Thursday, August 3, 2023

August, 2023, Part 1, Political Class Insanity: Politician Hypocrisy Edition

 Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of operating any level of government in this country. 

Even their best efforts are almost always inefficient and ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

Note: we actually have a secondary theme to this post,  namely political class hypocrisy and being a big baby.

1)Democratic politicians in New York City and New York state have always boasted how compassionate they were, how caring they were but only as it applied to illegal  immigrants. Rather than focus on helping the hungry, homeless, and drug addicted Ameericans in their city and state, their focus has very often been on strutting about how much they care about illegal immigrants, how their city and state were so-called “sanctuary cities” and “sanctuary states.” 

It was in these sanctuaries where all illegal immigrants were welcomed despite the ”racism” they accused other cities and states of having regarding illegal immigrants. In their pompous attitude,  those non-sanctuary areas were racist simply because their focus was on Americans, not illegal  immigrants, while they were righteous and caring.

Well, it now seems that those attitudes might be changing since once Biden dissolved any and all border security, millions of illegal immigrants have flooded into this country. And once here, why would they not flock to the cities and states where Democratic politicians said they would be safe and cared for, where they would find sanctuary? Consider what a jam that New York City politicians and their sanctuary city proclamations have gotten them into:

  • Despite claiming they were caring and righteous humans relative to illegal immigration, over 50 New York City Democrats are calling on Biden to declare a state of emergency in response to their city literally being overrun by illegal  immigrants.

  • It seems it was cool to proclaim their love for illegal  immigrants but when those illegal immigrants show up at their front door, eating up valuable taxpayer dollars, their attitudes take a sudden turn.

  • And they want Biden and the American taxpayer to pay for the errors of their ways despite calling much of the rest of the country racist while extolling how they were once compassionate illegal immigration sanctuaries.

  • In the past year, over 90,000 illegal  immigrants have made their way to New York City in search of free food, shelter, and other perks.

  • In fact, New York City mayor, Eric Adams, is now acting like the racist he accused the rest of us of being in that he has started a program to distribute fliers at the borders encouraging illegal immigrants to NOT come to his sanctuary city, a major hypocrisy on his part.

  • You cannot say “we are a sanctuary city” and then say “no we’re are not” when people actually take you up on your offer.

  • So many illegal  immigrants have come to Adams’ sanctuary city that many of them are sleeping on the streets because Adams cannot provide enough shelter for them.

  • Adams had been paying city hotels to house the illegal immigrants but those rooms are now full.

  • Protests were recently staged in Queens to protest an Adams proposal to build a tent city in the borough to accommodate 1,000 male, illegal immigrants, a plan that has not gone over well with the local citizens.

  • Adams’ hypocrisy gets even worse since there are reports that he has been shipping illegal immigrants out of New York City to other cities and states, the exact same behavior he once criticized Texas Governor, Gregg Abbott, of doing, calling Abbott’s actions “anti-American,” which I guess now makes him “anti-American.”

  • Since Adams became mayor, not too long ago, illegal  immigrants residing in city shelters has increased a whopping 110%.

  • As a result, he has announced that Americans living in his city are going to suffer since he is shifting city tax revenue out of programs that provide meals for senior citizens and reducing library hours.

  • On a DAILY basis, the city is paying out $8 million to handle the illegal immigration that his sanctuary city is facing and he estimates that by the middle of next year the total cost will be $4.2 billion.

Think about how many meals homeless and hungry New Yorkers could receive for $4.2 billion. Think about how many shelter beds could be put in place to house homeless New Yorkers for $4.2 billion.  Think about how much drug addiction help could be given to drug addicted New Yorkers for $4.2 billion.

Unfortunately, that $4.2 billion will not be directed to New  Yorkers in need. It will help pay for stupid and ill-advised “sanctuary city” status that Adams and other politicians like him boasted about….until they no longer wanted the responsibility for their actions and words and wanted the rest of us taxpayers to bail them out. Their hypocrisy is amazing.

2)The sanctuary city syndrome is also causing problems for the Democratic politicians in Chicago that, like Adams, bragged about how compassionate they were regarding illegal immigrants, until the people they were really supposed to be serving and helping, Chicago residents, spoke up:

  • Citizen protests have also broken out in Chicago as a result of that “sanctuary city” being overwhelmed with illegal immigrants.

  • They have received thousands of illegal immigrants since Biden came into office in 2021.

  • These protests are focused on where and how these illegal  immigrants will be housed.

  • City politicians recently opened an illegal immigrant shelter in Chicago’s Woodlawn neighborhood which resulted in citizen protests.

  • One city resident at the protests about Woodlawn told members of the Chicago police force that they needed to “go out there [Woodlawn]” to see how bad that situation had become.

  • Another resident at the protests stated that Illegal immigrants “disrespect us, they rob us, they harass us.”

  • Another protester warned that the situation has gotten so bad, so tense that local Woodlawn residents may have to turn to what he called “street justice”: “Nobody is going to be able to stop us from what we’re going to do to them,” said one protester.

