Tuesday, July 25, 2023

July, 2023, Part 5, Political Class Insanity: Failed Border Policies, More FBI Corruption, and More

Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of operating any level of government in this country. 

Even their best efforts are almost always inefficient and ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

1)We often talk about how American politicians waste so much time, energy,  and resources on stupid priorities while real problems facing real  Americans, e.g. inflation, homelessness, drug addiction, hunger, etc., go unaddressed. We recently discussed the insanity of Vice President Kamala Harris worrying about and working on a solution to small airplane restrooms, a trivial, non-issue for just about every American.

Well, apparently, American politicians are not the only ones that waste time on stupid non-issues: 

  • Britain is facing many of the same problems as us, high inflation, huge illegal immigration problem, etc..

  • However, rather than  focus on those types of issues, their politicians recently proposed a law that, wait for it, would make it illegal for men to make a pass or whistle at a woman on the street.

  • Yes, they would outlaw flirting.

  • The legislation is called the “Sex-Based Harassment in Public Bill” and would make it illegal to cause “intentional harassment, alarm, or distress” in a person based on their sex.

  • Those found guilty of flirting could face two years in jail.

Unreal, of all the problems to work on in the country, this is what the government is spending time on.

France is not much better since a French woman was recently charged with “insulting the president of the republic” after calling him “filth” on Facebook. If found guilty, she could be fined up to $13,200.

Such poor priorities of today’s politicians, locally in our country and around the world.

2)American  politicians are ignoring the short term problems currently faced by millions of Americans:

  • About 500,000-600,000 Americans are homeless today.

  • Millions of American families are facing food crises given the high inflation policies of the Biden administration.

  • Well over 100,000 Americans will die from drug overdoses this year because they were not able to get the drug addiction treatment they needed.

  • Prices for just about everything in the country have  risen dramatically over the past two years placing strains on just about every American family's budget.

But American politicians are also ignoring longer term problems that will affect just about every American:

  • Medicare and Social Security are facing tens of trillions of dollars in unfunded future liabilities because politicians have no plan to make these programs solvent in the long term.

  • When Social Security was initiated, there were 16 workers contributing to the Social  Security program for every eligible Social  Security recipient.

  • That number is now down more than 80% with less than three workers contributing to the Social  Security program for every eligible recipient.

  • That ratio will get worse as time goes forward.

  • And the Washington political class has NO plan, strategy, or courage to make the changes necessary to make the program solvent and viable long term.

Of course, the only truly right decision is to  eliminate the program altogether, phase it out over time. According to a 2016 Tax Foundation study, if the program was eliminated and workers were forced to put 10% of their earnings in a tax advantaged account, workers on average would receive three times what Social  Security pays out to them today.  

In  that way, we would not have to  worry about Washington fixing a problem due to their lack of brain power and courage since the problem would not exist.

3)Anyone following the news now knows that the FBI has had a very bad few months. It has become apparent that what was once a high integrity, unbiased government agency is now a secret police force as it does the bidding for certain Washington political factions to sabotage the lives of Americans in all walks of life that simply have a simple difference of opinion. From supporting the totally false Russian collusion fiction from Hillary Clinton to sabotage Trump’s Presidency to raiding the homes pro-life American citizens to threatening government whistleblowers, the corruption is wide and disgusting.

And their corruption now extends to members of Congress:

  • The FISA court recently announced that the FBI improperly abused its power in a search of a database.

  • Apparently they were illegally looking for information on a sitting U.S. Senator who has gone unnamed at this point in time.

  • They tried to justify the improper search under Section 702 of the FISA Act but in  reality did not have the vested power to do so.

  • The court opinion by judge Rudolph Contreras laid out the infraction: “In June 2022, an analyst conducted four queries of Section 702 information using the last names of a U.S. Senator and a state senator, without further limitation.” 

  • Section 702 allows intelligence agencies to obtain the online communications of foreign nationals without a warrant. 

  • In this situation, the FBI was spying not only on Americans, which is not permitted, but on government officials.

  • Patrick Toomey, of the ACLU National Security Project, told The Hill in a statement: “The FBI continues to break the rules put in place to protect Americans, running illegal searches on public officials including a U.S. Senator, and it’s long past time for Congress to step in. As Congress debates reauthorizing Section 702, these opinions make clear why fundamental reforms are urgently needed.”

  • Apparently an FBI employee was searching for info about a state judge that “had complained to the FBI about alleged civil right violations perpetrated by a municipal chief of police.”

Something to worry about: if the FBI has no trepidations about spying on a judge and U.S. Senator, they would have no problem spying on you and I. We are getting closer and closer to a police state, a state that is historically very difficult to recover from.

4)According to the Federation of American Immigration Reform, FAIR, about 7 million illegal immigrants have entered the country since Biden became President. To put that number in context, if those 7 million illegal  immigrants were a state they would be more heavily populated than 35 U.S. states today, a huge number of people. 

And American taxpayers are constantly paying for the housing, feeding, medical needs, and cell phones needs of these millions of illegal  immigrants every day, costing the American taxpayers billions of dollars a year. These are billions of dollars that are not being used to feed, shelter, and provide drug addiction and medical support to needy Americans.

In addition to needy Americans getting short changed, tons of drugs are flowing through the border everyday and addicting more and more Americans. Illegal immigrants from such hostile countries such as Iran and China have been apprehended at the border, creating the fear that terrorists have now made their way into the country, endangering Americans with potential terrorist attacks. Thus, there are so many ways that Biden's failed border policies have been bad for Americans in so many nasty ways.

Oh, we now have another illegal immigrant problem:

  • We have  already discussed the problem that the Federal  government under Biden has lost track of the location of over 80,000 immigrant kids.

  • In addition, of the kids that the government actually knows their whereabouts, many of them have now been diagnosed with tuberculosis infections.

  • The Federal government stopped checking the medical condition or status of illegal  immigrants a number of years ago.

  • These kids with tuberculosis have now been disbursed to known and unknown locations around the country.

Wasted taxpayer money, neglected needy Americans, drug epidemics and resultant drug overdose deaths, possible terrorist infiltration of the country, and now lord know how many infected illegal immigrants, with tuberculosis or other diseases, are now living among us. Has there ever been a worse, more destructive Presidential policy than  Biden’s border disaster? I doubt it.

That will do it for today’ insanity: massively failed border policies, more FBI corruption, Social  Security is still  failing, and political class insanity exists around the world.

 Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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