Wednesday, September 9, 2020

September, 2020, Part 5, Political Class Insanity: Businesses Leaving Chicago, Gun Control Fails Again In California, and More

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) We have recently and often discussed the dire situation that Chicago is in from a quality of life perspective. For years it had led the country in the total number of murders every year but that violence has jumped up this year. In addition, the city has been subjected to some vicious and violent riots that has left many businesses looted, burned down, or robbed.

And apparently Chicago business owners have had enough of the ineptness of the political class to provide a basic, basic government service: protect the lives and property of the city's citizens. The city’s business and property management companies have told the mayor, Lori Lightfoot, that unless she and the city take greater control of the violence and crime they may leave the city behind and take their businesses, and jobs, elsewhere. 

One single night of recent riots and looting cost Chicago business owners $60 million in damages and losses. One night. All because of a wild and totally false rumor about police violence that did not happen. And when businesses leave an area, jobs leave an area, shopping options leave an area and those residents left behind suffer a severe decline in the quality of life. All because the local political class could not provide a basic government service. 

2) New York City has been not too far behind Chicago when it comes to an escalation in crime and violence, a reality we discussed a lot recently. But the mayor, Bill de Blasio, continues to either live in denial or is trying to dress up a pig when it comes to his failure as mayor. 

After the recent Labor Day weekend, de Blasio reached the following conclusion, that the city had an “overwhelmingly peaceful weekend.” But in the real world, not the mayor’s bubble world, this was what was happening around town:
  • A six year old boy got shot in the leg.
  • His mother also got shot at a city Caribbean holiday street party in Brooklyn.
  • Almost two dozen other people got shot over the three day weekend.
  • Another city resident was shot while out walking his dogs with news reports saying that “It’s unclear who attacked him or what the motive was.”
  • In the first eight months of 2020, NYC shootings are up 87% compared to the same time period last year so even if the mayor was right, which he wasn’t, about a peaceful Labor Day weekend, the total year’s violence is still way up.
Clueless or a liar, tough tell what de Blasio is but neither is a trait you want in a politician in charge of the biggest city in the country.

3) We have also had a lot of discussion recently about how laws, rules, and edicts, especially during the coronavirus crisis and lockdowns, often do not seem to apply to the politicians who are making those laws, rules, edicts and lockdowns. These people live by the code, “do as I say, not as I do.” Consider the recent examples of such pompousness:
  • The Chicago mayor made her hair salon open so she could have her hair styled even though she prohibited every other hair salon and resident in the city from doing the same thing.
  • The Beaumont, Texas mayor made her nail salon open so she could have her nails done even though she prohibited every other nail salon and resident in the city from doing the same thing.
  • De Blasio in NYC made his gym open up only for him to get some exercise even though he had prohibited every other gym and resident in the city from doing the same thing.
  • The governor’s husband in Michigan tried to get his marina to put his boat in the water so he could use it over the Memorial Day weekend even though his wife prohibited every other boater and resident in the state from doing the same thing.
  • Nancy Pelosi made her salon open so she could get her hair styled in San Francisco even though every other hair salon and resident in the city was not allowed to do the same thing.
You get the idea, politicians think of themselves as royalty and that common laws and restrictions should not get in the way of their lives. And that snobbery also applies to the mayor of Philadelphia:
  • Mayor Jim Kenney had made sure that his Philadelphia residents could not go out and dine inside a city restaurant as part of the plan to defeat the virus.
  • But that did not stop him from driving across the state line into Maryland where he enjoyed a dinner out at an out of state restaurant.
  • He did apologize for doing so but that hardly makes up for his “do as I say, not as I do” behavior.
  • I am pretty sure that most of the people he rules over did not have the means or wealth to travel out of state to enjoy dinner out.
I hope he enjoyed what others in his city yearn for but he has prohibited for so long.

4) One last observation on politicians for today. A lot of liberal and Democrats in this country hate the Second Amendment. I am sure if they had their way, which they constantly try to get, they would confiscate every gun that every law abiding American has in their possession that are used only for sport or protection.

The most liberal state in the country is probably California and that is probably the state with the most restrictive gun laws in the country. But that did not stop a mass shooting recently in that state:
  • It seems that some state residents were operating an illegal marijuana growing operation.
  • And it seems that someone did not agree with that operation.
  • You see, someone came by and shot to death seven people associated with that illegal marijuana growing operation.
  • When police arrived at the shooting scene, they found a wounded woman who was transported to a hospital but who ended up dead.
  • A search of the property found six other dead bodies who were shot to death.
So years after restricting gun sales, restricting magazine sizes, making more and more difficult to buy a gun in the state, there are still bad, evil people who have guns in their possession. Making that old saying even more true: “if having a gun was a crime then only criminals would have guns.” Ask the seven dead people who died violently by gunshots, pretty sure they would agree that gun control as practiced by the American political class has been a failure.

So, another example of how gun control only allows criminals to have guns, a big city mayor scoffs at his own rules, de Blasio continues to be clueless, and Chicago business owners have had enough of the violence, looting and lack of law and order caused by a very ineffective set of city politicians.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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