Monday, November 23, 2020

Election 2020, Part 6 - The First Invalid Presidential Election In Our History?

I have voted in every Presidential election for a lot of decades. I have never voted for a Republican for President and thus, I did not vote for Donald Trump either time. 

Thus, I think I can say without much bias that this just completed Presidential election is shaping up to be a disgrace to democracy given the highly likely it was corrupted, manipulated, and outright fixed by so many people and entities across the country. Ballots were lost, ballots were found in garbage cans, computers were hacked, computers inadvertently, or intentionally,  moved votes from one candidate to another, ballots showed up in polling places with no chain of command security protocols followed. Politicians announced results days before the voting took place.

I am sure some of the potential incidents of voter fraud and cheating were incorrect. But I am sitting on almost 200 news reports of, call them, “voting irregularities,” enough to convince me that this was the most dishonest, poorly handled, and obscene election that abuses the First Amendment rights and “one person, one vote” tenet that is basic to our democracy.

Over the next few days I will be pulling out a lot of those 200 news reports and briefly discussing what allegedly happened. I can not say all of these news reports are true and I cannot say all of these news reports are false. 

But when people are arrested, when people admit on video that they cheated, when there are videos made of people delivering box loads of videos in the middle of the night, I think the evidence is pretty clear that the corruption in this election was real and widespread.

I am not to drawing any conclusions but consider the following reality: the voting locales where most of the corruption occurred was almost ALL in Democratic party controlled areas: Democratically controlled cities, Democratically controlled counties, and Democratically controlled states and happened only in states that were considered “swing state” in the election, in other words, the states that could go either way and a nudge here or a nudge there, from a voting corruption perspective could make all the difference.

The first 72 documented incidents of voting irregularities can be found at:

73) The Freedom Flag - A lawsuit that has been filed in the state of Michigan claims that tens of thousands of unsealed ballots were brought into the state by out of state registered cars:
  • The suit claims that these ballots were then filled out and counted in the voting tallies in the state.
  • The suit was filed by the Great Lakes Justice Center which claims that the unsealed ballots were used to inflate the vote totals of Democrats.
  • The suit includes sworn testimony of witnesses that saw the illegal voting practice going on.
  • Specifically: “After election officials announced the last absentee ballots had been received, another batch of unsecured and unsealed ballots, without envelopes, arrived in trays at the TCF Center. There were tens of thousands of these absentee ballots, and apparently every ballot was counted and attributed only to Democratic candidates. Unsecured ballots arrived at the TCF Center loading garage, not in sealed ballot boxes, without any chain of custody, and without envelopes.” 
  • The lawsuit alleges that all of the ballots “were cast for Joe Biden.”
The suit asks that the certification of election results be delayed until the suit is settled.

74) American United Daily - Georgia voting processes were so screwed up that it had to do a recount. And even then, according to local news outlets, a letter from local Georgia Republicans allege the recount has the following issues: 

1.The audit does not include a review of signatures on absentee ballot applications and ballot envelopes to confirm the validity of the statutory signature verification process by the counties.

2.We have concerns about meaningful access to the auditing process by our designated monitors. Your office announced today that the state parties can designate only one reviewer for every 10 audit teams. That makes it impossible for hand count decisions to be reviewed in real time.

3.We are very troubled by the directive issued today that counties must certify their results by 5:00 P.M. tomorrow. Given that the audit and recount will necessarily still be ongoing, it is completely improper for counties to be directed to certify the accuracy of the results before the audit and hand count are completed.

4.We had expected to receive by yesterday the parameters for the hand count in order to provide sufficient time to the public of the process to be followed. However, your training and guidance were issued only within the last few hours and the counties are directed to start the audit tomorrow.

5.The security of the paper ballots is critically important. Aside from a single passing reference about security during today’s training, the Secretary of State’s office provided no substantive guidance regarding the necessity of maintaining the security of the ballots, the transporting of ballots, and documenting the chain of custody as required by law.

Another mess about the inability of the political class to actually conduct a fair and corrupt free election.

75) Steadfast Clash - On November 16, this website updated the voting corruption in irregularities: In multiple states, hundreds of thousands of ballots show that “voters” only voted for Joe Biden on their ballots, no one else: Pennsylvania — 98,000, Georgia — 80,000-90,000, Arizona — 42,000, Michigan — 69,000-115,000 and Wisconsin — 62,836.

Seems highly unlikely unless massive fraud is involved that tens of thousands of voters in a state would only vote for Biden and ignore the rest of the ballot.

