Saturday, October 16, 2021

October, 2021, Part 8, Political Class Insanity: Chicago Is Still Violent, John Kerry Gets Richer At The Expense of His Integrity, Drug Overdoses Soar and A Senator "Ducks: Paying Taxes

 Before we get to today’s insanity, please consider the following proposition: as many of you know, the withdrawal from Afghanistan has been a historic and fatal endeavor. But the failure did not start just in the past few weeks, it has been a twenty year disaster. It has cost American taxpayers about a trillion dollars, has left thousands of our brave armed forces folks dead, maimed, or wounded and has resulted in an unknown but substantial number of civilian deaths.

Afghanistan has been a collective failure of multiple Presidential administrations and multiple sessions of Congress. Thus, please consider signing the petition below that calls for the immediate resignation of every member of Congress that has at least twenty years of service and the resignation of President Biden, Vice President Harris, and critical, and failed, members of the Biden Administration. They do not deserve to serve any longer given their miserable twenty year track record of death, destruction and waste in Afghanistan.

Also, if you are passionate about this topic and effort, feel free to pass the link along to others who might also feel the same way, i.e. incompetence should not be rewarded:

Biden and others need to resign for dereliction of duty, incompetence and total lack of empathy. Nothing short of resignation is acceptable. Thank you.


It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1)Far too many times we have reviewed the carnage and violence in the city of Chicago over the years. At the same time we have also reviewed the inability of local politicians to do anything to reduce the violence and murders. If anything, the violence has gotten worse:

  • As of December 27, 2020, at least 4,115 people have been shot in the city of Chicago during 2020, over 11 shot every day of the year on average.

  • Of those 4,115 shot, 762 died, about 2 deaths every day of the year on average.

  • The 762 murders is a whopping 55% increase over the murders in 2019, 491.

  • This reverses a downward trend in murders over the past four years.

  • Keep in mind that the Chicago city government and the politicians that operate it were big fans of the “defunding the police” movement and they did just that, reducing the size and resources of the police department.

  • Thus, not a surprise the murder and shooting volumes are increasing since there were fewer police resources on the job and the city politcians had no back up plan to cover the void.

  • Of course, the Chicago mayor, Lori Lightfoot denies any responsibility for the increase in violence, blaming the increase in crime on the pandemic.

As we have always said, a very basic function of government is to protect the lives and properties of its citizens. Nowhere has that political class failure been so clear than in Chicago.

2)Most American politicians have a serious hypocrisy streak in them. They preach to us what the right behavior is but if there is a chance to compromise their standards and positions and make some money then the heck with integrity. Super liberal political animal John Kerry is no exception to this behavior:

  • It is no secret that the Chinese Communist government has rounded up and locked up possibly a million Uyghur Muslims in their country, sending them to re-education camps and slave labor camps.

  • Kerry was recently in China to discuss the myth of manmade climate change, a favorite topic of his.

  • At the same time it turns out that Kerry and his wife have over $1 million invested in a Chinese investment group that funds a number of Chinese companies including one tech company that has been blacklisted by the U.S. for human rights abuses against Uyghurs.

  • The tech company created a high tech facial recognition surveillance operation that was used against Uyghurs for the Chinese government.

  • When pressed on why he was working and negotiating with the Chinese Communists on climate change while not pressing them on their oppression of the Uyghurs, he showed his hypocrisy when he nonchalantly glossed over the question by saying “Life is full of tough choices.”

  • In other words, he is willing to overlook the oppression if he can get his favorite topic front and center (climate change) and if he can make a lot of money in the process, then life is great.

  • Anders Corr, an intelligence analyst and the publisher of the Journal of Political Risk, called Kerry's investment an "astonishing and disappointing revelation:" "Kerry leads on the China issue, not just climate talks, and he and his family should be forbidden from investing in a manner that creates even the appearance of a conflict of interest."

Greed before principle, even if it includes the oppression of over a million human beings.

3)While politicians across the political spectrum, from local to Federal government entities, work on inane and useless laws and regulations, e.g. the recent California law that will shortly forbid all gas powered lawn tools like leaf blowers, Americans across the country are facing problems like homelessness, hunger, price inflation, and drug addiction. Rather than work on these real life problems that affect millions and millions of Americans, people like John Kerry are traipsing around the world on some climate change mirage.

And one of those problems is getting worse and worse every day:

  • The U.S. set a record for drug overdose deaths in the year from April, 2020 through March, 2021.

  • 96,779 Americans died from a drug overdose during that 12 month period.

  • This was almost a 30% increase over the previous 12 months.

  • 47 states saw their overdose death total jump significantly while only three states, South Dakota, New Jersey, and NewHampshire saw a decrease in deaths.

  • Vermont death totals from overdoses went crazy, jumping an incredible 85.1% in a single year.

So while state politicians in California are worried about gas powered leaf blowers, more and more Americans are dying from drug overdoses. While Joe Biden is more worried about getting back to his Delaware home just about every weekend than the drug addiction problem, more and more Americans are dying from drug overdoses. While Kamala Harris is busy doing a kids show/NASA video, more and more Americans are dying from drug overdoses.

And rest assured that the record number of overdose deaths is, in all likelihood, going to continue to rise in the current 12 month period. With Biden’s open, porous border policies, the Mexican and other drug cartels are shipping record amounts of illegal drugs into the country, a reality that will drive down drug prices and drive up addiction and deaths.

Thus, not only are Biden’s border policies stupid, they are also dangerous and fatal as I would bet that the number of Amercans that die from a drug overdoses in the current 12 month period will easily pass 100,000, hands down take, it to the bank.

4) Politicians always order us to pay our "fair share" in taxes which is probably a good thing except for the fact that they rarely do what they say. It is pretty clear now that Joe and Jill Biden avoided paying $500,000 in Medicare taxes over the past few years when they hid speaking and book money inside an S Corporation. Years ago, Massachusetts Senator John Kerry got caught storing his yacht in nearby Rhode Island rather than his home state of Massachusetts to avoid some major Massachusetts taxes.

And now a U.S. Senator finds herself among their company of avoiding paying taxes:

  • A new report found that U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth apparently has not paid a single dime in property taxes for her home in the past six years.

  • And apparently she did not break any laws in not paying any taxes.

  • According to Fox News, she used a bunch of tax loopholes and tax exemptions to drive her tax rate and tax bill down to zero.

  • The loopholes saved her family $42,000 in property tax payments.

  • One of her loopholes is an Illinois state law that gives tax relief to disabled veterans which on the surface seems fair.

  • Duckworth was injured in a helicopter incident in Iraq many years ago.

  • But how disabled can she be if she is an active U.S. Senator?

  • Also, she is making over $170,000, she is married and so her husband is quite likely earning some income so it is not like they cannot afford to pay at least something in property taxes.

The hypocrisy is obvious. Politicians harp on us to pay our fair share but here is a relatively wealthy politician using every legal loophole to reduce her tax burden to zero, hardly her “fair share” of taxation. The fact that she paid nothing in property taxes means some other Illinois citizen who is actually paying property taxes is forced to pay more for her paying nothing in property taxes. Does not seem “fair.”

That will do it for today: Chicago is still a fatal mess, John Kerry gets richer, Americans’ drug overdose problem gets worse and worse and politicians don't care, and more tax hypocrisy from the political class.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

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