Wednesday, May 22, 2019

May, 2019, Part 8, Political Class Insanity: The Crime Wave Of Illegal Immigration, Politicians Continue To Kill Seattle, and Illegal Immigrants Driving Around With $1 Million of Cocaine

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) There is a lot of discussion, name calling, and hate being thrown around regarding illegal immigrants. Some on the left want open borders so that anyone can stroll into the country while other non-liberals want a more reasonable, rule of law and common sense approach to illegal immigration. In either case it is worthwhile to understand the ramifications of either side.

We have previously discussed the reality that the American taxpayer annual pays just under $6 billion a year to help both legal and illegal immigrants give birth to their kids. This is $6 billion that cannot be spent on homeless, hungry, drug addicted and other needy American citizens. A recent Federal government analysis showed another side and cost of illegal immigration:
  • Almost half of all Federal crimes committed in 2018 were carried out by non-U.S. citizens.
  • This estimate comes from a study by the United States Sentencing Commission (USSC).
  • Non-citizens committed 42.7% of the Federal crimes.
  • Since the Kaiser Family Foundation estimates that non-citizens account for about 7% of the population, then these folks are committing crimes at about six times the rate one would expect, 42.7% divided by 7%.
  • Non-citizens were responsible for 48.4% of drug possession crimes, 24.5% of drug trafficking crimes, 18% of murders,and 27.2% of money laundering crimes, much higher than the there 7% representation in the overall population.
  • Non-U.S.citizens made up 91.5% of Federal immigration crimes such as fraudulent green card marriages.
So wherever you fall on the issue if illegal immigration, there is no doubt that it costs the American taxpayer billions and billions of dollars a year, from funding the births of non-U.S. citizens babies to increased police costs, increased judicial costs, and increased prison costs. all costs that detract from being able to serve American citizens in need.

2) We have previously discussed how the political class in Seattle is turning a once great, beautiful city into a hellhole with its stupid laws, over regulations, and general incompetence. Rather than review the details of those previous posts, I suggest you do a search for the NBC News report, “Seattle Is Dying,” to get a close up, ugly and comprehensive look at how local politicians are destroying a city.

The City Journal website recently ran a story that lays out the damage these politicians have done:
  • According to the article, “Over the past few years, Seattle has become a dumping ground for millions of pounds of garbage, needles, feces, and biohazardous waste, largely emanating from the hundreds of homeless encampments that have sprouted across the city.”
  • These conditions have caused a 400% increase in HIV infections over the past year.
  • These unsanitary conditions have caused an outbreak of rare, long ago diseases such as typhus, tuberculosis, and trench fever.
  • The area’s mussel and clam populations have tested positive for opioids.
  • In 2018 there were over 19,000 citizens’ complaints about trash, needles, syringes, feces, and other biohazardous waste existing on city streets, over 50 complaints a day on average over 365 days.
  • Many if not all, of the ever increasing homeless population have a drug addiction, a mental illness or both.
  • From 2017 to 2018, city cleanup crews picked up a stunning 8.6 million pounds of trash from the city’s illegal homeless encampments, or over 23,000 pounds of trash per day.
  • But the city then caved to some sick activists that claimed the garbage sweeps were somehow un-Constitutional and even inhumane so the garbage pickups were greatly reduced and the trash, and the diseases the feed off the trash, increased.
  • And there is a lot of trash since the city now accommodates over 400 homeless encampments in the city.
As always, politicians either do nothing to fix a problem or their solutions make the situation worse. And the good, tax paying citizens of Seattle are faced with two difficult choices: stay in the city and endure a severely deteriorating situation because the local politicians do not have the will, the courage, and smarts to fix it or leave the city for the safety of themselves and their family and take their tax dollars elsewhere.

3) Democrats and liberal politicians seem all too ready to take taxpaying Americans tax dollars and throw it at illegal immigrants. As we stated above, these tax dollars cannot be used to help needy Americans.

But it appears that some illegal immigrants do not need that financial help at all:
  • Police in North Carolina recently did a routine traffic stop.
  • Turns out the two individuals in the car were illegal immigrants.
  • In addition to the two illegal immigrants, there were five kilos of heroin with a street value of about a $1 million.
  • The heroin was being brought into the state from out of state, possibly from Maryland since the two illegal immigrants were from that state, so we are looking at interstate transportation of a controlled, illegal substance.
Two guys from Maryland who just happen to be illegal immigrants driving around with a $1 million worth of illegal drugs in their car. And Democrats say there it is a “manufactured crisis” of illegal immigration at the border. I do not think so.

That will do it for today’s insanity: illegal immigrant guys driving around with a $1 million of cocaine their car, the destruction of a beautiful American city by local politicians, and illegal immigrants commit a lot of crimes, increasing taxpayers’ costs for medical care, police resources, judicial resources, and prison resources for illegal immigrants.

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