Saturday, June 6, 2020

June, 2020, Part 2, Political Class Insanity: The Incoherence and Racism Of Joe Biden and The Hypocrisy Of Gretchen Whitmer

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) One of the constant attacks on Trump is that he is a racist. Although he was never proclaimed a racist during his long time in the public eye before running for President, all of a sudden he became one in liberal eyes once he ran for elected office. I am not saying he isn’t a racist, I just find it too much of a coincidence that he suddenly became one when he became a foe of Democrats and liberals in this country.

Which is where the hypocrisy comes in. Joe Biden is the Democratic candidate for President this time around. And his history of racism and racist thoughts and words overwhelms the history of Trump's so-called racism:
  • Recently Biden basically called every African-American who votes for Trump over him stupid, you “ain’t black” if you vote for Trump.
  • In 1977 he openly worried that his kids would grow up in a “racial jungle if desegregation is not done in an orderly way.”
  • In 2006 he told a crowd that “You have to have a slight Indian accent to work at a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts.”
  • In 2007 he called Obama the first “‘mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.
If you think Trump is a racist and you vote for Biden, then the hypocrisy of yourself and the Democratic Party is worthy of note. Unfortunately, one or the other is likely to be the next President of the United States and the illusion or the reality of racism will continue to exist in D.C.

2) We have often stated in this blog that we feel really sorry for Biden. It is obvious his cognitive abilities are slipping away dramatically. Often he does not know where he is, what he is saying, or has any ability to focus on an interviewer’s question of the topic at hand, etc. He needs medical support and help and for his family and his political peers to subject him to the rigors and embarrassment of running for office is a form of elder abuse.

However, if his family and political cohorts continue to parade him around, then we will continue to point out how out of touch and incoherent he continues to be. Consider the following quote of his in a recent interview: “We cannot let this, we’ve never allowed any crisis from the Civil War straight through to the pandemic of 17, all the way around, 16, we have never, never let our democracy sakes second fiddle, way they, we can both have a democracy and … correct the public health.”

I dare any human being to describe and explain what this quote means in any sane manner. He needs to retire and get the rest and elder care he deserves, not continue to embarrass himself and tarnish whatever reputation he still has. He is not capable of leading the country if the above incoherent statement is any measure of his mental acuity.

3) We have previously discussed the incredible hypocrisy that American politicians have shown during the coronavirus lock downs that many of them imposed on their citizens but which they blatantly ignored for their own vanity:
  • The mayor of Beaumont, Texas ordered her citizens to stay at home to prevent the spread of the virus but forced her hair salon to open so that she could get her nails done, something that was forbidden under her stay at home edict.
  • The mayor of Chicago ordered her hair salon to open so that she could get her hair done, something that was forbidden for her citizens under her stay at home order.
  • The mayor of New York City ordered his gym to open and took a stroll in a city park with his wife, both actions of which were forbidden under his stay at home order.
  • The governor of Illinois sent his wife and family out of state to avoid his stay at home order, traveling that was forbidden for the citizens of his state.
  • And the husband of the governor of Michigan tried to get his marina to put his boat into water so that he could take a Memorial Day boat ride, something that was forbidden by the stay at home order of his wife, the governor.
The hypocrisy and gall of all of these, and other politicians, is unbelievable with their “do as I say, not as I do” condescending attitudes.

But the governor of Michigan took it a step further, even outdoing the blatant disregard for her stay at home order of her husband, in a recent action:
  • As most people know, George Floyd of Minnesota, was an African-American man who was basically murdered in a horrible incident of police brutality.
  • His murder has resulted in righteous outrage at the police brutality and civil rights marches across the country.
  • The Michigan governor, Gretchen Whitmer, has participated in at least one of these marches in her home state.
  • As a result, she has systematically violated her own social distancing edict, i.e. stay six feet away from everyone else, that she forced other Michigan residents to abide by.
  • State representative Lynn Afendoulis captured the hypocrisy quite nicely: “Social distancing is critical to stop the spread of COVID-19—unless you have a great photo op. ⁦And control.”
  • Her social distancing edicts were still in effect when she participated in this march.
  • Somehow, a spokesperson for the governor tried to tell the world that the governor had not violated her own order: “The governor took precautions for engaging in an outdoor activity, including wearing a mask even though it is not required outdoors under the order. Nothing in this order shall be taken to abridge protections guaranteed by the state or federal constitution.”
  • Please don't insult our intelligence, as the above photo clearly shows the governor was NOT six feet away from others as she ordered her citizens to be: “Persons may engage in expressive activities protected by the First Amendment within the State of Michigan but must adhere to social distancing measures recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including remaining at least six feet from people from outside the person’s household.”
  • And the additional layer to this hypocrisy is that when ordinary citizens protested the governor’s irrational and draconian restrictions on life and freedom a few months ago, she attacked them for spreading the virus by congregating too closely together and criticizing her actions and edicts: “These protests, they do undermine the effort, and it’s very clearly a political statement that is playing out where people are coming together from across the state, they are congregating, they’re not wearing masks, they are not staying 6 feet apart, and then, they go back home into communities, and the risk of perpetuating the spread of COVID-19 is real,” the governor asserted back in May.
So let me get this right governor: if ordinary citizens want to use their rights as “guaranteed by the state or federal constitution” they are endangering others. If you want to use your rights as “guaranteed by the state or federal constitution” that’s okay. And to add insult to injury within your gross hypocrisy, you want us to believe you did not violate your own six feet distancing order when there are pictures of you walking shoulder to shoulder with other protesters. Insane.

The overwhelming hypocrisy from the Michigan governor continues, Joe Biden’s racism, and Joe Biden's incoherence. Scary times.

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