Tuesday, June 14, 2022

June, 2022, Part 2, By The Numbers: Voter Corruption In New Jersey and Nevada and The Ruining Of The Golden Life In California

On a periodic basis we do some posts that fall under the theme of “by the numbers.” Rather than trust what the American political tells us about reality, we like to examine the real numbers and the real reality in the world to understand what is actually going on. Relying on politicians, and their cohorts in the media, to tell us what is reality is always a sucker bet. They have their own agendas and goals, usually centering around their needs and self-enrichment. So we need to look at the reality of the numbers to determine what is really going on.

Previous analyses of “by the numbers” can be accessed by entering the phrase in the search box above. This is the third and final post this month where we look at the numbers to truly find out how good, not likely, or bad, most likely, the American political class is doing in managing our tax dollars, protecting our freedoms, and resolving major issues that affect all of us.

1) With one exception, we have not discussed the reality that the 2020 Presidential election had a bunch of what we can call “irregularities.” While Democrats and the mainstream press will deny there are any voting crimes and fraud committed, I have almost 700 news articles that discuss the reality that there have been arrests, prosecutions, and convictions of voting fraud across the country since 2020.

Those 700 articles also include actual video of mass voter fraud being done along with statistical impossibilities and improbabilities when it comes to voting in 2020. I would be happy to share any subset of these news articles if interested.

Two posts ago we did discuss the reality that people across the country have been arrested an either found guilty or pleaded guilty to voter fraud:

Today let’s dive into a statistical analysis which proved how corrupt and ripe for fraud the voter rolls in New Jersey are:
  • Before going into the New Jersey numbers, keep in mind that a recent analysis of New York’s voter rolls found almost 1.9 million New York voter records were either fraudulent or corrupted.
  • A private organization, the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) has been doing deep dives into states’ voter rolls.
  • In New Jersey, the PILF found that 33,572 people in New Jersey did not have a valid date of birth on the state’s voter records.
  • 8,239 New Jersey voters were registered multiple times in the state.
  • As an example, their analysis found that one woman was registered twice, Julia Rose and Juila Rose: same person, same address, same date of birth, but two different and unique voter ID numbers.
  • Which obviously means that Ms. Rose/Rosa was always sent two ballots to vote in every election.
  • Some of these duplicate registered voters were registered up to six times, same person, six different voter ids.
  • 6,863 voter registrations did not have the date when the voter first registered to vote.
  • 2,398 voters on the state’s voter rolls were at least 105 years old, a highly unlikely statistic.
  • The PILF analysis identified a number of these 2,398 voters who had been dead and buried long ago but still had been actively voting over the years.
  • For example, Patrick DePaola of Bayonne, New Jersey was born in 1905 and registered to vote for the first time in the state in 1927.
  • He died in 2010 but was still an active New Jersey voter in 2022, when he would have been 117 years old…assuming he had not died in 2010.
  • Multiple voter registrations, long dead people still voting, missing voter registration information, the PILF has identified tens of thousands of questionable and/or corrupted voting practices and restrictions in the state, certainly enough to corrupt and influence any and all kinds of elections.
Hard numbers that say the voting processes are shoddy, corrupted and obviously subject to massive fraud. And that's just the numbers that PILF identified and uncovered, who knows how many other bad voter records they did not find.

Clean, honest elections are a bedrock of a democracy and given the 700 emails mentioned above, the actual prosecutions of voter fraud in the post listed above, and the in depth analysis by the PILF, our democracy bedrock might be very unsteady and thus, very dishonest. The numbers do not lie although voter registration records may.

2) Researcher John Lott completed and published a massive analysis of the voting patterns and irregularities in the 2020 Presidential election, an analysis we will get into in a near term future post. However, let’s take a peek at some of that research as a preview:
  • Lott found that about 19,000 people voted for President in Nevada who did not live in that state.
  • He found evidence that 1,500 dead people voted in the 2020 election in Nevada.
  • Another 42,000 people are on record of having voted two or more times.
  • By the way, Biden won the state by only 33,596 votes.
There are about 62,000 dubious votes in the state and a margin of victory that was only about 34,000 votes. And these were the dubious voting actions that were found and proven, who knows how many other bad votes were cast in the state? The bedrock gets a little more dicey the more the voting records are analyzed.

3) We have discussed the deteriorating quality of life in California many times, especially, lately, in this blog. California was once the golden place to live in this country: great beaches, mountains, deserts, vibrant large cities, wineries, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, it was a state that had everything going for it.

But over time, the state’s political class managed to turn a paradise into a living hell in so many different ways:
  • High, high taxes.
  • High gas and utility costs.
  • High homeless rates.
  • High crime rates.
  • Failed public school systems.
  • High poverty rates.
  • Significant and overbearing government regulation.
  • A state government with likely unpayable future financial liabilities.
  • And recently, a significant out migration of residents and businesses, both large and small, as life becomes more and more challenging in the state, reducing the current and future tax base and government revenue stream.
But let’s put some recent numbers to this unfolding disaster:
  • 272 companies moved their corporate headquarters out of California in the two and half year period from January, 2019 through June, 2021.
  • The rate of outward moves doubled in the first six months of 2021 vs. the first six months of 2020.
  • California businesses have the highest cost of electricity in the state.
  • Businesses are paying 17.74 cents per KWH in the state, higher than the other 48 lower states and D.C.
  • California ranks 48th in overall business cost of doing business in California.
  • The state ranks 50th in terms of “business friendliness.”
  • The state ranks 48th in the 2022 State Business Tax Climate Index.
  • The Smithfield company recently announced that it was closing its California food processing plant, likely because the cost of utilities for Smithfield is 3.5 times higher than the average it costs Smithfield to operate at its other 45 plants around the country.
High taxes, high utilities, high cost of doing business, the numbers are not good and people and businesses are aspects of life are expressing their displeasure with the California numbers by moving where the numbers in all aspects are more favorable and less onerous.

The numbers tell the stories, American politicians mess up everything they touch from, voting processes In New Jersey and Nevada to the former golden state of California. The numbers do not lie.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

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