Friday, April 26, 2019

April, 2019, I Am A Global Warming Doubter and a Believer In Science

On a periodic basis, we revisit a continuing theme in this blog, “I am a global warming doubter AND a believer in science.” Several years ago we started investigating the viability of this position for a number of reasons:
  • It did not appear that global warming advocates were looking at all of the available global warming science, realities, and trends, just those select pieces of information that supported their position.
  • There seemed to be a growing sense of doubt among scientists about whether or not global warming was actually a real thing.
  • We were getting tired of Al Gore and others of his ilk who constantly were calling those that were undecided about global warming a whole litany of slurs including racists, homophobes, and other insulting terms.
After researching and writing about dozens of global warming information sources, we have proven over and over that it is perfectly logical to be a global warming doubter and a believer in science:
  • Realities show that global warming actually stopped about 18 years ago, causing global warming advocates to rebrand their position as “climate change” since “global warming” was no longer an emerging reality.
  • Turns out the major global warming forecast models all turned out to be grossly inaccurate in predicting future climate and warming trends, throwing into doubt whether any man made global warming or climate change was actually happening.
  • Major and reputable scientists and science organizations (e.g. the renowned CERN Institute) were either originally determining that man made global warming and climate control never existed or changing their position to become doubters of what they may have original believed about global warming.
  • Important and prominent scientists around the world were caught manipulating climate data to verify their false claims and forecast models or were outed for at least contemplating changing real world data to match their ill performing analyses and forecasting models.
Previous exposes’ of global warming and climate change theories by using real world numbers, scientific experiments, and the simple act of observing can be accessed in this blog by typing “I am a global warming doubter” in the search box above. At that point, you will be provided many previous posts from this blog including dozens and dozens of information sources that more and more point to a repudiation of Al Gore and others, man made global warming, and man made climate change.

The latest proof that you can be a global warming doubter and a believer in sciences is discussed below:

1) NBC News, hardly a traditional global warming critic, reported on a good reason why it is perfectly sane to be a global warming doubter and a believer in science:
  • A recent NASA research effort has found that a huge Greenland glacier has started to expand again after years of melting.
  • Back in 2012 it was found that the Jakobshavn glacier had been diminishing by 1.8 miles every year.
  • An article in a recent issue of Nature Geoscience found that the glacier has now been expanding.
  • According to climate scientist Jason Box: “That was kind of a surprise. We kind of got used to a runaway system. The good news is that it’s a reminder that it’s not necessarily going that fast. But it is going.”
So, a glacier is growing in size even though probably every global warming forecast kept saying all glaciers would get smaller and smaller over time. At no time do I believe a scientist said that glaciers will grow and shrink, grow and shrink. This implies that climate scientists who advocated for global warming really did not understand what was going on since they completely missed this growth in the Greenland glacier.

But these folks are not giving up their reputations without a fight. Co-author of the NASA study Josh Willis said this is "good news" only in the short term. Willis claims the oceans over the coming years will continue warming due to man-made climate change.

In other words trust us, we never expected this to happen today but we know what will happen decades from now. These are the same types of people who said in the 1970s that a new ICE Age was coming...but it did not happen. These types of people then said that global warming was going to melt the North Pole ice cap….but it did not happen. These types of people said that the glaciers would steadily decrease in size….but this one at least did not. 

And yet this global warming advocate expects us to believe that he got this one right, i.e. despite this contrary news, glaciers will continue to melt in the coming decades. Sorry, no disrespect, I have my doubts.

2) Global warming advocates always like to crow that carbon dioxide levels on Earth are at all time historic highs which means that mankind’s use of carbon based fuels HAS to have caused the higher levels of CO2. But was that an actually a truth? Maybe not:
  • Warner Todd Huston writing for the Godfather Politics website on April 11, 2019, reported on a recent study that disputes the myth that CO2 levels have never been so high.
  • A new study by the Potsdam Institute For Climate Impact Research concluded that Earth has seen comparably high levels of CO2 in the past history of the Earth.
  • According to the website Think Progress: “Current CO2 levels of 410 parts per million (ppm) were last seen on Earth three million years ago, according to the most detailed reconstruction of the Earth’s climate by researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and published in Science Advances.”
  • But mankind was not around 3 million years ago to cause such high levels of CO2 which would seem to mean that higher levels of CO2 can occur naturally without mankind’s help.
  • In both cases, life on Earth did not disappear, either 3 million years ago or today.
  • All of which begs the question: how can we tell how much of the CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere today is natural and how much is manmade? This is an especially interesting question in that we now know, according to this study, that the Earth is capable of getting to current CO2 levels without mankind’s carbon usage.
  • Or said another way, courtesy of Breitbart News: “Yes, you read that correctly, three million — million — years ago CO2 levels on Earth were the same as they are today, but there is one major difference between three million years ago and today…Three million years ago, we humans were not driving cars or eating the meat that requires cow farts; we weren’t barbecuing or refusing to recycle or building factories; there was no Industrial Age, no plastic, no air conditioning, no electricity, no lumber mills, no consumerism, no aerosols. In fact, three million years ago, there were probably no human beings on Earth, at least not human in the way we use that term today. And yet…CO2 levels were the same then as they are now Hmmm…?”The same study noted that three million years ago there were ice sheets covering 1/3 of the earth. But, guess what? Those ice sheets have been gone for millions of years and the earth was not destroyed when they disappeared. Plus, global temperatures were even higher millions of years ago than they are today. The study had more gems like that scattered throughout… but in the end, the report merely confirmed that the earth has seen wildly different weather patterns, eco-systems, and conditions and it’s still here. Sort of makes your global warming religionists look like doomsaying fools, doesn’t it?”
So glaciers were supposed to to continuously get smaller but at least a big one, in Greenland did not. Mankind was supposed to be the cause of high CO2 levels in the atmosphere but Mother Natural has previously done the same thing on her own without mankind’s carbon footprint.Two more reasons why it is perfectly sane to be a global warming doubter and a believer in science.

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