Sunday, April 25, 2021

April, 2021, Part 6, Political Class Insanity: Imaginary Counties Get Real Taxpayer Money, AMTRAK Continues Its Wasteful Spending, and Democratic States Continue To Lose Residents.

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) The Biden administration and Congress recently threw together a multi-trillion covid economic relief plan. And threw together is certainty the right description, given this insanity:
  • According to the Tax Foundation hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars have been set aside in the relief package for county governments that do not exist.
  • For example, the nimrods in Washington put a provision in the legislation so that Hartford County, Connecticut’s county government is set to receive $173 million in covid relief aid.
  • Nice chunk of change except for the fact that like every other country in the state there is no county level government that could actually and legally receive the money.
  • In fact, all of the non-existent county governments in the state in total are supposed to get $691 million in relief.
  • The same insanity is going down in Rhode Island where there also are no formal county level government entities but nonetheless, these non-existent counties are scheduled to get $205 million.
  • $15 million is supposed to go to Alaska’s Unorganized Borough which is really unorganized since it is not a real county or any other kind of government, it does not exist from a legal, government perspective.
  • And it gets worse.
  • Eight of Massachusetts county governments were dissolved over 20 years ago but they are still supposed to receive $942 million in relief aid.
  • Norfolk County has an annual revenue stream of about $19.5 million but thanks to Congress, it is set to receive $137 million in covid aid, seven times its annual revenue stream, talk about a windfall.
Unfortunately, you cannot make up this type of stupidity. It makes you wonder what the Congressional members of Congress in Connecticut, Rhode Island, et al were thinking… or not thinking: are they so out of touch with their home states that they did not realize there is no legal way for these fictional or eliminated counties to legally receive and spend this taxpayer generosity?

2) Whenever the Federal government operates anything, any program etc. it screws it up, by being inept, inefficient, criminally crooked, you name it, they will screw it up. Such has been the case of AMTRAK for decades. The Federal government took over the operation decades ago and it has bled red ink and unprofitability ever since.

And now AMTRAK claims that it needs about $40 billion of taxpayer money to fix its backlogged maintenance problems. Keep in mind that the vast, vast majority of American taxpayers have never ridden an AMTRAK train and are likely to never ride the train. But rather than have those that actually ride the train pay their fair share of the expenses to operate it, Washington politicians would rather that the rest of the country subsidize a losing operation that benefits a tinyu, tiny number of people.

Now, AMTRAK executives see themselves getting a new windfall of taxpayer money via Biden’s ridiculous expensive and idiotic multi-trillion dollar infrastructure plan. Let Connor Harris of the Manhattan institute explain why this is so not right: “Except much of anything Amtrak gets from the federal government will not be spent on new destinations but on repairs and maintenance. Very costly repairs and maintenance, it turns out – and only what’s needed to keep service from failing completely along existing lines…Amtrak’s claimed maintenance backlog of $40 billion for the 453-mile rail line from DC to Boston — an enormous sum of almost $90 million per mile, merely to keep the same service as exists today. For comparison, in countries such as France and Spain, less than half that cost per mile would cover a brand-new high-speed rail line good for speeds of more than 200 miles per hour.”

So, other countries could build a brand new, high tech rail line for half the money that AMTRAK wants to do maintenance on a SINGLE AMTRAK rail line in the northeast section of the country. More tax dollars wasted on a typical bloated, inefficient and inept government bureaucracy.

3) Let's check in on how the out migration trend is going with high tax, high crime states as we often do:
  • Forbes writer, Chris Dorsey, recently published an article entitled, “America’s Mass Migration Intensifies As ‘Leftugees’ Flee Blue States And Counties For Red”
  • According to Dorsey, the top five U.S. states seeing a mass exodus out of those states are all Democratic controlled, California, New York, Illinois, Michigan, and Illinois.
  • This is consistent with our own previous analyses where we predicted that these states, especially Illinois, New York and California, are already in financial death spirals that will see one of them very soon go into at least a de facto bankruptcy condition.
  • As more and more people flee these states because the state politicians have governed in such a way to continually see increases in taxation and crime, and a lowering of the quality of life, the tax base becomes smaller and smaller resulting in less and less tax revenue which forces politicians to increase taxes and cut public services which increases crime and further lowers the quality of life and causes more people and businesses to migrate out and the financial death spiral is in full force.
  • According to the Census Bureau, these five states lost a combined 4 million residents between 2010 and 2019.
  • Thus, while the overall country’s population grew almost 8% in that time frame, these five states saw population declines in the face of that almost overall 8% growth rate.
  • According to U-Haul numbers, the five states seeing the greatest increase in population are states with much lower tax burdens and crime rates and a better overall quality of life climate: Florida, Texas, Tennessee, Ohio and Arizona.

The formula for keeping voters and residents happy is pretty simple: lower taxes, lower business regulation, lower crime rates, and a better quality of life. However, many in the American political class cannot grasp that simple concept: rather than get their government entities more efficient and effective, they continue to raise taxes, expand government intrusion, increase business and personal regulations, put forth idiotic concepts like “defund the police'' which ALWAYS increases crime.

We have always stated that “people just want to be free.” And to do that they will vote with their feet and take themselves, their families, and their businesses to where they can be free and safe, something that is not possible in states like Illinois, California, New York, New Jersey and Michigan.

That will do it for today: financially strapped states and their inept politicians continue to bleed citizens and tax base participants, AMTRAK continues to be a black hole of waste and taxpayer money, and imaginary counties get allocated real taxpayer funds.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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