Monday, April 19, 2021

April, 2021, Part 4, Political Class Insanity: Kamala Harris Blows Off Her Border Crisis Assignment, Lifeguards Causing California To Go Bankrupt, Whitmer Still Clueless In Michigan and More

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) We recently discussed the reality that Biden has named Vice President Kamala Harris as the person in charge of fixing the illegal immigration crisis at the southern border. The crisis involves any number of distressing and dangerous realities:
  • Drug cartels, human traffickers, and criminal gangs are using Biden’s loose border security to step up their illegal activities, activities that are likely to have dire consequences for Americans in the very near future.
  • Biden made no provisions for feeding and caring for the horde of illegal immigrants he encouraged to come across the border and thus, there is a serious humanitarian crisis as too many illegal immigrants are packed into too few living spaces.
  • The joint housing of kids with adult illegal immigrants has resulted in reports of widespread sexual abuse of women and children.
  • The cartels and gangs are placing children alone on the border without adult supervision or supplies in order to divert Border Patrol resources to the caring for the kids and not going after the cartel members funneling tonnage of illegal drugs across the border.
We have a serious border problem, at least that is what a caring, informed person would conclude. But weeks after Biden put Harris in charge of fixing what he has tragically broken, Harris has still not made a trip to the order to see firsthand how bad things are, both for an overworked Border Patrol organization, local towns and citizens, and the flood of illegal immigrants.

She has found time to make at least three trips elsewhere in the country totally unrelated to the crisis she was told to solve. She has complained how slowly the Vice Presidential quarters are being renovated but has no concept or firsthand knowledge of the suffering going on all around on the border. Pathetic sense of responsibility and humanity.

The following link and video explains how miserably she has failed in this Biden assignment:

2) Gretchen Whitmer is the governor of Michigan. We have discussed a number of times how poorly she handled the whole covid pandemic issue, creating idiotic rules for stores, shutting down the entire state when many state counties had zero infections, and allowing her husband to try and bypass her own rules against boating. All along she has claimed that her dictatorial actions were saving lives from the virus.

And yet, despite all of her draconian actions, the virus infection rate in the state is one of the highest in the country with no signs it is going to abate anytime soon. Despite the availability of vaccines, despite the fact that other states are experiencing declining numbers of infections, despite her past failures, she now wants all of the state schools to shut down in-class learning and put a halt to all youth sports for at least two weeks. Given she shut the whole state down and did not halt the virus, what makes her think these two pieces of shutdown idiocy will work

Continuing to shut down the state, something she has done for well over a year is not working and yet she continues along the same road. Albert Einstein once said something to the effect that “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.” Whitmer shut down life in her state in so many unnecessary ways and yet her state is still a leader in getting state residents infected. Maybe Einstein was right in her case.

3) Only two months into his Presidency and Biden has already pissed off more than half the country:
  • According to the most recent Rasmussen opinion poll, 51% of those polled disapprove of the job Biden is doing.
  • Only 47% approve of the job he is doing.
  • Of the 49%, only 29%”strongly approve” of the job is doing while of the 51% who disapprove, 42% “strongly disapprove” of the job he is doing.
  • Thus, not only do the majority disapprove of what he has done, the strength of the disapproval is much stronger than the related strength of his approval rating.
  • A major factor in his disapproval rating is a recent 14 point drop in his handling of the illegal immigration crisis at the southern border.
Thus, it appears that America has a better handle on what is happening on the border than Kamala Harris does and is expressing that knowledge and disapproval in the poll.

4) A little while ago, we put together some numbers and analysis that showed how the Federal government, some state governments, and some city governments were heading towards a financial collapse, given how poorly the respective politicians have handled the budgeting and spending priorities of their government entity:

Previously, we did an analysis that showed how out of financial control the state and city governments in Illinois and Chicago are with their spending actions, enriching government employees beyond anyone else’s wildest dream while swiftly moving the state and city towards bankruptcy at the same time:

And while we still believe that Chicago will be the next big U.S. city to go bankrupt, taking away Detroit’s distinction of being the biggest U.S. city to go bankrupt, and that Illinois will be the first state government to go bankrupt, given the out of control spending in Los Angeles and California for lifeguards, yes, lifeguards, Chicago and Illinois will have some competition in the race to bankruptcy court:
  • We have already discussed the reality that California probably has close to a trillion dollars worth of unfunded future financial liabilities, a reality that will cause the state to eventually go bankrupt as these unfunded liabilities become due.
  • And maybe the reason they have almost a trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities and why they are having difficulties funding even their current budgets is because of what they pay beach lifeguards in the state.
  • According to a recent Forbes analysis, top paid lifeguards, again, lifeguards, can earn up to almost $400,000 a year.
  • This is more than double what every member of Congress makes.
  • This is almost what the President of the United States makes.
  • This is about 7-8 times higher than what the average U.S. household earns a year.
  • The auditors at the website found that in Los Angeles county, seven lifeguards made more than $300,000 in earnings in the 2019 fiscal year and 82 others had earnings over $200,000.
  • Fernando Boiteux was the most highly paid city lifeguard and earned $391,971 as the “acting chief lifeguard:” salary ($205,619), perks ($60,452), and benefits ($125,900).
  • The second highest paid earned almost $370,000 with his overtime pay almost equal to his regular hour pay.
  • The tenth highest paid lifeguard earned $293,225, about 5-6 times what the average American household earns a year.
  • And none of these top, top earners apparently did anything spectacular in saving lives on the beaches since the 2020 winner of the Medal Of Valor went to the lifeguard with the 167th highest salary.
  • The two 2019 Valor winners also earned nowhere close to the top earning lifeguards.
  • But each of these three heroes did earn more than three times what the average American household earns.
  • These are all beach lifeguards, pool lifeguards in the county earn a fraction of what the beach lifeguards earn.
Given that these beach lifeguards are government employees, you can be sure, like the Illinois government employees getting rich as outlined in the Illinois post above, the retirement benefits and salaries of these lifeguards is likely based on their career earnings, earnings that make then way richer than the vast majority of state citizens who fund their lavish pay and retirement with their taxes.

And now we see just one reason why California has almost a trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities and why it will give Illinois a good run into bankruptcy.

That will do it for today: way, way overpaid, tax supported California life guards, Biden already is sinking in the approval polls, Whitmer continues to not find solutions, and Kamala Harris does not take the human suffering seriously when it comes to the border illegal immigration crisis...but we do hope the renovations for her Vice President quarters and home are moving along smoothly.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

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