Tuesday, July 11, 2023

July, 2023, Part 1,Political Class Insanity: Biden's Economic Delusions, Biden's Lying, Biden's Cocaine Scandal, and Biden's Fatal Policies.

 Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of operating any level of government in this country. 

Even their best efforts are almost always inefficient and ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

1)We have often discussed the following reality: do politicians constantly lie because they think we are too stupid to see through their lies or do they lie because they are too stupid to understand reality? A question for the ages.

Joe Biden recently demonstrated this situation:

  • He claims that his “Bideneconomics” is saving the country and the economy.

  • He failed to mention that inflation during his watch at one point had hit a 40 year high and is still running about 100% higher than what we were used to under former Presidents.

  • While it is true that the unemployment rate is quite low, the jobs that are being lost seem to be high paying tech jobs while the jobs being gained are much lower paying service industry jobs.

  • Thus, on average Americans are poorer under Biden since inflation is higher and the average household income is lower.

  • American workers are not buying what he is selling since according to an Associated Press poll, only 34% of Americans approve of Biden’s handling of the economy which means that about two thirds feel he is not doing a good job with the economy.

  • Only 20% of those polled think that the country is on the right track.

  • Recent government data shows a large increase in the number of Americans who recently took on part time jobs for economic reasons, a historic precursor to a recession.

So Biden thinks the economy is going great, Americans think it stinks. Is he a liar and thinks we are stupid or does he actually think the wreckage he has wrought on the economy is a good thing? A question for the ages.

2)Most people are probably aware that a baggie has been found in a secure area of the White House about a week ago. Of course, given Biden’s long history of pathological lying, this scandal is no different:

  • The Biden White House original said that this baggie was found in the White house library.

  • But then they said it was not found in the library.

  • Then they said it was found in a public area of the White House.

  • But then  they said it was not found in a public area.

  • Now they are saying it was found in a very secure area of the White House close to the situation room, a highly sensitive area where Presidents have  historically managed worldwide crises.

  • Then they said that every Biden family member had been out of town for days prior to the Sunday discovery of the cocaine.

  •  But now we know they lied about that since there is proof that the President and his ex-junkie son, Hunter, did not leave the White House later on Friday (the cocaine was found the following Sunday).

  • Specifically, Biden’s  press secretary vehemently claimed the following: “They were not here Friday. They were not here Saturday. They were not here Sunday. They were not even here Monday. They came back on Tuesday. So to ask that question is actually incredibly irresponsible. And I’ll just leave it there.”

  • How she thought she could get away with this lie since Biden had a public appearance in the White House on that Friday, contrary to the press secretary saying none of the Bidens were there on Friday.

More lies, more deceptions, the only thing that the Biden administration is good at. 

3)Think about the whole White House cocaine scandal: 

  • The White House should be the most secure location in the WORLD!

  • It is the home of the most important person in the world. 

  • One would assume that it has state of the art security systems with cameras covering every inch of the White House. 

  • Which means that the Secret Service and the Biden family already know who put the cocaine in the location in the building.

  • Which means that they need to buy time to figure out how to spike the rumors and the scandal, with the vast majority of the world believing that the cocaine belongs to Hunter Biden.

  • Keep in mind that Hunter Biden’s very, very favorable plea bargain for income tax evasion and a felony violation of a Federal gun law has a condition that requires that he remain drug free for 24 months.

  • The simple conclusion is that the Biden’s are buying time for Hunter’s blood infested blood to clear of cocaine so that he does not violate his sweetheart plea bargain. 

The only other conclusion is that the White House and Secret Service are a joke and that if someone can sneak cocaine into the White House and not be seen means that someone could smuggle anthrax into the White House and not be seen. My money is that the Bidens are desperately buying time to keep Hunter out of jail because of a violation of his plea deal. In either case, a disgrace and embarrassment for the country.

4)We could probably make a pretty strong taste that Biden is guilty of involuntary manslaughter, given his ineptness and faulty decisions in many aspects of his Presidency:

  • His failed and botched withdrawal plan from Afghanistan resulted in the unnecessary deaths of 13 American service people and hundreds and possibly thousands of Afghan citizens.

  • He was part of the Obama administration that overthrew a duly and fairly elected President of Ukraine, who happened to be friendly with Russia, an overthrow that rightfully ticked off Putin which led to the Russian invasion of the Ukraine which has resulted in thousands of deaths of soldiers and citizens.

  • Furthermore, Biden’s complete failure at international diplomacy has resulted in no plan on how to diplomatically end the war and the resultant killing.

  • His failed border security policies have resulted in tons of fentanyl flooding the country which will  result in thousands of American citizens overdosing and dying from the now easily and cheaply available fentanyl.

  • His failed border policies have allowed criminal elements and gangs to enter the country, resulting in gang related shootings, deaths, robberies and other violent crimes.

  • His failed border policies have resulted in untold hundreds or thousands of deaths of people trying to illegally enter the country, whether it was in a fire at a Mexican immigrant camp, drownings in the Rio Grande River, or the deaths occurring as a result of human traffickers or brutal desert conditions, with some estimates putting the death toll form these factors at over 800.

  • His administration has failed to come up with a plan to help local city authorities to combat the skyrocketing crime and violence in major cities, crime and violence that is killing and wounding thousands of American citizens.

All of this death and carnage is appalling due, all as a result of Biden’s failed policies. But the most disturbing failure of the Biden administration is the admission of the Federal  government’s Oversight of the Office Of Refugee Resettlement’s Unaccompanied Alien Child Program that Biden and the Federal government has lost track of 85,000 unaccompanied illegal immigrant children over the past two years.

Think about this atrocity: 85,000 kids have been lost by the Biden administration in just two years. Maybe some of them ended up with caring families and relatives. But how many thousands, or tens of thousands, of kids have ended up being abused and sold by sex traffickers or somehow have died from neglect or violence. The Biden administration and its policies have been the cause of untold thousands of deaths, many of which were totally preventable.

That will do it for today’s political class insanity: Biden’s policies result in avoidable deaths, the White House cocaine scandal makes the country look stupid and inept, Biden’s history of lying comes out again relative to the cocaine scandal, and Biden’s delusional personal economic reality.

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