Friday, September 11, 2020

September, 2020, Part 6, Political Class Insanity: Cuomo Lives In An Alternative Universal When It Comes To Virus Blame

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

We have often talked about the reality that New York City and New York state have led the country in coronavirus deaths and infections. The governor, Andrew Cuomo, probably unnecessarily killed hundreds, if not thousands. of elderly residents by forcing nursing homes in the state to accept virus patients into their facilities where the virus spread unimpeded. The NYC mayor, Bill de Blasio, was very cavalier early in the virus crisis by telling his residents to go out and party in enclosed quarters with others.

As a result, the number of New Yorkers killed or infected by the virus easily outpaced the deaths and infections of every other state no matter how you count. Whether you look at absolute numbers of deaths and infections or by population ratio, New York screwed up the most. Until very recently, more people in New York state died from the virus than the number of deaths in Texas, Florida, and California COMBINED. 

But in an example of one of the worst perceptions of reality, Cuomo recently blamed Donald Trump for the deaths and infections caused by the virus. He refuses to accept the reality that his screw ups short changed his residents' life and health. Specifically: “Donald Trump caused the COVID outbreak in New York,” then immediately said again, “Donald Trump caused the COVID outbreak in New York.”

Seriously, Trump caused the outbreak?! The Chinese lab that created the virus had nothing to do with it? The World Health Organization that screwed everything up early in the outbreak had nothing to do with it? Nancy Pelosi, who told everyone to go down to Chinatown and not worry about the virus, had nothing to do with it?

Hey governor, let’s review a recent Wall Street Journal article by Karl Rove that reviewed the adverse actions and quotations that you, de Blasio, Democrats, and other New York politicians and bureaucrats have put forth in the past six months:
  1. When Trump banned travel from China, the raging source of the virus, on January 31, Joe Biden accused Trump of being a racist even though the travel ban likely prevented infected Chinese people from coming into the country and spreading the disease even wider.
  2. Specifically Biden accused Trump of fear mongering and xenophobia.
  3. Ron Kain, a former chief of staff for Biden, also opposed the China ban, calling it premature on January 28.
  4. On January 30, Biden’s coronavirus advisor, Zeke Emanuel, told CNBC that everyone should “take a very big breath, slow down, and stop panicking and being hysterical” and that the virus would “go down as spring comes up,” a reality that never happened.
  5. On February 6, another Biden coronavirus advisor, Irwin Redlener, claimed that a global pandemic was “not very likely” and that the chances of “getting a severe, potentially lethal form of the Wuhan virus is negligible,” grossly wrong opinions.
  6. NYC’s health commissioner, Dr. Oxiris Barbot, tried to reassure NYC commuters, in early February, that “this is not something that you’re going to contract in the subway or on the bus,” an incorrect assertion that de Blasio repeated several times in March.
  7. Kain came back with more wrong predictions on February 11 when he doubted that the virus would become “a serious epidemic,” two days later he stated confidently, and incorrectly, that “The evidence suggests it’s probably not that [an epidemic],” and two days later he was also wrong when he said that “We don’t have a COVID-19 epidemic in the US but we are starting to see a fear epidemic.”
  8. Emanuel popped up again on February 20 when he incorrectly stated the country was overreacting and that “warm weather is going to come and, just like the flu, the corona virus is going to go down.”
  9. On February 24, Nancy Pelosi told tourists in San Francisco to “come down to Chinatown.”
  10. Kain supported Pelosi’s invitation three days later when he said people should not be worried by “needless fears about coronavirus” and that everyone “should tonight go down to Chinatown in their city and buy dinner or go shopping.”
  11. On February 29 Emanuel told CNN that “running out and getting a mask is not going to help.”
  12. On March 2, Cuomo nonchalantly stated that “So, when you’re saying, what happened in other countries versus what happened here, we don’t even think it’s going to be as bad as it was in other countries.”
  13. On March 12, Biden advisor Lisa Monaco bitched about Trump’s Europe travel ban, a continent where the virus was raging.
  14. Biden kept holding election rallies without distancing or masks up until March 9.
  15. In early March, de Blasio told his city residents to go out to city bars and restaurants since the virus is not spread by food and drink, an assertion that may be the worst assumption ever regarding the virus.
  16. On March 5, de Blasio reassured the city that there was no need to panic and `”We'll tell you the second we think you should change your behavior”
  17. By mid March most of the country were doing lockdowns but New York was late to that party: “New York City as a whole was late in social measures,” said Isaac B. Weisfuse, a former New York City deputy health commissioner. “Any after-action review of the pandemic in New York City will focus on that issue. It has become the major issue in the transmission of the virus.”
  18. On March 31, Cuomo admitted: “I am tired of being behind this virus. We’ve been playing catch-up. You don’t win playing catch-up.”

And yet, Cuomo thinks that Trump caused the virus. Trump stopped travelers from high infection areas from entering this country and possibly bringing the virus with them but he caused the virus. Trump never told people to go dine and shop in Chinatown but he caused the virus. Trump never told people to go out to bars and restaurants because the virus does not spread by food and drink but he caused the virus. Trump did not work in the Chinese lab that created and lost control of the virus but he caused the virus. Trump never told people to continue to travel on the subway but he caused the virus.

Trump did not do everything perfectly. Testing was lagging. Virus prevention supplies were initially in short demand. But to say Trump caused the virus after all of the bad information, advice, and actions taken by China, Cuomo, de Blasio, Biden advisors, Biden, Pelosi, etc. is certainly a gross denial of reality.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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