Sunday, November 7, 2021

November, 2021, Part 3,Political Class Insanity: The Trump/Russian Collusion Conspriacy Crumbles, Whitmer Defies Covid Restrictions Again, and Covid Relief For Billionaires

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) The Democrats spent four years and tens of millions of dollars on trying to prove that Trump and his campaign had colluded with the Russians to get him elected. After all of the commotion and accusations, it turned out there was absolutely no collusion and that only time and taxpayer wealth was wasted in this futile concept.

Since then, we have found out that not only had Trump not colluded with the Russians but the FBI, the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign had likely colluded among themselves to frame Trump. And that conspiracy continues to unfold with the latest indictment related to the fake Russian/Trump collusion fantasy:
  • Justice Department lawyer John Durham has been working to find the truth related to the fake Russian collusion conspiracy for a few years.
  • He recently had Igor Danchenko arrested as the third person to face Federal charges in this whole affair, for allegedly lying to the FBI.
  • Apparently he is alleged to have provided known false information to the infamous Steele Dossier which laid out the fake Russian collusion conspiracy against Trump.
  • The Steele Dossier was the basic document that the FBI used to get falsely obtained search warrants and wiretaps even though we know now, and the FBI probably knew then, that the information in the dossier was pure fiction.
Another example of how Washington politicians are more worried about their own self-greed and preservation than working on the problems facing Americans today. At least $40 million of taxpayer money was wasted on a wild goose chase that was a total fabrication.

And with now three of the more minor characters facing charges, it makes you wonder how high up the political chain of command the conspiracy went, e.g. Hillary, Obama, etc. Wasting time and money on politics while millions of Americans are homeless, hungry, and fighting addiction, such bad priorities.

2) Many times we have discussed the hypocrisy of many, many politicians during the height of the covid pandemic. While these politicians at all levels of government issued draconian measures to theoretically restrict the spread of the virus, these same politicians flaunted and ignored their own rules and edicts.

One of the most hypocritical of all of these politicians was Michigan governor, Gretchen Whitmer. She prevented Michigan residents from leaving the state and then returning, assuming these returnees would be potential virus carriers. But she snuck out of the state to visit her father in Florida while preventing state residents from doing the same.

She prevented state residents from even getting their boats out but then her husband tried to get his boat out by dropping his wife’s title/status on his marina owner.

Those were only two examples of her hypocrisy and now we can add another violation of the public trust:
  • The Washington DC mayor has imposed her own highly restrictive covid mask requirement on city residents, requiring masks whenever inside and not actively eating or drinking.
  • But Whitmer was recently photographed partying in a DC bar without any mask in sight.
  • And she should know better because when she did the same thing back in Michigan a few months ago, she publicly apologized for the violation.
As always with elitist American politicians, “do as I say, not as I do,” because we are special and important and you are not.

3) For far too many years and far too many times we have documented and discussed how inept the Federal government is when being the caretaker of American taxpayer dollars. Outright fraud, inefficiencies, stupid projects, etc. has probably wasted hundreds of billions of dollars over the past two decades.

In the midst of the covid pandemic, the Washington political class hastily and sloppily passed legislation that was supposed to give financial relief to American companies and businesses that were stressed out by any number of covid factors. Keep in mind when reading the insanity below, that the covid financial relief intention was to help struggling businesses, mostly small businesses that were facing bankruptcy, and get them some cash to keep them afloat:
  • George Soros is an incredibly rich individual with an estimated net worth of about $8.6 billion.
  • He obviously does not need any American taxpayer to bail him out.
  • And yet, the Federal government sent him a check for $2,400 to help him as he “struggled” through the pandemic crises.
  • Mr. Soros was kind enough to return the check, uncashed.
  • His son also got a $2,400 check, which he did not need and which he returned.
  • But this was not a one time computer glitch that handed out taxpayer wealth to a fabulous rich individual.
  • ProPublica found out that 270 taxpayers with a total net worth of $5.7 billion got covid relief checks.
  • At least 18 of these covid check recipients were billionaires.
  • Again, if you are a billionaire, you don't need or deserve to have the American taxpayer funding your covid stress.
  • Dick Fuld, the former CEO of the Lehman Brothers investment giant, got a covid check despite being worth about $250 million.
  • Erik Prince, who got rich from the Blackwater private security firm, is worth about $2 billion and he got a covid check.
  • Ira Rennert, worth an estimated $3.7 billion, got a covid check.
  • Mr. Rennert’s Hampton house is thought to be the biggest house in the country: it is 62,000 square feet in size, and has 29 bedrooms, is estimated to be worth $500 million, and yes, he got a check.
Unbelievable incompetence on the part of Congress, the President and the DC bureaucracy. As millions of Americans go homeless, go hungry or need drug addiction help, these millionaires and billionaires are getting covid relief checks despite being wealthy beyond most of our comprehension.

And now the House of Representatives has just massed a TRILLION dollar plus infrastructure bill. How many billions and billions of dollars do we think the American taxpayer will see wasted on this boondoggle? If the government cannot handle a simple, business relief program to help struggling small businesses, imagine how badly they will waste a trillion dollars on a variety of different infrastructure programs.

That will do it for today as the incompetence of the American political class continues unabated: using government resources to frame a political opponent, ignoring their own covid edicts, and wasting money on billionaires. Insanity.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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