Saturday, July 15, 2023

July, 2023, Part 3, Political Class Insanity: Harris Has Another Stupid Idea, San Francisco Continues To Self-Destruct, Cocaine AND Marijuana Found In The White House and More

  Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of operating any level of government in this country. 

Even their best efforts are almost always inefficient and ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

1)As most of the world knows, a small package of cocaine was recently found inside the White House. Yes, what should be the  most secure building in the world, someone was able to get an illegal substance past all of the building’s security processes. And to add insult to injury, the Secret Service has concluded its investigation into the matter and has concluded basically that they have no idea how it got into the White House.

Which is really scary since assume it was not cocaine but anthrax or a plastic explosive of some sort. The results could have been catastrophic and the Secret service would not know what happened until  after the fact. The government is supposed to protect the lives of its citizens and they cannot even  protect the White House.

Or maybe they can protect the White House but do not want or have been told not to disclose who brought the cocaine into the building. Because this is not the first time that an illegal substance somehow got past White House security. News reports now report that there have been two previously unreported instances where marijuana had been smuggled into the White House and apparently the Secret Service has no idea or has not spoken about who or how the grass got into the building.

The incompetence, or the cover up, is amazing.

2)As we have reported so many times in this blog, many American cities are in serious decline: high crime rates, skyrocketing homicide rates, homelessness, drug addiction, and a general decline in the quality of life are some of the root causes for the decline. As a result, many of the residents and businesses in these cities are getting out of those cities. This is reducing the tax base, reducing the tax stream, and will eventually cause one or more of these cities to go bankrupt.

San Francisco has always been one of the favorites who we think has the highest potential of going bankrupt first. Tech workers have been slow to return to  the city after covid, preferring to work remotely causing city businesses to suffer, move or go out of business. Crime and drug addiction are making the city streets unsafe. Public defecation, urination, and drug use are just plain disgusting from a quality of life perspective. And now the city has another major and unchecked problem:

  • The city’s Tenderloin district has been nicknamed the “Million Dollar Mile” by Honduran drug dealers because some of these drug dealers have actually become millionaires by selling Mexican cartel drugs in the district.

  • Armed with the deadly drug, fentanyl, some  of the local Honduran drug dealers are earning up to $350,000 a year.

  • As a result, the city has experienced a whopping 2,200 drug overdose deaths since 2020.

  • According to Wade Shannon, a retired DEA agent in the city: ‘It really just started as a small group of Hondurans who were here probably for other reasons, economic reasons, got into drug trafficking. They recommended other friends come up, and then they started consolidating. And then, you know, San Francisco itself had its own sort of old networks of African American distributors and others and there was violence between those groups before the Hondurans came in and finally overwhelmed and consolidated their control.’’ 

  • One reason for their success is that only 6% of local people charged with drug sale crimes in recent years have been convicted of a drug sale crime, making selling drugs and killing people a lucrative, relatively low risk, high reward experience in the city.

So the American political class and the government functions they oversee and fund cannot protect the citizens of San Francisco from the scourge of drugs and they cannot even protect the White House from the penetration of illegal drugs. Does not appear that the American taxpayer is getting value for their tax dollars at any level of government.

3)We have talked many times over the years about the failure that Obamacare was and continues to be. Remember the lofty promises of Obama back then:

  • The Obamacare program was supposed to “bend the cost curve” and make overall healthcare less expensive in the United states, an objective it failed to attain. 

  • It was supposed to provide every American with affordable health care insurance, and yet years later an estimated 25 million Americans do not have and/or cannot afford health insurance. 

  • It was not supposed to ever be offered to illegal immigrants and yet according to Chris Conover, formerly of the Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research at Duke University, American taxpayers currently pay out more than $18 billion a year to provide medical care to illegal immigrants.

And yet now Biden is proposing and moving forward to provide an additional 600,000 illegal immigrants with access to Obamacare and Medicaid benefits while 25 million Americans still have no health insurance whatsoever. Just another example where it is obvious that politicians do not care about needy Americans, whether they are homeless, hungry, or in need of drug addiction medical  support. They would rather spend untold billions of dollars providing food, shelter, medical support, education, and free cell phones to illegal immigrants. Insanity.

4)Consider just some of the dire problems facing the country today:

  • There are about 600,000 homeless Americans today living on our city streets.

  • Millions of Americans and their families are facing food crises because Biden’s  economic policies have caused a significant jump in food prices.

  • Over 100,000 Americans are likely to die from drug overdoses this year.

  • Cheap illegal drugs, especially fentanyl, are flooding into this country from Mexico because of Biden’s ineffective border security programs.

  • Crime rates are skyrocketing in cities across the country.

  • War has broken out in Europe, Russia and Ukraine, and may break out soon in the Pacific, China and Taiwan.

  • North Korea continues to improve its nuclear weapons capability.

I could go on but you get the idea: there are a lot of serious problems facing the country today. However, you would not know it if you follow the actions of Vice President Kamala Harris and her latest focus:

  • Harris recently disclosed that she is working on a plan and will shortly “announce a solution” to end the “inequity” of airplane bathrooms.

  • She recently took to Twitter to say that “the majority of domestic flights do  not have accessible restrooms” and “this is absolutely unacceptable.”

  • Seriously, of all the problems Americans face everyday, she is worried about equity in airplane bathrooms?

  • I would bet that if you took a poll of every American and asked them the top problems facing the country today that this airplane bathroom issue does not come close to breaking the top 100 issues.

  • Consider some Twitter reactions to this total nonsense, actor Dean Cain: "Yeah — get on that VP!! Forget the Border, and all the other…" 

  • Newsmax's Rob Schmitt: "Oh f’n lovely. Get ready for trans bathrooms big enough to hold a baby whale and the increase in ticket prices for the rest of us to make up for the missing row of seats."

  • Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch: “Really?!”

  • Twitter user: "I thought you were fixing the border and doing AI regulation, but airplane bathrooms now..." 

Unbelievable that she actually talked about this issue out loud, never mind working on a solution to this non-problem. In the meantime, Americans are homeless, hungry, drug addicted and really getting fed up with blather like this.

That will  do it for today's political class insanity: Harris working on a stupid-nonissue, Biden cares more about the health of illegal immigrants than suffering Americans, San Francisco continues to self-destruct, and the Secret service turns out to be just as inept as the rest of the Federal government bureaucracy.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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