Wednesday, December 15, 2021

December, 2021, Part 6, Political Class Insanity: Bankrupting The Country With Build Back Better, Solyndra Re Dux, and Please Don't Visit LA

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) Biden and other Democrats in Washington have made the ludicrous claim that Joe Biden’s outrageous and mostly useless “Build Back Better” legislation will not cost Americans any money. Yes, that has been the claim. Biden is going to bring all of these promised programs and improvements to Americans and it will not cost anything. Sounds like the type of idiocy we usually get from Ocasio-Cortez.

But the Congressional Budget Office (CB) has a different view:
  • The CBO, a set of trained economists unlike Biden, says that the Build Back Better plan would increase the Federal deficit by $3 trillion over the next ten years.
  • This assumes that the facets of Biden’s plan are made permanent.
  • According to Senator John Cornyn: "If the temporary provisions of this bill are extended, and I fully expect them to be if our Democratic colleagues have the votes to do it, this legislation will cost a whole lot more than what the American people have been told."
  • Even Democrat Senator, Joe Manchin, knows that Biden and others have been lying about this fiasco, accusing fellow Democrat Biden of "using “gimmicks” to downplay the legislation’s actual cost: "As more of the real details outlined in the basic framework are released, what I see are shell games and budget gimmicks that make the real cost of this so-called '$1.75 trillion' bill estimated to be twice as high if the programs are extended or made permanent."
  • Fellow Democratic Senator, Kyrsten Sinema, is also against the sky high costs in the legislation.
As we have discussed so many times, the national debt in this country of the Federal government is over $30 trillion. The unfunded future liabilities of the Federal government is over $80 trillion. And yet Biden wants to add more trillions to the national debt and lie about it in the process. Insanity.

2) During the Obama administration, Obama made sure that big time Democratic donors and political allies in the alternative energy industry were rewarded with lucrative Federal contracts for alternative energy projects. Billions of dollars were haphazardly sent to Obama’s political friends and then were usually lost almost immediately, leaving the American taxpayer with additional debt and nothing to show for it.

Solyndra, A123, Fisker, and other companies are no longer around, having gone bankrupt or been bought out by other companies for pennies on the taxpayer dollar. And yet, despite the history of solar cronyism and expensive failures, apparently Biden has not learned anything from the disastrous Obama wasting of taxpayer wealth:
  • First Solar is a tightly connected political ally and rich donor to Democrats, having gotten a $3 billion in taxpayer loan guarantee from the Obama administration.
  • And despite getting nothing of value in that transaction, Biden’s administration is giving First Solar a half a billion Federal loan.
  • And to make this transaction even more disgusting, the loan is to help First Solar to build a solar energy factory in India, not America, in India.
  • The U.S. International Development Finance Corporation made the loan to First Solar.
  • First Solar is owned by Walmart billionaire heir, Lukas Walton.
  • Walton contributed over $300,000 to Biden’s 2020 Presidential campaign and $100,000 to the Democratic National Committee.Others think that this is possibly a highly unethical arrangement: "The United States International Development Finance Corporation, formerly known as OPIC, has a history of deals gone bad when mixing taxpayer dollars with politically connected entities like First Solar," said Tom Anderson, director of the Government Integrity Project at the National Legal and Policy Center. "This agency has a history of favoring entities backed by huge political contributors, like First Solar, by giving them less scrutiny while prioritizing politically connected projects above entities and individuals who are not politically active."
  • Part of that history of bad deals happened in 2010 when it sped through a $10 million loan to a Hillary Clinton campaign donor while she was Secretary of State.
  • The loan was supposed to fund a Haiti housing relief project but the donor put the $10 million in his own pocket, for which he was eventually sentenced to 12 years in prison, the Haiti housing project be damned.
  • First Solar government/Obama windfall was granted even though its technology was deemed not “innovative,” a requirement for getting the loan.
  • First Solar fired half of its employees within weeks of telling Congress the company was “financially strong.”
  • First Solar settled a $350 million law suit in 2020 when it was sued by two English pension funds for lying to investors.
So let’s review: First Solar got taxpayer money from Obama for technology that was not innovative, to my knowledge never provided any technology that was innovative for the taxpayer dollars it received, fired half of its workforce after claiming in front of Congress it was in good financial shape, and got sued and paid out $350 million for lying to investors. And yet, Biden just gave them more taxpayer money to build a solar plant in India which would hire workers in India to spend American taxpayer dollars to build solar panels in India. Unreal.

3) We have always maintained that a very, very basic function of government is to protect the lives and property of the citizens it is responsible for. No matter what else politicians in a government entity accomplish, a failure to protect lives and property relegates other accomplishments moot.

The poster child for the failure of this basic government function is Chicago, as we have discussed far too many times over the years. Every year, hundreds of citizens are killed in the city from violent crime, thousands are injured, and many businesses are robbed, gutted, and put of business by violent criminals. And every year, the politicians in Chicago fail to come up with any solution to reduce the carnage.

But it is not only politicians in Chicago that cannot protect their citizens, Los Angeles is not a safe haven either:
  • An LAPD detective recently gave advice to anyone who was planning on visiting his city in the near future.
  • The simple advice: do not visit LA, the crime has gotten so bad that you would be taking your life in your hands if you came to his city.
  • Specifically: "My advice to anybody considering coming to Los Angeles is 'Don't. We can't guarantee your safety. It is really, really out of control It's like that movie 'Purge' [sic]. Instead of 24 hours to commit your crime, these bad people have 365 days to commit whatever they want."
  • Detective McBride blamed the LA crime wave on very bad and usually dumb decisions by liberal politicians including defuding the police, putting lenient and zero bail policies into effect, etc.
I don't think I ever heard a law enforcement officer encourage people to NOT come to their city because of the crime wave that is getting worse and worse every day. That is how bad mostly liberal cities have become, from LA to Portland, to Seattle to NYC and, of course, the violence capital of the country, Chicago.

Details of his position can be accessed at the following link:

That will do it for today: expensive cronyism still exists as Biden gives away millions of taxpayer dollars, violence and crime are rampaging across the country, and Washington continues to bankrupt the country with outlandish and stupid deficit spending.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

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