Sunday, August 27, 2023

Joe Biden Lies Continue - Part 1: National Debt Reduction Lie, AMTRAK Million Miles Lie, And Building Collapse Lie

 We have previously discussed the reality of Joe Biden being a pathological liar. All  throughout his political career he has been  telling lies that not only are so unbelievable but are also easily checked to find out that they are completely false. Two of those posts chronicling his historical lies can be accessed at:

The secondary benefit of the second listed post is the detailing of his sexual predator behavior and racist comments history. 

But his lying continues to these days as President, as the following examples of his deceptions 

1)Back on January 28, 2022 a major bridge collapsed in Pittsburgh at 7;00 in the morning. Certainly a disaster on many levels, a disaster that required leadership, government support, and honesty. But:

  • Biden talked about the bridge’s collapse: “A lot of you were with me when I was in Pittsburgh. By the way, Pittsburgh is a city of bridges — more bridges in Pittsburgh than any other city in America. I watched that bridge collapse. I got there and saw it collapse with over 200 feet off the ground going over a valley. It collapsed. Thank God school was out during the pandemic.”

  • Wow, what are the odds that the President of the United States was not only in Pittsburgh but was actually in  the area of the bridge when he witnessed it collapse?

  • At around 1:00 pm that day, Biden actually landed in Pittsburgh on a pre-scheduled visit and then went to visit the bridge that collapsed more than six hours earlier that day.

  • Thus, it was impossible for Biden to actually see the bridge collapse unless he is a time traveler.

  • Also, schools were in session since the pandemic lockdowns had already ended, another lie.

He lied as a Senator, he lied as Vice President, and he lies as President. The Twitter world did not let his lies go unnoticed:

  • “Incredible how often he lies,” Hunter Mahan, a professional golfer noted.

  • “Another day another lie,” sports commentator Dan Dakich wrote. “Why is this tolerated?”

  • CNN’s Daniel Dale discussed Biden’s “false personal anecdotes.”

Everyone knows he lies and yet, as a pathological liar, he does not stop doing it.

2)A long time lie of Biden’s relates to an Amtrak conductor named Angelo”Ang” Negri.  But he recently resurrected that lie with a few more embellishments:

  • In  the current storyline, Ang walks up to Biden and  says, “Joey, baby” and grabs Biden’s cheeks.

  • Biden then says he had to call  off the Secret Service so that they did not shoot Ang.

  • In  Biden’s words: “And I said, ‘No, no, no, no. What’s the matter, Ang?’ He said, ‘We just – I read this thing about… over a million miles on Air Force planes.’ He said, ‘Hell, you know how many miles you traveled on Amtrak?’ I said, ‘No, Ang. I don’t know.’ He said, ‘We just had a retirement dinner up in Newark.’ He said, ‘You traveled a hundred – an average 117 days a year, round trip, 300 miles a day, 36 years. That’s 1,285,000 miles. I don’t want to hear any more about the Air Force!’”

  • Biden finished up the story with: “True story, I swear to God.”

  • But it could not happen unless, as we discussed above, Biden is a time traveler.

  • By the time Biden got to the million miles of travel Ang had already passed away.

  • In addition, Biden claimed this meeting with Ang happened when he was going home to visit his sick mother even though his mom had passed away five years prior to this fictitious story.

Even though this story was debunked the first time he told it, he insists on continuing the lie as if it has never been a lie.

3)As we have  discussed way too many times in this blog, the Federal government is running up a debt load on an exponential basis. In a relatively short time that debt burden is going to overwhelm the taxpayer's ability to pay off that debt. And when that happens, inflation will soar, the financial viability of the country will be compromised, and our democracy will be over.

According to official Treasury Department statistics, in a little over two years, Biden’s economic policies have taken the Federal government  national debt from $27.7 TRILLION to over $31 TRILLION. Thus, in just over two years he has added almost 10% to the national debt or about $3 TRILLION. Pretty amazing feat to add so  much to the national debt in such a short time.

And yet despite official Treasury Department tracking results of the national debt, this is how Biden sees the world or how he thinks we are so stupid that he can lie as follows: “Unlike the last president, in my first two years in office, even with all we’ve done – I’m the first one to cut the federal debt by $1 trillion…$700 billion.”

Obviously, two things are wrong with  this statement, First, and most importantly it  is a lie: he added about $3 TRILLION to the debt, he did not reduce it by a trillion. Second, Trump added to  the national debt as a result of the pandemic driving the need to provide economic  stimulus to the economy when the country basically shut down.  

Biden does not have the same circumstance to blame. Plus, I would bet that every Democratic member of Congress voted to incur that large incremental  pandemic-driven debt so blaming Trump for a budget that came out of a Democratically controlled Congress is wrong and another lie.

The Biden lies keep coming and the Biden leadership qualities continue to be absent. You cannot be a leader when everything you say has a very good chance of being a lie.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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