Saturday, March 23, 2024

We All Now Live On A Tax Farm

 It is tax season and most of us are probably going through the annual tax preparation headache. As you go  through this process, which can be quite expensive given how well  or how poorly you do your tax planning, keep in  mind the following few realities:

Reality Number 1 - I recently came across a concept that is quite appropriate for tax season. The concept maintains that we no longer live in a free society or free country where we are free to keep the vast majority of our earnings for use by ourselves and our families.  It maintains that we are now nothing more than a “tax farm” in which politicians reap the result of our hard earned dollars via extensive taxation, to  spend on usually wasteful, non-productive, and ways that have usually no direct or any benefit to  ourselves and our families. 

This “tax farm”  theory hypothesizes that we have  devolved into such a state in this country where we are now subservient to the tax burden that politicians increasingly seem to place on us. In other words, we are not free individuals any more, we are tools of the state and the politicians and government bureaucrats that operate that state.

Reality Number 2 - While your focus these days is probably on Federal and state income tax realities, those are just a few of the many, many taxes on the tax farm that the American political class imposes on all of us, as the following, non-comprehensive, list of taxes illustrates:

  1. Federal Income Tax

  2. State Income Tax

  3. State Sales Tax

  4. City Sales Tax

  5. Property Tax

  6. Unearned Income (interest and dividend) Taxes

  7. Alternative Minimum  Tax

  8. Business Taxes

  9. Social Security Tax

  10. Medicare Tax

  11. Estate Tax

  12. Inheritance Tax

  13. Lodging Tax

  14. Capital Gains Tax

  15. Unemployment Tax

  16. Sin Taxes

  17. Gas Tax

  18. Gift Tax

  19. Home Sale Tax

  20. Drive License Fee (yes, a government “fee” is just another word for “tax”)

  21. Fishing License Fee

  22. Hunting License Fee

  23. Boat License Fee

  24. Gun Registration Fee

  25. Tollway Tolls

  26. Car Registration Fee

  27. Obama Care Tax and Fees

  28. Federal Telecommunication Taxes

Just to re-emphasize, this is probably not a comprehensive list of government taxes,  fees, and licenses.

Reality Number 3 - On average, how do these taxes translate into how much money the average citizen pays to any form of American government? The big hitters are as follows:

  • Average effective Federal  income tax burden - 10.6%

  • Average effective state and local tax burden including state income tax, property tax, and sales tax - 11.75%

  • Social Security and Medicare tax burden - 7.65%

  • Tax burden from just these three tax sources - 30%.

So, before you pay any taxes on your cigarette and alcohol consumption, the gas for your car, your fishing licenses, and the other twenty or so taxes listed above,  you have already given the American political class 30% of your income. It is probably safe to say, depending on your life situation, upwards of 40% of all money you earn each year is taken away for government use.

Reality Number 4 - And where and how is this money spent? Consider just a very, very short list of examples of government expenditures:

  • $75 billion dollars sent to fight the Russians in Ukraine, a war that Biden/Washington has neither the intelligence, the skill, the desire, or the ability to resolve.

  • $170,221,103 sent to Egypt, a military dictatorship (fiscal 2022)

  • $187,797,256  sent to Lebanon, the home base of the terrorist group, Hezbelloah (fiscal 2022)

  • $18 billion sent to the United Nations (fiscal 2022), a dysfunctional, useless, and expensive waste of money with no track  record of success.

  • $200 million sent to San Francisco to renovate the Presidio city park AND the Presidio Country Club, an exclusive, millionaire private golf country club, in Nancy Pelosi’s Congressional district.

  • Biden’s State Department is going to spend $15 million to create “gender scholarship programs” at Egypt and Lebanon universities to promote gender studies.

  • The U.S. State Department has provided American taxpayer dollars to a “queer” Muslim organization in India to provide “LGBTQWI” people in the region with a online platform to write.

  • Untold billions of dollars have already been spent to feed, shelter, and service the 8 million or so illegal immigrants that have entered the country since Biden took office.

Reality Number 5 - While politicians are spending  our tax wealth on golf courses, unwinnable wars, and foreign aid, consider the situation millions of Americans find themselves in right now:

  • About 600,000 Americans, including kids and veterans, are homeless today.

  • Studies show that upwards of 17 million Americans are having challenges feeding their families, given the food inflation reality of the Biden  administration.

  • Probably close to  200,000 Americans will  die of a drug overdose this year.

  • Millions of Americans still cannot afford health insurance which  is likely restricting their medical and health options.

Reality Number 6 - So as you file your income taxes in the coming weeks, consider how a lot of your  money will  likely be spent and wasted by a greedy, inept and self enriching political class and how that money could have  been so much better used if it stayed in your pocket or at least helped the millions of Americans in need. 

Oh, also keep all of these realities in mind in November when you vote and decide if you want to  continue to be part  of this national “tax farm.”


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:


Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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