Friday, March 4, 2022

March, 2022, Part 1, Political Class insanity: Defunding the Police Failures In Portland and Seattle, A Congressional Candidate Goes Bonkers, and Kamala Harris Explains The World

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) We have often asserted that any government entity has one primary function and that's to protect the lives and property of its citizens. Any other success it has without providing this basic government service is immaterial if people and their property are not safe. 

And many cities across the country have failed in this basic government function after they followed the ridiculously stupid “defund the police” craze. One of the worst cities to go down the sewer of violence and crime is Portland, Oregon:

  • In 2021, Portland set a record for the number of gun related violence incidents.

  • However, in January, 2022, the number of gun related incidents was already higher than the previous January.

  • There were 127 gun incidents in the city just in January, 2022.

  • As reference, the number of murders in Portland in 2021 was higher than the number of murders in the more populous cities of San Francisco, Boston, and was more than double the number of murders in Seattle, a city that has 200,000 more residents than Portland.

Pretty clear that Portland politicians have failed and continue to fail its citizens in the basic government tenet of protecting lives and property.

2) And while Portland politicians have failed to execute their basic duty as government officials relative to Seattle, life in Seattle is not that great either:

  • Violent crime in Seattle hit a 14 year high in 2021.

  • As a result, the current mayor has decided to revoke the defund the police idiocy the previous mayor had put in place and is looking to hire 125 more police officers.

  • The problem is that he cannot find people who are interested in becoming police officers.

  • This inability to staff up has resulted in staffing shortages across many police departments and response time is increasing to police calls, a situation that further endangers city residents.

  • No surprise the police staffing is critically low since 171 police officers left the department in 2021 and 186 left in 2020, during the time when the defund the police was in full blast.

  • Twenty officers have already left the department just in January, 2022.

  • The city saw a 20% jump in violent crime in 2021 with a 24% increase in aggravated assaults and an 18% increase in robberies.

  • There were 612 criminal shootings in 2021 which was an increase of 40% over 2020 and an 86% increase of over 2019. 

Just another city whose politicians have proven hugely incompetent, a trait that has resulted in violent crime increases and the fatalities that come with it.

3) Nobody died as a result of the antics of the following politician but it does give one pause as to the type of people that are running for government office in this country:

  • Abby Broyles would like to run for Congress as a Democrat in Oklahoma.

  • But given her recent behavior, that may now be more difficult.

  • According to allegations, in a drunken stupor Ms. Broyles called three young girls “f%ckers”, threw up in a laundry basket, and threw up on one girl’s shoes.

  • According to one of the girl’s mothers: “It’s so sad because this is someone who has stood on a soapbox and talked about empowering women, and rather than do that with these girls she chose to belittle and denigrate the next generation of women. She has not yet apologized.” 

  • Specifically, she called one of the girls an “acne f*cker,” she called one a “Hispanic f*cker,” and another girl a “judgy f*cker.”

  • Broyles not only denied acting like this but has also denied that she was actually at the gathering where these actions are alleged to happen.

So who do you believe: an American politician or multiple parents of young girls who were allegedly cursed out?  Know who I believe.

4) After a year as Vice President, there is really nothing notable that Kamala Harris has said or done. She failed to fix the broken southern border or fix any other issue or problem that she was in charge of. But the best failure of her term so far has to be her recent explanation of what's going on in the Ukraine. You really cannot make this stuff up:

  • In a recent radio interview, Harris tried to explain the Ukrainian crisis.

  • Keep in mind that Harris is probably one of the most powerful people in the world, given her title and position.

  • Specifically: “So Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong.”

  • I doubt this goes beyond a third grade description of what is going on.

Seriously, this is how the second most powerful person in the country sees this genocide? Lord help us.

Harris got ripped across the Internet for this juvenile description of what is going on:

  • Seth Mandel, Washington Examiner: “Terrifying.”

  • Tyler Cardon, The Blaze: “I want to say we deserve better elites, but maybe we don’t.”

  • Chris Hartline, NRSC: “I’m glad to see that the Vice President’s staff printed out the Wikipedia entry for Ukraine to prep her for an interview, otherwise she would have sounded unprepared.”

  • Christopher White, reporter: “Apparently Harris was asked to dumb down the conflict. She rolled out this explanation in response, which I guess is good enough for folks who don’t know we are about as close to a hot nuke war as we’ve ever been.” He added, “Kind of like Ike explaining to constituents and commoners back in the day of yore why commie-nist Russia having access to thermo-nukes is a bad thing.”

  • Tammy Bruce, Fox News: “I thought this was a parody. With everything we know about the incompetence & absurdity of Kamala Harris this is remarkable.”

  • Meghan McCain, The Daily Mail: “This gives me so much anxiety. This is like how my 16 year old niece would answer this question.”

  • Geoffrey Ingersoll, The Daily Caller: “I’m assuming the audience for ‘The Morning Hustle’ is adult humans and not kindergarteners ….”

  • Ben Shapiro, The Daily Wire: “She is the Michael Scott of politics.”

  • Jesse Hunt, RGA: “This is one way to avoid another gaffe.”

  • David Harsanyi, National Review: “I can’t come up with a snarky tweet for this.”

  • Gaston Mooney, The Blaze: “I hope she starts a new online series called ‘Kamala Explains It All.'”

  • Brian Riedl, Manhattan Institute: “I’m proud to announce that my 9-year-old daughter was hired last week as VP Harris’ speechwriter.”

  • Obianuju Ekeocha, activist: “Perfect explanation for nursery schoolers and some smart pre-nursery schoolers.”

  • Donald L. Luskin, political commentator: “What’s really horrifying about this is what it implies about Harris’s estimation of her audience. She is not doing this deliberately to make a fool of herself. She thinks it works.”

  • Kellyanne Conway: “Embarrassing. No wonder staffers smarter than her have quit.”

We are doomed if our Vice President has this miniscule amount of depth in understanding the world.

That will do it for today: politicians who cannot protect the lives and property of its citizens, a potential politician who allegedly gets drunk, throws up, and profanely insults little girls, and a Vice President who has absolutely no intellectual depth. Yes, we are doomed.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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