Friday, April 16, 2021

April., 2021, Part 2, Political Class Insanity: Biden Continues To Lie, Psaki Continues To Embarrass and Is Biden Not Even Able To Sign His Name Now?

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) Jen Psaki is Biden’s press secretary. She is in my opinion the worst press secretary in recent memory. She rarely answers a question, preferring to constantly and annoyingly say, “I’ll have to circle back to that.” Which is okay to say once in a while when given an odd question but she says it constantly, evidence that she is always ill prepared to run a press briefing.

Recently she was at it again and tripped herself up, indicating that she was aware of a situation and question that was posed and lied her way through it:
  • Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, has been an embarrassment to the family and the country for years and years.
  • He was kicked out of the service for drug abuse, he has taken advantage of his father’s political status to get bribes from various countries around the world, he started a relationship with his deceased brother’s widow while still married, he got a stripper pregnant, and he may have criminally falsified information on a gun application.
  • In addition, it appears, based on confirmation from various sources, that he accepted a $3.5 million “gift”/bribe from the mayor of Moscow, Russia.
  • This is not new news, it was part of the election news cycle back in 2020.
  • But in a recent news briefing Psaki was asked by a New York Post reporter what that $3.5 million Russian gift was for.
  • She immediately played dumb and claimed she was not familiar with the transaction even though it was part of the last election cycle, the Department of Homeland Security reported on it, and a U.S. Senate report reported on it and yet, she says she is unaware of this situation.
  • But she immediately then claimed there was not much evidence behind the claim (“It doesn’t sound like it’s backed up by a lot of evidence.” )
  • So what is it: you cannot claim you are unaware of the gift but then say there is not much truth to the story, which is it Jen?
Thus, she was either again totally unprepared for the question despite the history of the bribe or she is lying and ducking this question like she has ducked hundreds of other questions with her lame “circle back” excuse. Totally inept person in a very important job, much like her boss, Joe Biden.

2) We have previously reported on the many, many lies Joe Biden told over time that were listed in the following post (a post that also documented his sexual predator behaviors and racist comments and attitudes):

Once in office, his continued propensity to lie has not abated:
  • Biden recently commented, more than once, that a person can go to a gun show and buy a weapon and not have to get a background check.
  • This is the so-called, nonexistent “gun show loophole” that liberals have falsely been pushing for a very long time.
  • For the record, the gun show loophole NEVER existed.
  • Biden’s specific lie went as follows: “Most people don’t know it, you walk into a store and you buy a gun, you have a background check. But you go to a gun show, you can buy whatever you want, and no background check.”
  • A Federal background check is done every time a gun is sold by a Federally licensed gun seller, whether it is in a store or at a gun show.
  • Even Politifact, a liberal loving, Democratic lap dog, called him out on the lie once the White House tried to spin his lie by saying “some sales without background check take palace at gun shows” to which Politifact rebutted: “That’s not what he said. Biden claimed that all sales at gun shows avoid background checks.”
When your fact checking friends call you a liar, you're probably a liar. A trait he has demonstrated so many times over the decades he has been in politics.

3) Very shortly after Biden made the above, false statement, his Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, was asked about Biden’s gun show statement. Remarkably, she denied that was his belief even though, as the statement above shows, he said that you could walk into a gun show and buy a gun without a background check. Specifically, Psaki said that “it is not his belief” about no background checks at gun shows.

So who is lying: Biden that says gun show sales do not have to have background checks or Psaki who about an hour after Biden stated his belief said it was not his (Biden’s) belief. What an inept circus.

4) It has been my contention going back to the middle of 2020 that Joe Biden is in the throes of a significant cognitive decline, based on his behavior and speech difficulties and my experience caring for an elderly relative who came down with and died from dementia.

My opinion has not changed, given his continued inability to form coherent thoughts and sentences and his need to write everything down when speaking. And now there is a growing suspicion that things have gotten so bad cognitively that he is not actually signing and approving legislation and executive orders.

The link below goes through this reasoning and possible [proof that he has entered a new level of his cognitive decline, a level that other experience going through the same experience, namely that they lose control of their signature ability:

Highlights from the article include the following:
  • The article lays out his signature as it appeared in past documents in previous years.
  • It then lays out what his signature looks like on recently signed documents he has signed since becoming President.
  • The first thing you notice is that every signature sample included in the article is absolutely positively identical to each other, indicating that he is not actually singing government documents, some sort of machine is actually doing the signing (which calls into question if anything he “signs” is legal if he did not sign it himself.
  • But more interesting is that his most recent signings look suspiciously like Jill Biden’s handwriting, samples of which are also included in the article, especially when you look at the “B” in “Biden.”
See for yourself and then decide if the argument and samples put forth are valid in your mind. Because if they are, then we have a President who has cognitively declined so much that he no longer is in control of his signature, his wife had to forge his signature in order to get it processed through some sort of signing machine that is now used to sign official government documents. 

All of which, again, raises the question: is anything that comes out of the White House valid if Joe Biden did not sign it himself and what appears as his signature is a forged, mechanical copy.

That will do it for today. Bottom line: this administration is an insane mess and an embarrassment on so many levels.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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