Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Election 2020, Part 4: The First Invalid Presidential Election In Our History?

I have voted in every Presidential election for a lot of decades. I have never voted for a Republican for President and thus, I did not vote for Donald Trump either time. 

Thus, I think I can say without much bias that this just completed Presidential election is shaping up to be a disgrace to democracy given the highly likely it was corrupted, manipulated, and outright fixed by so many people and entities across the country. Ballots were lost, ballots were found in garbage cans, computers were hacked, computers inadvertently moved votes from one candidate to another, ballots showed up in polling places with no chain of command security protocols followed. Politicians announced results days before the voting took place.

I am sure some of the potential incidents of voter fraud and cheating were incorrect. But I am sitting on almost 200 news reports of, call them, “voting irregularities,” enough to convince me that this was the most dishonest, poorly handled, and obscene election that abuses the First Amendment rights and “one person, one vote” tenet that is basic to our democracy.

Over the next few days I will be pulling out a lot of those 200 news reports and briefly discussing what allegedly happened. I can not say all of these news reports are true and I cannot say all of these news reports are false. 

But when people are arrested, when people admit on video that they cheated, when there are videos made of people delivering box loads of videos in the middle of the night, I think the evidence is pretty clear that the corruption in this election was real and widespread.

I am not to drawing any conclusions but consider the following reality: the voting locales where most of the corruption occurred was almost ALL in Democratic party controlled areas: Democratically controlled cities, Democratically controlled counties, and Democratically controlled states and happened only in states that were considered “swing state” in the election, in other words, the states that could go either way and a nudge here or a nudge there, from a voting corruption perspective could make all the difference.

Each of these incidents are sourced by the organization that reported the voting fraud. I am not going to do a deep dive into each story but by providing the source, you can follow up and decide for yourself whether or not the voting fraud and corruption allegation is legit.

57) Tediumedia - At one point on election day Trump was leading by about 120,000 votes in Wisconsin but suddenly Biden jumped ahead under some very suspicious circumstances:
  • First, a flash drive that contained absentee voter information was briefly lost during the early morning hours after the polls had closed.
  • At the same time, election chief, Claire Woodall-Vogg, was caught on videotape counting ballots by herself with no observers present.
  • This screw up apparently breaks the legal chain of custody which is legally put in place to protect the integrity of the vote counting p[rocess.
  • She then incurred a second breach of protocol by transferring her vote count to a flash drive, a process that has no security whatsoever.
  • She then claimed that she had lost the flash drive when, under police escort, she left the vote counting location and headed to the courthouse to report the voting results of 169,000 absentee ballots.
  • She admits she lost control of the flash drive and “had left the flash drive for Tabulator 8 in the machine.”

So who knows what was going on with votes being counted with no observers and chain of security illegally broken a number of times.

58) GOP Times - An election data team has said they are calling over 1 million alleged/suspect voters to ask them if they illegally cast a ballot after moving out of state or someone illegally cast one for them. The group has made it clear they are not randomly calling just anyone: “The calls will be made in cases such as when they had submitted paperwork that they moved out of state and are not eligible to vote. The purpose is to estimate how many people committed voter fraud or how allowed someone to commit fraud in their name.”

The reason for their effort is that their analysis found that the “team found 17,877 early or absentee voters who had filed out-of-state move notices.” That number is more than what Biden leads Trump in the state. They have also found that hundreds of people in Pennsylvania voted twice and almost 1,000 people in Nevada have already been identified as having voted twice.

59) Mad World News - Leave it to computer geeks to fool around with the coding of someone else’s computer program:
  • A bunch of computer pros noticed something strange in Pennsylvania when all of a sudden Trump lost 19,958 votes and somehow Biden gained the exact number, 19,958, a reality that was captured on TV election broadcasts at 10:23 pm.
  • The article claims a professional computer programmer and code writer downloaded the official data from the Edison company which fed data to the New York Times.
  • He alleges he found the Java code that switches votes from Biden to Trump:

  • The changes to the code were made in the early hours the next morning, around 4:00 am.
  • The geeks went on: “We made a script to run through the data and gather all instances where votes switched from Trump to Biden. ‘Lost Votes’ means that the total amount of votes counted decreased by that amount throughout the counting.”
            - Pennsylvania: Switched, 220,883; Lost Votes, 941,248
          - Florida: Switched, 21,422; Lost Votes, 456
          - Michigan: Switched, 20,213; Lost Votes, 21,882
          - Georgia: Switched, 17,407; Lost Votes, 33,574
          - Wisconsin: Switched, 2,078; Lost Votes, 3,408
          - North Carolina: Switched, 0; Lost Votes, 15
          - Minnesota: Switched, 2,766; Lost Votes, 195,650

If true, then there was a concerted, concentrated effort to electronically and illegally switch votes.

60) United Patriot News - Yet another Nevada whistleblower has come forward to allege in a sworn affidavit that mail in ballots were illegally filled out in a Biden campaign van outside of a polling site. The affidavit, obtained by the Washington Examiner, backs up the claims of another whistle blower that open mail in ballots were seen inside a Biden van. 

The allegation is that not only were people without proper identification allowed to vote but, “I personally witnessed two people handing multiple unopened mail in ballot envelopes to two other people who then opened and filled out the ballots against the side of the Biden/Harris van. The same two people who marked the ballots then put the marked ballots in official pink and white envelopes. These people were not poll workers. By my final walking lap, there were 5 or 6 additional people who formed a human wall, which moved as I walked by, apparently in an attempt to block my view of the four people who were opening envelopes, marking ballots, and placing those ballots in the pink and white return envelopes.”

