Saturday, November 7, 2020

November, 2020, Part 2, Political Class Insanity: Ocasio-Cortez Designer Clothes, The First Family Of NYC Wastes A Billion Dollars, and States Cannot Pay Their Bills

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) We used to blog a lot about Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from New York City. Her ignorance and inane comments and plans were actually entertaining for a while as we wondered how anyone that naive about the world could be elected to Congress and actually vote on legislation. 

However, over time her ranting and self-centeredness and inability to understand reality and numbers got really tiring. Thus, we haven't done a lot about her lately since it was the same ignorance, the same stupidity, and the same inability to ever have a decent solution to any problem, just empty ranting. But we cannot let the latest bit of hypocrisy from her go by unnoticed:
  • Recall in a previous post how she appeared at a public function about helping the poor and putting more socialism programs in place and yet was wearing a designer outfit that was priced at well over a thousand dollars, blatant hypocrisy.
  • Well, she is at it again. 
  • She was recently featured on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine wearing a $14,000 outfit.
  • This behavior from someone who more than once portrayed herself as a friend of the working class and how she had a struggling background… until she could parade around in extremely expensive designer clothes.
  • While wearing such expensive clothes she still continues to try and pass herself as a “working woman, that it is “legitimately hard being a first-generation woman … and being working class, trying to navigate a professional environment. … It continues to take me so long to try to figure out how to look put-together without having a huge designer closet.”
  • Note that she does not deny she has a ”designer closet,” just that she doesn't have a “huge” designer closet.
I bet most of her constituents do not even have a “designer closet” of any size. Please, dress anyway you want, spend your money on any clothes, cheap or expensive that you want, but do not try to pass yourself off as a friend of the working class and the poor when you are wearing designer clothes that cost thousands and thousands of dollars.

2) Recently, we have been spending a lot of time reviewing the latest budget numbers of cities, states, and the Federal budget and the numbers in almost all cases are not good. Cities such as Chicago are likely to go bankrupt really soon, given the following financial death spiral realities:
  • Chicago cannot pay its own current bills, never mind paying down billions and billions of dollars of unfunded future financial liabilities.
  • Chicago is now the murder capital of the country which has endangered the lives of residents who are leaving the city much faster than people are moving into the city, taking their tax dollars with them and thus, making the city’s financial situation more bleak.
  • The inept mayor, Lori Lightfoot, has had to grovel at the feet of employers not to leave the city because of the safety of their employees and property, taking more tax dollars and jobs with them as they abandon the city.
  • The city’s municipal bond rating is just a shade above junk bond status meaning that it will be difficult for the city to finance its debt and revenue shortfalls with more debt.
  • And since Chicago's home state of Illinois is probably going to be the first state to go bankrupt, it cannot provide any financial relief to Chicago.
New York, San Francisco and other cities are not much better off. But the cities are not the only government entities that are in serious financial shape:
  • The watchdog group, Truth In Accounting, recently released its annual report, “Financial State of the States.
  • According to standard accounting practices, the report found that 39 states, (78%) did not have enough money coming in via taxes to pay off their bills.
  • Total unpaid bills amounted to a whopping $1.4 TRILLION at the end of fiscal year 2019 BEFORE the added expenses of the covid fight kicked in.
  • The report estimates that the states will see their 2020 fiscal year revenue reduced by just under $400 billion, making their ability to pay their bills in 2020 even more difficult.
  • The states with the biggest unpaid bill problem are New Jersey, Illinois, Connecticut, Hawaii, and Massachusetts.
Since we have predicted that Illinois will be the first state to go bankrupt and that New Jersey will be one of the states that will quickly follow Illinois into bankruptcy, it is no surprise they are the top two states that cannot pay their bills.

3) Maybe one of the reasons that cities and states are going bankrupt is that they cannot keep track of the money they spend in order to decide if it is going to the right functions to address the right problems. Such is the case of New York City, our choice for the second most likely city to go bankrupt after Chicago.

It appears that the mayor’s wife is having trouble explaining how almost a billion dollars of city tax money not only went missing but failed to come close to fulfilling the objectives the money was intended for:
  • Mayor Bill de Blasoi’s wife, Chirlane McCray, is in charge of a city mental health project.
  • But according to reporting by the Daily Mail, she cannot adequately explain where and how her program has spent $850 million worth of taxpayer money.
  • In the three years it took to spend the $850 million, the organization she heads, ThriveNYC, has generally been unable or unwilling to document how that money was spent and whether or not it actually did any good.
  • ThriveNYC was supposed to have 417 metrics to measure its performance but according to reporting by Politico, the data for those metrics is minimal and what data does exist shows what a gigantic failure the program was.
  • For example, one of the metrics was to screen 78,000 new mothers a year for post natal depression.
  • But in a recent two year period, the program did not screen the 156,000 it was supposed to screen but screened just over 28,000, only 18% of the target.
  • Even worse, it was supposed to help 12,000 to 15,000 new mothers over that time and ended up treating only 570, a tiny fraction of its metric goal.
  • In another example, the organization records showed it had given out 190,000 MARCAN kits to those in need of opioid treatment but there is no record of how many of those kits were used and how many addicted people it helped.
Despite the failures, despite the shoddy bookkeeping and results tracking, the program has been given more funding and will spend over a billion dollars very shortly over its life with very little success to show for it. But that is how politics works, put a program out there, fund it, not have a clue whether it works or not and then fund with more taxpayer money. Insanity.

4) But it is not just de Blasio’s wife that wastes NYC taxpayer funds, apparently the mayor recently conceded that he also wasted a huge chunk of taxpayer funds:
  • Three years ago, de Blasio put aside a whopping $773 million dollars to improve 100 of the city’s worst schools.
  • After three years, that $773 million was only good enough to improve 25 schools to a degree that they were not considered the worst performing city schools.
  • Thus, on average, $7.73 million was spent on each school and only 25 of them showed any significant improvement despite having a whopping $7 million or so poured into each of them.
  • Adding insult to injury, 25 of those 100 worst schools were just closed or merged with other schools despite $7 million spent on each of them on average.
Even de Blasio knew when the failure was too great to continue, having recently terminated the program that has failed so miserably.

States cannot pay their bills, the First Family of New York wastes over $1 billion of taxpayer money, and Ocasio-Cortez’s hypocrisy and high fashion maintenance continues unabated. The inability of the American political class to do anything right continues to amaze and disappoint.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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