  • A local Democratic politician, Alderman Brendan Reilly, wrote a letter to the new Chicago mayor, Brandon Johnson, where he alleged that a local hotel that the city was paying to house illegal immigrants had become a haven for illegal activities including drug dealing and prostitution.

  • He added that illegal  immigrants were “leaving human waste on the sidewalks near the hotel.” 

  • And this is not the only illegal immigration shelter situation. 

  • Johnson decided to house over 300 illegal  immigrants at Wilbur Wright College which also led to  citizen protests with one protester summing up the frustration of many Americans with Biden’s and sanctuary cities’ illegal immigration disaster, saying that the situation was “dumped on us. We pay taxes in this district and should have been  told what’s going on and why.”

  • Things have gotten so bad in this sanctuary city that some Chicago Police Department locations are shelter spots for dozens of illegal  immigrants.

  • Another protester at Wilbur Wright college said that the illegal  immigrants there “just roam the neighborhood” and described the shelter plan as an “absolute slap in the face to those who came here legally.” 

  • Other city residents have filed at least one lawsuit to block another illegal immigrant shelter in their neighborhood.

But this should not be unexpected since Johnson, in his inaugural address, said that the city and his administration would care for the “unhoused” and “those seeking refuge here.” Not sure if he offered the same compassion, the same promises of care, shelter, and food to the city’s residents who are homeless and hungry.

Again, as  in New York City, these Chicago Democratic politicians talk big and caring but have had no plan to handle the situation their self-proclaimed “sanctuary city” status would cause.  Their hypocrisy continues to astound.

3)But Democratic hypocrisy does not end with the “sanctuary city” crises they have dumped onto their city and its residents and businesses. We have often discussed the inane, stupid, and failed concept known as “defund the police.” This insanity began a few years ago and basically stated that police forces are bad and need to see their budgets trimmed, and in some cases butchered, in  order to make them play nice with criminal elements in those cities implementing the concept.

And not surprising, when the police forces were reduced, when their budgets were slashed, when their morale was weakened by the constant demeaning speeches by their city’s politicians, police enforcement sagged while criminal  activity soared. Cities that went whole hog on defunding the police have seen skyrocketing crime rates, from New York City to Chicago to San Francisco to Portland to Seattle. 

And one of the big supporters of defying the police was the NAACP since the thought was police forces in the big cities purposely picked on and were violent towards minority citizens. Thus, their reasoning being that if there were fewer police resources and more humanitarian resources, which were undefined and continue to be undefined as a replacement for policing, fewer minority citizens would be hassled and harmed by the police.

Nice theory, but completely wrong. These defund the police efforts have resulted in much more crime, violence, and  deaths in mostly minority neighborhoods which was the exact opposite of what was supposed to happen. Things have gotten so bad in one city that the local NAACP has actually hypocritically reversed its defund the police position:

  • Cynthia Adams is the Oakland, California NAACP President.

  • There have been almost 500 homicides in Oakland between 2018 and 2022.

  • As a result of the local defund the police insanity, the Oakland city council slashed the Oakland police department budget by $20 million.

  • Ms. Adams, her organization and local religious leaders recently met and  demanded that the city political class reject calls to defund the police.

  • They also want a state of emergency enacted to combat the increased crime levels.

  • They sent a letter to city leaders that included the following quote:  “Oakland residents are sick and tired of our intolerable public safety crisis that overwhelmingly impacts minority communities. Murders, shootings, violent armed robberies, home invasions, car break-ins, sideshows, and highway shootouts have become a pervasive fixture of life in Oakland. Failed  leadership, including the movement to defund the police, our District Attorney’s unwillingness to charge and prosecute people who murder and commit life threatening serious crimes, and the proliferation of anti-police rhetoric have created a heyday for Oakland criminals.”

  • The letter ended with their demand for city politicians to take the crime wave seriously: “We need our elected officials to take responsible action to ensure public safety. The best way to start is to declare that we are in a public safety emergency. Then marshall resources to address crime and create economic opportunities, training, and youth mentoring so people can work and lead productive lives.”

  • The day after the Oakland NAACP letter was released, the Hawaii chapter of the NAACP put out a supportive press release stating that  “community members are in danger” and “we cannot sit around and do nothing when people are in danger doing daily activities, trying to survive.”

  • And yet despite this impassioned plea to fix the problem that defund the police created by local politicians, those same Oakland politicians denied there even was a problem with skyrocketing crime in their city endangering residents lives, issuing a statement that  they were “disappointed that a great African-American pastor and a great African-American organization would take a false narrative on such an important matter.”

And this is why we stated up front that this was a hypocrisy version of political class insanity. Politicians talk bravely and arrogantly when they do not have to produce. But once the fan gets hit, their hypocrisy and/or ignorance take over, whether it is the illegal immigration problems in New York City and Chicago or the resultant crime wave of the defund the police actions in Oakland you can always depend on the American politicians to be clueless and a hypocrites.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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