Friday, May 10, 2019

May, 2019, Part 4, Political Class Insanity: Corruption In Baltimore, Letting Terrorists Vote, and Impeachment Nonsense

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) Political corruption does not just exist in DC. Consider the latest local political class corruption at the city level down in Baltimore. According to Fox News, the mayor of Baltimore is resigning as more and more evidence of corruption crop up concerning her misdeeds. Catherine Pugh resigned as a result of state and Federal corruption investigations into whether she used sales of her self published book, “Healthy Holly,” to launder and hide monetary kickbacks.

Apparently, Hugh made political decisions and appointments in return for those benefiting from her decisions arranging for the bulk purchase of Pugh’s book. Fortunately, law enforcement found out about the arrangements and as a result a likely corrupt politician is out of a job and facing potential criminal charges.

2) Consider some of the major problems and issues facing the country today:
  • Medicare is going bankrupt.
  • Medicaid is going bankrupt.
  • Social Security is going bankrupt.
  • We have a major immigration, criminal, drug trafficking, and health crisis on our southern border.
  • We have millions of Americans who are homeless, hungry, sick, and drug addicted.
  • We have a Federal government debt of $22 TRILLION which will likely bankrupt the country.
Given these major issues that will likely affect every single American, what issue is Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders all worked up about? Sanders wants convicted felons still serving time in prison to be able to vote in elections. So murderers, rapists, pedophiles, and hardened criminals serving time should have the right to vote in his reality. 

Even terrorists, those that have shot and bombed Americans to death or injury, should have a right to vote. Yes, even though their victims and ordinary Americans who died violently at the hands of murderers and terrorists and who were deprived their right to vote, and their right to live, can no longer vote.

Of all the major issues, this is what Sanders is excited about. Bankrupt social programs, a bankrupt country, hungry and homeless Americans, etc.. take a back seat to felons voting. I would bet that if you asked Americans where they would put the “let felons vote” issue in their rank order of most important national issues, the voting rights of felons does not crack the top 100.

Oh wait, someone actually did that survey. A Business Insider/Survey Monkey poll found that a whopping 75% of those polled thought this was a stupid idea. Only 15% said allowing violent felons still in prison to vote is a good idea. Of course, Congressional bimbo Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez came out in support of the idea showing continuing lack of good sense and right priorities.

Fortunately, it appears that most Americans have good sense and a good moral compass. If you commit a crime against society, you need to be held accountable for your deeds and pay the price, a price that includes suspending your right to vote. Unfortunately, politicians like Sanders do not have the same good sense and good moral compass. If they did they would not even consider allowing terrorists and murderers to vote after they denied their murdered victims that same right.

3) Politicians say the darndest things, we have proven that over the years oh so many times. Unfortunately, the insanity and stupidity never stops, as witnessed by the latest stupid statement by Congressman Al Green: “If we don’t impeach this president, he will get re-elected.

So inane on so many levels:
  • What is wrong with him getting re-elected if he wins the election, the voters and citizens should decide who is and who is not elected, not some impeachment infected Congress people.
  • Getting impeached means that Trump has been accused of crimes, not that he has been convicted or shown to be guilty so why not vote for him again, remember, in this country it is “innocent until proven guilty.”
  • Do these impeachment nuts realize that even if they bring impeachment charges that Trump will still remain in office? I constantly get the impression that these Democrats never read the Constitution and think that impeachment means removal from office, an incorrect assumption.
  • On what charges do these types of people think they will bring against Trump, you cannot impeach a President just because you do not like him personally.
  • Mueller spent two years, spent over $30 million, had a staff of nineteen lawyers, and reviewed lord knows how many documents and came up with nothing that would lead to impeachment. I doubt that this Congressman or his peers in Congress are able to match that effort in order to find impeachment worthy actions.
Two bottom lines here. First, Congress people, in the absence of hard, hard evidence hashed out in a trial, should not be dictating who voters can or should vote for, that is not how we a have a free country. Second, can we get off this impeachment kick, the Mueller non-event, and related, non-productive nonsense? 

When are we going to get our priorities right in DC and start working the real issues listed above, not this impeachment fantasy and voting rights for murderers, rapists, and pedophiles. More insanity to follow.

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