he needs medical help and support and to put him out there continuously where he constantly makes a fool of himself is sad and despicable.

1) There is little doubt that the leaders of the Palestinian government will not rest until Israel is wiped off the face of the Earth. In the past couple of years we have seen them divert humanitarian aid from their own people to make underground tunnels that they had hoped to use to invade Israel and bring death and destruction to Israelis. We have seen them launch extensive fire bombing attacks to try to burn Israel to the ground. Any rational person can see that the future of Israel and the health of its citizens is under attack by the Palestinian leadership and terror groups.

But apparently none of that bothers Biden:
  • Speaking to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency recently, Biden promised that if elected president, he would start sending financial aid to the Palestinians.
  • This would reverse a Trump policy which correctly identified the Palestinian leadership as terrorists and cut off aid, aid that was used to attack Israel.
  • Specifically: “A priority now for the cause of Israeli-Palestinian peace should be resuming our dialogue with the Palestinians and pressing Israel not to take actions that make a two-state solution impossible. I will reopen the U.S. consulate in East Jerusalem, find a way to reopen the PLO’s diplomatic mission in Washington, and resume the decades-long economic and security assistance efforts to the Palestinians that the Trump Administration stopped.”
  • These funds were withheld under the Taylor Force Act, named after a U.S. citizen that was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist in March, 2016.
  • But Biden’s distaste for Israel goes back decades including the time he threatened to cut off aid to Israel if they keep building settlements.
Even if you agree with Biden, consider this reality: Millions of Americans have lost their jobs as a result of the coronavirus crisis, millions of Americans are homeless, hungry or drug addicted in this country, millions of American kids go to substandard schools, etc. But Biden would rather send U.S. taxpayer wealth to a terror organization halfway around the world than use that money to help Americans in need. Insane.

2) And it is not like Biden has a huge success record in foreign affairs, be it in the Middle East or elsewhere:
  • Robert Gates was a Secretary of Defense during the Obama/Biden years.
  • In a recent TV interview Gates said that while Biden was a nice guy, he was usually wrong when it came to foreign policy.
  • When asked if Biden would be a good President, he said “I don't know,” hardly a ringing endorsement from a fellow Obama administration peer.
  • In fact, he said Biden has been wrong for decades in the foreign affairs arena.
  • The best he could offer is that he knew he could lean on Biden if he was experiencing a personal crisis, hardly a trait critical to managing foreign policy.
A weak assessment of a former peer, not one to build confidence for a Presidency.

3) We have often pointed out how important a free press and journalistic integrity is in a democracy. A free, aggressive, and unbiased press is critical to protect our liberties and expose corruption of all sorts by those in power.

Unfortunately, those in the journalism profession today for the most part have lost their integrity, unbiasedness, and morals when it comes to truthful reporting. They are almost always slanting the truth, distorting reality, ignoring facts that run counter to their personal or corporate positions, and generally propagating fake news, be it for career advancement or TV ratings.

This unfortunate and dangerous trend was recently demonstrated by a leader within the journalism industry in this country:
  • Politico is an online news source that has a long history of favoring liberals and Democrats regardless of the need to be unbiased.
  • This observation was further confirmed when Politico founder, Martin Tolchin, recently proclaimed in a letter to the New York Times that the sexual accusation of Tara Reade against Joe Biden needs to be ignored since it may endanger Biden’s run for the Presidency.
  • This position was taken despite liberals and Democrats view during the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearings that the very same type of charges need to be thoroughly investigated, that Kavanaugh should be held guilty until he proves his innocence, in the light of what turned out to be false and fairy tale accusations of sexual assault.
  • Rather than not be a liberal hypocrite, he said he wants the Reade charges totally ignored in order to support a “coronation” of Joe Biden as President.
  • He goes so far to say that Biden would never be a great President, that he would be “good enough.”
  • As long as Trump was not reelected, Tolchin, is fine with a subpar President (Biden) even if it means being a hypocrite to the nth degree and ignoring Tara Reade’s very credible sexual assault accusations.
The hypocrisy is unbelievable. Screw the potential reality that a woman was sexually assaulted, we need to throw out our principles in order to prevent a Trump election win. You know for sure that if Reade had accused Trump, Tolchin would be one of the first people in line calling for an extensive investigation of that accusation. 

But Reade’s alleged experience is so inconvenient for liberals like him, that he is willing to throw away the precedent people like him set with Kavanaugh for purely political reasons. Certainly a lack of morals, integrity, and unbiasedness, all of which is the pervading mindset in the news and journalism industry today.

4) To add to the untold number of other gaffes and missteps he has taken over the past few months, consider what Biden said during a recent interview regarding America's place in the world: “I would get much more engaged in the world, we can’t step back. If in fact, for example, we solve the problem in the United States of America and you don’t solve it in other parts of the world, you know what’s going to happen? You’re going to have travel bans, you’re going to not be able to do, have economic intercourse [my emphasis] around the world. There’s a lot, look, when America goes alone, when America is first, it’s America alone.”

In total, the statement is kind of garbled and says nothing. But what in the world is “economic intercourse?” Again, an occasional misspeak is only human. But he continues to misspeak in just about every interview with “economic intercourse” either a Freudian slip or a concept that no one in the world knows what he is talking about, probably including himself.

5) See if you can figure out his response when during a CBS interview he was asked if his son’s dealing with China would be dangerous to his campaign: "My son's business dealings [in China] were not anything what everybody that he's talking about, not even remotely, number one." Huh? Nonsensical.

6) One last Biden bit for today and this one is quite sad, it reinforces our opinion that putting him up in front of the press and the country is a form of elder abuse. During a recent morning interview on MSNBC by Mika Brzezinski, he was asked about Tara Reade’s accusations that he digitally penetrated her when she worked in his Senate office and whether he would release any of his government records to see if there was any validity to her claims:
  • Brzezinski asked: “Are you certain there was nothing about Tara Reade in those records? … Why not approve a search of her name in those records?” 
  • Biden said that there is nothing in those records and that they did not contain personnel files.
  • She then asked if Biden would allow a much more focused and narrow search of the records, searching only for Reade’s name to which he replied…. Nothing, simply 15 seconds of silent, dead air in which he looked confused, befuddled and totally out of touch with reality.
It was a sad, sad sight, an elderly man being put on the spot with a fair question and he completely loses any sense where he was or what to say. The exchange can be viewed at the following link:

It is so sad that his cognitive abilities have deteriorated so much, that he has trouble forming coherent sentences and responding to quite straightforward questions. That he has reacted violently and aggressively to those that have a different opinion than his. 

And again, it is a form of elder abuse to keep putting him through the ringer of running for President. He should be getting help and support to get him through his troubles, not paraded around as a placeholder because liberals hate Trump so much.

But I don't want someone in the White House who is as clueless and out of touch as Biden has presented himself to be regardless of what I think of Trump. Biden is too dangerous to be President and make Presidential decisions or be President and have unknown sources behind the scenes make decisions for him, not accountable to the American voter.

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