76) Biz Pac Review - Sidney Powell, a Trump lawyer going after the voting corruption issue, claimed in a recent interview that the Dominion voting computer system used by many states and counties across the country, has previously been used by the CIA to corrupt elections around the world. She alleges that:
  • Whistle blowers say that “substantial sums of money” were paid to family members of state officials [foreign politicians] in countries that used the Dominion voting programs.
  • These officials, in addition to the kickbacks, were provided “election insurance,” i.e. guaranteed results that their candidates would win the election regardless of actual voting results.
  • Specifically: “It’s really an insidious, corrupt system and I can’t tell you how livid I am with our government for not paying attention to complaints even brought by Democrats” about the systems, Powell said, going on to name Rep. Caroline Maloney of New York, as well as Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota.
  • Furthermore:“And nobody in our government has paid any attention to it, which makes me wonder how much the CIA has used it for its own benefit in different places, and why Gina Haspel is still there in the CIA is beyond my comprehension. She should be fired immediately.”
  • The interviewer, Maria Bartiromo said she has spoken to a whistle blower computer expert who alleges that the Dominion software contained suspicious “patches” and other features that led him to believe it was not secure.
  • More Powell: “They [Dominion] can remote access anything, they can watch votes in real-time, they can shift votes in real-time,” she said, noting that Trump’s legal team has even “identified the exact algorithm” used to allegedly alter votes.
77) The Informed American - Dekalb County, Georgia voting official, Eric Burton, was recently fired. Apparently he did not follow established voting procedures and protocols which caused at least 59 ballots to not be included in the final count. This comes on the heels of Floyd County, Georgia election chief Robert Brady getting himself fired after a similar failure to follow voting procedures that resulted in a whopping 2,000 ballots not being included in the voting tallies.

Yeah, Georgia results should be examined in as much detail as possible, not only for corruption but also for ineptness of voting officials.

78) Patriots United News - Looks like Georgia is not the only state that cannot count or follow protocols: "The Registrar of Voters for Clark County, Joe Gloria, went to the press and admitted that “the results of a county-wide canvass showed 936 total discrepancies, including 710 in mail precincts, 121 in early voting precincts and 105 in Election Day precincts.” That isn’t good. The ratio also highlights something Democrats don’t want to admit. Mail in ballots are a lot more susceptible to tampering. According to the Nevada official, the state tried to illegally count “canceled votes,” along with ones issued by voters with “reactivated voter cards” and despite “check-in errors at polling places.”

Thus, there are at least 1,700 voting irregularities that Nevada officials are willing to admit to. In fact, they have already decided that one county election needs to be redone since one out of six votes were deemed suspicious for any number of reasons.

79) America's Freedom Fighters - A person known simply as “Greg on the Right” has done a great analysis using actual, official, approved, state of Pennsylvania voting records that apparently he downloaded from the state voter website. He imported the official state information into an EXCEL spreadsheet and started cutting the data different ways. He then went through the data using the following criteria:
  • In his first pass through the data he filtered out ballots that were mailed by the state government, the same day they were received back by the state government, filled out, through the mail.
  • He found that 11,000 of the ballots were filed out by the voter and returned back to the government the same day the government mailed them out to the voter.
  • He then filtered by the date that applications were approved by the government, mailed out by the government, received by the voter, filled out by the voter, and received back by the government the same day.
  • He found over 8,000 cases in this pass through the data, that a voting application was approved, mailed, filled out and received the same day.
  • His last pass through the data was when he looked at cases where ballots were received back in the mail, filled out, before the records show they were actually mailed out.
  • He found over 7,400 cases where ballots were reportedly received back and filled out before they were actually mailed out by the government.
  • These wacky/corrupt results were found in only one million cases since the EXCEL spreadsheet would not allow him to load any more than a million records.
  • Remarkable time traveling going on in Pennsylvania if true: ballots approved, mailed out, filled out, and mailed back all on the same day or even more remarkable, received back before they were mailed! The details and screenshots of his analysis can be found at:

These are the next 7 (of 79) instances of voting fraud so far that have been alleged and reported that we have included in this summary set of posts. Again, some may not be true. But it is highly unlikely that all of them are empty, sour grapes of the losing side. The corruption is too wide, too consistent, too focused, and too overwhelming, as subsequent posts will show. 

And if true, many bad people have corrupted and damaged a fundamental right of freedom, the ability to have their vote counted and counted equally with other legal cast votes. Anything short of this high standard is wrong, dangerous, and treasonous. More to come.

Note: So far we have discussed only 79 instances of shaky voting procedures and. As we discussed previously, we are sitting on close to 200 cases of alleged and probably fraud, we just have not gotten to these other instances yet.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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