Sunday, June 21, 2020

A Libertarian View On Today's World and What To Do About It

[Note: the first three paragraphs of this post comes from a Facebook post of a friend but I do not know where she got it so apologies for not crediting the person who originally penned these words.]

I’m sick of COVID-19. I’m sick of black vs. white. I’m sick of Democrats vs. Republicans. I’m sick of gay vs. straight. I’m sick of Christians vs atheists. I’m REALLY sick of the media. I’m sick of no one being allowed to think what they want and feel what they do without offending someone. I am sick of the nosy ass people who call the cops when anyone does anything they don’t approve of. I am sick of blaming the whole for the sins of a few.

We’re one race—the human race. You want to support President Trump? You do you. It’s your choice. You want to support Biden? Fine... also your choice! You want to believe in God? Okay, believe in God. You want to believe in magical creatures that fly around and sprinkle fairy dust to make life better? Awesome... you do you.

BUT stop thrusting your beliefs on others and not being able to deal with the fact that they don’t have the same exact mind-set as you. Having our own minds is what makes us all individual and beautiful. If you can’t handle the fact that you may have a friend that has opposing views as you, then you are not any better than the bigots and the racists. I don’t have to agree with everything you believe to be a decent human being and your friend.

Remember, those trying to take away our liberties and freedoms are not our neighbors, our co-workers, our friends or family members. It is the political class in this country and their cohorts in the biased media and journalism industry. Their strategy is to divide us, make us fight among ourselves while they reap the rewards of public office where getting reelected over and over is more important than ever resolving any issue facing the country.

People have different views, that is human nature. But people should be able to come together in a civil, adult, mature manner to resolve problems, not change someone else's view. But civil, adult and mature is anathema to politicians' overall selfish aims of greed, power and ego. They are the root cause of the problems in this country, not your neighbor's differing political views. 

Never forget the words of George Orwell in his novel, 1984: "The propagandist's purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human." Adult and civil conversation and problem resolution is not possible if we allow the media and the political class to make us think those with differing views are somehow not human and not worthy.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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