Wednesday, February 8, 2023

February, 2023, Part 3, Political Class Insanity: Eric Adams Fails NYC, Joe Biden is a Liar AND A Hypocrite, and Global Warming Is Still A Myth

 It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1)Many times we have emphasized the reality that a very, very basic function of any government entity and the politicians that operate it is to protect the lives and property of the taxpayers they serve. No matter whatever else these politicians achieve, if they cannot protect then they are failures.

And the latest failure in this area has arisen in New York City:

  • Eric Adams is the current mayor of New York City.

  • In a recent interview on MSNBC Adams suggested that it would be a good idea if city business owners pay for private security to protect their business and employees in addition to paying taxes for police budgets.

  • The MSNBC presented the situation to the mayor: "We saw the front page of 'New York Post' here this morning, I'll hold it up, talking about how there are some here in the Bronx, shopkeepers, that there's a sense of feeling of the police aren't doing enough, that they are fed up with NYC crime," and followed that with: "Shop owners are hiring private guards to fight back. Is that a wise strategy?"

  • Adams responded: "No, it is a wise strategy because I say this over and over again, not only must the numbers reflect safety, but people must feel safe.”

  • This is not surprising since retail thefts are up 16% compared to theft stats in 2019 and assaults are up 18%.

  • But at the same time, in the face of rising crime, the number of criminal arrests is going down.

Rising crime, fewer arrests but I would bet that the tax burden on these city businesses has not gone down. Thus, Adams is a failure as he continues to NOT protect the property and lives of city businesses and residents.

2)A few posts ago we listed out a sample of the lies Joe Biden has tried to impose on the country over the years. The list stopped at 38 bold faced lies that came out of his mouth. 

And it turns out that Biden is not jst a liar, he is a very bold faced hypocrite also:

  • As most people know, Biden is in the  middle of a scandal where it has been found out that he illegally took classified documents out of government buildings and stored them in his office at the University of Pennsylvania, his Delaware home and his Delaware beach house.

  • He has taken a very nonchalant attitude, saying that one set of classified documents was found in his locked garage next to his Corvette, implying that if a locked garage was safe enough for his Corvette, having classified documents in the same garage was no big deal.

  • But back in 1977, Biden was a fierce opponent to a candidate, Ted Sorensen,  that then President, Jimmy Carter, had proposed as the CIA director.

  • The reason for Biden’s ardent opposition to a proposal, by a President from his own political party, is that Sorensen admitted to taking boxes of classified government documents to his home to work on a book he was writing about JFK, an administration Sorensen had worked for.

  • Biden also implied that Sorensen may have violated the Espionage Act of 1917, saying he had “carelessly” ignored the laws pertaining to  classified materials.

  • Carter ended up pulling the nomination even though the Washington Post had pointed out, at the time, out that Sorensen had not violated any laws or government procedures.

So 46 years ago, Senator Biden gets up into the face of a government employee that legally handled classified government information. But today, as President, he says the mishandling of classified government files is no big deal since they were in a locked garage, no foul, no harm. Super hypocrite in addition to be a super liar.

3)For decades many of us have had to be slammed for not believing the myth of  man made global warming. Much of that slamming came from politicians like Al  Gore, Barack Obama and others who insisted that only science that reinforced their fatalistic global warming predictions be considered even though much scientific research that debunked the whole global warming myth existed.

And people like Gore and Obama continued to preach man made global  warming, or their new marketing term, “climate change,” even though both of them had bought mansions at the beach, which raises the obvious hypocrisy: if man made global warming was a real thing, why would its big advocates buy million dollar mansions next to the oceans that were supposedly going to rise up and flood coastal zones? 

And as the decades passed, the dire predictions that global warming advocates had put forth never materialized. This caused them to move to the more nebulous concept of climate change, a shallow move to save their credibility. 

But the latest government data again proves that man made global warming, or its reinvented name, climate change, is still likely a bogus concept:

  • The government organization, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recently reported that there has been no global  warming for the eighth year in a row.

  • Let me say that again for emphasis: there has been no global  warming for eight years in a row, certainly not what Gore and Obama and such predicted would happen.

  • Technically: “There has been no trend in the UAH global mean lower-troposphere temperature anomalies since September, 2014: 8 years 5 months and counting.”

Thus, the polar ice caps have not melted as Gore said was likely.

Enough political class insanity for today: global warming is still a myth according to the Federal  government, Joe Biden is not only a liar but also a hypocrite, and Eric Adams fails to execute a basic government function in NYC.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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