Sunday, May 15, 2022

May, 2022, Political Class Insanity, Part 6: Taxpayer Wealth For Urine, Record American Deaths Due To Fentanyl Overdoses, And Baby Formula For Illegal Immigrants But Not For American Families

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) At any one time in this country there are about 500,000 - 600,000 homeless Americans around the country. In a country as wealthy as this country we should not have this many homeless and hungry Americans living on the streets.

Keep that reality in mind when we discuss the following government project and expenditure:
  • The National Science Foundation of the Federal government gave $3 million of taxpayer money to the University of Michigan to develop a urine based fertilizer.
  • Yes, $3 million to experiment with urine as fertilizer.
  • They have been experimenting with putting their urine concoction on peony flowers in the school’s Nichols Arboretum.
  • Those involved with the research crassly refer to their work as “pee on the peonies.”
What a waste of taxpayer wealth, especially since there are so many suffering Americans that certainly could make better use of that $3 million. Plus, even if this nonsense had some merit as fertilizer, how would the process be scaled up to be relevant to the world? Would we all have to urinate in cups and then send those cups to a factory to have it converted to fertilizer? Would we have to have a different toilet in our house just for urinating so that when that toilet is flushed it would go directly to the fertilizer factory? How much would that cost to put in separate pipes for urine collection across the country

Just another example of bad priorities and stupid research using taxpayer wealth.

2) Shortly after Biden became President, he opened up the southern border to just about anyone who wanted to get into this country, making it easy for anyone to walk across our southern border. Those coming across included not only the poor of the world looking for a better life but hard core criminal and drug cartel gangs intent on getting rich with the distribution of illegal drugs in this country.

Thus, it is not surprise we are now faced with the following crisis that followed Biden’s dropping of our border defenses:
  • The CDC has released data that estimates that Americans dying from drug overdoses rose significantly in 2021.
  • Their estimate: 107,000 Americans died from drug overdoses in 2021, an all time record.
  • This surge in drug overdoses corresponds with a surge in illegal immigration: “In FY 2021, CBP recorded a total of 1.72 million enforcement encounters, including 146,054 encounters of unaccompanied children, 478,492 encounters of individuals in family units, and 1,098,500 encounters of single adults,” the border patrol agency said.
  • In just the first three months of 2022, border agents confiscated 62 TONS of illegal drugs coming over the border..
  • That is what they intercepted, imagine how many tons of illegal drugs that they did not find.
  • Much of the tonnage that has been intercepted contains fentanyl, a chemical that has been a significant contributor to the record number of drug overdose deaths.
  • “There is absolutely a connection between drug trafficking and the surge in illegal immigration at the southern border,” said Preston Huennekens, government relations manager at the Federation for American Immigration Reform. “Cartels control both drug trafficking and human smuggling at the border – and profit from it enormously. The cartels send massive groups of migrants across the border, who are then apprehended and processed by Border Patrol. While BP is dealing with all of this, the cartels will then send over their drug operations – free from any interference because [border patrol] is too busy processing the migrants who came before. There is no question that these phenomena are connected and deeply intertwined,” he added. “The cartels control both drug flows and the flow of people – it’s that simple.”
  • The leading cause of death for Americans aged 18-45 is now fentanyl, most of which is coming across our southern border.
As we have discussed many times, a very, very basic function of government is to protect the lives and property of those being governed. With the collapse of security on the southern border and the resultant massive increase in drug overdose deaths, the Federal government and Biden administration are failing miserably in failing to execute this basic government function.

3) So, our first two discussion points today concerned the fact that Washington politicians do not really care about American citizens. Rather than feed the hungry or shelter the homeless in this country they would rather spend $3 million on urine fertilizer for flowers. Rather than secure the southern border, they have allowed the number of Americans dying from drug overdoses because of the non-secure southern border to sky rocket.

Which brings us to the baby formula disaster currently underway in this country:
  • For whatever reason, there is a dire shortage of baby formula on the grocery shelves in this country.
  • This shortage is endangering the lives of American babies across the country.
  • One would hope that the government and politicians would be working hard to get relief to American families with very young kids to protect their health.
  • But according to Congresswoman Kat Cammack that is not the case since she is claiming that the Biden administration is sending vast quantities of baby formula to the border to service illegal immigrant families while American families cannot find much, if any, baby formula for them to get their hands on.
  • Specifically: “Empty shelves in America but full shelves at the border. Biden is sending pallets of baby formula to the border. This is what America last looks like,” Republican Rep. Kat Cammack wrote on Facebook. “They are sending pallets — pallets — of baby formula to the border. Meanwhile, in our own district at home, we cannot find baby formula.”
  • The Congresswoman was sent a picture from a border patrol agent who told her that the amount of baby formula being accumulated for illegal immigrants was “disgusting.”
  • She went on to state: “This is what ‘America last’ looks like. This is 100 percent what it looks like. They’re sending pallets — pallets of baby formula — to the border. And if that doesn’t infuriate you, I don’t know what will.”
  • Furthermore: “I don’t know about you, but if I am a mother, anywhere, anytime in America, and I go to my local Walmart or Target or Publix or Safeway or Kroger or wherever it may be that you shop, and you are seeing their shelves and you are seeing signs that you are not able to get baby formula, and then you see the American government sending by the pallet thousands and thousands of containers of baby formula to the border — that would make my blood boil. It is not the children’s fault at all. But what is infuriating to me is that this is another example of the ‘America last’ agenda that the Biden administration continues to perpetuate.”
So, the disastrous Biden policy on the southern border is killing Americans due to the massive amount of cheap, illegal drugs coming over our porous border and endangering American kids by shipping scarce baby formula not to American supermarkets to serve American families but to the southern border to serve illegals. Horrible and fatal political class priorities.

A footnote on the baby formula crisis: when Biden Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, was questioned about the crisis, she coldly said that any American mother who cannot get baby formula for their infant should call their doctor, She then immediately moved on to the next question, showing no empathy or feeling of sadness for those in need of formula. 

She is either that cold-hearted or so ignorant to think that someone’s doctor would magically be able to produce baby formula when stores everywhere are out of it. Disgusting.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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