The whistleblower claims he complained to the county voting officials who did nothing with his claims.

61) Street Wise Politics - Nearly 200 boxes of uncounted ballots were found in a warehouse in Puerto Rico a week after the election. The new voting commissioner made the following confirmation: “We’ve identified, much to our regret, a disorganization in the handling of material in the vaults. Misplaced. Poorly organized. We have to admit that.” Thus, more than 220,000 absentee and early votes were not counted.

62) United Patriot News - There are so-called “bellwether states” as they pertain to Presidential elections. The two best examples are Ohio and Florida, states that very few Presidential winners do not win. For example, no one elected President has lost the popular vote in Ohio since 1956, 64 years ago. Trump won both states.

There are also bellwether counties that have accurately voted for Presidential candidates for decades. For example, Vido County, Indiana, has been won by every Presidential winner since 1956, while Valencia, New Mexico, has been won by every President since 1952. Trump won both counties, winning Vigo by nearly 15 points and Valencia by 11 points.

In fact, Trump won 82% of the historical bellwether counties in this election, Biden won only 18%. Of course, it is totally possible, maybe not likely, but possible that the bellwether states and counties had an off year and were not accurate in predicting the outcome after decades and decades of doing so. Or there is some serious fraud going on in key swing states and counties which overrode the bellwether historical success.

63) United Patriot News - The other odd thing about this election, or fraudulent thing about this election is why are there allegedly 450,000 ballots in a few key swing states in which only the Biden/Harris option was marked in, all other down ballot candidates and issues were left blank? One would think that if you are a Democratic voter in a swing state that took the time to vote would stop after only voting for Biden and not support Democratic candidates running for the House and the Senate.

64) I am a statistician by trade so numbers fascinate me in that I believe that they define reality and truth so let’s dive into some numbers:
  • In most of the swing states, Biden held a slim single digit lead over Trump in mail in and absentee ballots but in Michigan Biden led Trump by 60 percentage points and in Pennsylvania he led Trump by 40 percentage points, a highly unlikely difference between two states with extensive fraud allegations and results and the other states.
  • Early voting returns showed Republicans leading in mail in ballots 43% to 35% and in early in person ballots 43% to 35%.
  • However, overnight when boxes of ballots started showing up early Wednesday morning, almost all of those ballots went to Biden, a complete reversal of known early voting.
  • Definitely possible that all of these statistical anomalies happened but highly unlikely all of them happened and they all happened in swing states and happened in the wee hours of the morning following the election.
  • Joe Biden under-performed in many major cities compared to Hillary Clinton in 2016. 
  • In New York City, Chicago, and Miami, he was down 201,408, 260,835, and 6,945 respectively.
  • But in the crucial swing cities, Biden had higher votes than Hillary, in Atlanta, Milwaukee, and Pittsburgh, he was up 76,518, 67,630, and 29,150 respectively.
The statistics are flukes or fraudulent.

65) Lawsuits and sworn affidavits alleging fraud have sprung up all over the country:
  • A lawsuit was filed in Wayne County, Michigan that alleges massive voter fraud in vote counting procedures.
  • Sworn affidavits have been filed under oath that say Wayne County election officials actually encouraged fraud, changed legal names, and dates on ballots, and prevented poll watchers from challenging shady doings.
  • Other sworn statements allege that boxes of ballots were brought thru the backdoor of the voting center after 9:00 pm although election rules state that all ballots need to be in the voting system by 9:00 pm,
  • And yet, election workers ignored that rule and input the entire batch of late arriving votes into the system well past 9:00.
  • Adding insult to injury, the sworn statement says that the vast majority of those late arriving ballots had voter birthdays of 1/1/1900, making most of the late voters 121 years old.
  • Another affidavit claims that this bogus birth date was used not only for the late arriving ballots but for other people that were not eligible to vote but whose vote was counted anyway.
  • In addition: “Election workers assigned ballots to random names already in the QVF to a person who had not voted. Defendants systematically used false information to process absentee ballots, such as using incorrect or false birthdays. Many times the election workers inserted new names into the QVF after the election and recorded these new voters as having a birthdate of 1/1/1900.”
  • A mail carrier in Pennsylvania said in a sworn affidavit that he was ordered to collect and submit late ballots. He said supervisors then backdated them so that they appeared to be mailed in time: “Postmaster Rob Weisenbach directed my co-workers and I to pick up ballots after Election Day and provide them to him. As discussed more fully below, I heard Weisenbach tell a supervisor at my office that Weisenbach was back-dating the postmarks on the ballots to make it appear as though the ballots had been collected on November 3, 2020, despite them in fact being collected on November 4 and possibly later.”
These are the next 9 (out of 65 total) instances of voting fraud that have been alleged and reported. Again, some may not be true. But it is highly unlikely that all of them are empty, sour grapes of the losing side. The corruption is too wide, too consistent, too focused, and too overwhelming, as these four posts have shown. 

Keep in mind that credible polls over the past week show that about three quarters of Republicans believe that the voting was corrupted while only 7% of Democrats believe it. Also, Trump’s approval rating has gone up three points over the past week to 52% approving of the job he's doing, a point higher than Obama’s approval rating at the same time in his Presidency. Bottom line: we are a bitterly divided country so the integrity of the voting system is critical to the basic functioning and civility of the citizenry and government operations.

If these serious allegations are mostly true and significantly affected the choices that Americans made, regardless of what side you are on, many bad people have corrupted and damaged a fundamental right of freedom, the ability to have their vote counted and counted equally with other legally cast votes. Anything short of this high standard is wrong, dangerous, and treasonous.

More voting irregularities and statistical analyses to follow.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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