Thursday, December 28, 2023

December, 2023, Part 10, Political Class Insanity: Taxpayer Funded Condoms For The World, Corruption In Chicago, $150 Billion For Illegal Immigrants, and More

A few last pieces of political class insanity for this month and this year:

1)In our last post we described how the Washington political class, via the Federal government, continues to waste taxpayer wealth on stupid, stupid projects:
  • They have sent over $400,000,000 to the Hamas terrorist group in the Gaza strip which in turn was used for terrorist activities against Israel.
  • They sent taxpayer money to India to be used for online writing platforms for young LGBTQWI writers in that country.
  • Millions of Americans are homeless, hungry, in need of medical care, and have no medical insurance and this is where Washington is sending our tax dollars: funding terror activities and writing platforms.
  • But that is not the only way the Federal government is wasting taxpayer money today:
  • American taxpayers funded the shipment of 65 MILLION condoms to foreign countries in fiscal 2022.
  • This was billed as “family planning” and is somehow supposed to fix the climate.
  • In fact, the U.S. Agency For International Development sent not only 65 million condoms overseas but also sent 9.8 million injectable birth control products, and 334,000 IUDs.
  • This program is supposedly “[mitigating] the impact of population dynamics on natural resources and state stability” and that “climate vulnerability, population growth and unmet need for family planning often occur together,” touting family planning as a climate solution.
  • These products were sent to a variety of countries including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Guatemala, Haiti, Pakistan, and Uganda.
  • 500,000 condoms were sent to the terrorist haven, Yemen, and somehow those in charge of the program proudly claimed that of the 500,000 sent, 438,801 were “consumed” which I guess is a fancy way of saying they were used.
  • Obviously getting an accurate count of how many condoms were used in a backward country and terrorist country like Yemen is impossible but those in charge claim they know down to the 801st how many were used, total nonsense to claim that number as any validity.
  • The USAID website claims that “access to rights-based planning and girls’ education are among the most impactful climate solutions,” and that “climate change-related displacement can worsen already entrenched gender inequalities” like “disruptions in access to essential health services, poor maternal health outcomes, and an increase in gender-based violence and child marriage,” all of which is a lot of fancy, high powered language that really means nothing.
  • The overall supposed strategy is to cause the birth rates of these countries to decrease under the assumption that fewer people consume fewer natural resources which means less climate change.
Even if this program worked and even if this program decreased the birth rates around the world and it might affect climate change which might exist sometime in the distant future, I am sure that the millions of Americans who are hungry, homeless, and need medical attention TODAY would disagree with the need for this program. Ridiculous use of taxpayer funds.

2)Speaking of wasting taxpayer wealth, as most people know Joe Biden has allowed the southern border to have virtually no security at all and upwards of 13 million unvetted, unvaccinated, and unknown illegal immigrants have entered the country during his reign. This has forced local governments to spend billions and billions of dollars to feed, house, medicate, and police these millions of illegal immigrants.

These are billions of dollars that have been diverted from serving the very American taxpayers that have paid for serving these illegal immigrants. And now there is an actual estimate of how many billions of dollars have been diverted away from taxpayer needs:
  • A study by the Federation for American Immigration Reform estimated that the Federal government spends over $66 billion a year to handle illegal immigration every year.
  • This does not include the $116 billion a year that state and local governments spend in this area, bringing the national total to a whopping $182 billion a year.
  • This is somewhat consistent with a November analysis by Congress’s Homeland Security Committee which found that taxpayers pay $150 billion a year to handle illegal immigrants.
  • These estimates include the expense of feeding, sheltering, medical attention, policing and judicial needs, etc.
  • Another study estimates that the annual cost is $451 billion (Center For Immigration Studies).
  • Since it is estimated that illegal immigrants contribute a mere $31 billion annually to the tax systems across the country, the net negative impact on taxpayers, according to the Federation for American Immigration Reform, is about $150 billion.
  • According to Robert Trenschel, the chief executive of Yuma Regional Medical Hospital in Arizona, many of the illegal immigrants he sees require substantial, and major, medical treatment and expense: “Some migrants come to us with minor ailments but many of them come in with significant disease. We have had migrant patients on dialysis, cardiac catheterization and in need of heart surgery. Many are very sick.”

Unbelievable. Today, about 600,000 Americans are homeless but illegal immigrants generally get free shelter. Upwards of 17 million Americans are facing food crises because of high food price inflation but illegal immigrants get free food. Millions of Americans are in need of medical care and over 20 million cannot afford health insurance but illegal immigrants get free medical care.

In reality, the free food, free shelter, and free medical care being handed out to Biden’s illegal immigrants are not free, all of it is being paid for by the American taxpayer, the same taxpayer that is paying for millions of birth control, gay writing online platforms, and a myriad of other wasteful, useless government programs.

3)I know I should not make fun of those politicians that have to take care of untold numbers of illegal immigrants coming into their world but I do have to smile (smirk) at New York City mayor, Eric Adams. Like many other big city politicians, for years Adams and his ilk have bragged how they are illegal immigrant “sanctuary cities” where illegal immigrants are welcome and are sheltered from being prosecuted under immigration laws. Sanctimoniousness is not an attractive feature that gets very tiring to the rest of us.

And now of course, which often happens with sanctimonious types, karma has jumped up and bit Adams in the rear:
  • We have previously reported how he is now suffering, as is his city, for being labeled as a welcoming sanctuary city.
  • Well over 100,000 illegal immigrants have taken Adams up on his offer, resulting in him needing to divert city tax money (5% so far) from taxpayers to feed, shelter and care for these 100,000+ immigrants.
  • And it appears that only about 2,000 of the over 100,000 illegal immigrants in his city have work permits which means that the rest of them cannot legally work in this country and will continue to be serviced by city taxpayers.
He now, finally, realizes that maybe having that many illegal immigrants lounging around with nothing to do may not be a good idea after all: “You know, lack of opportunities, an idle mind is the devil’s workshop, as they say,” with him going on to say that people who are unable to work could turn to crime and illegal activities, which concerns him about the safety of the city and its residents.

Adams went on to say things are going to get worse because Biden will not help him out and that the “dam has burst” regarding negative consequences for his city.

It certainly is karma, he asked for it and boy has he gotten it. This is what happens when politicians take their eye off of the job they were elected to do, protect and help their own citizens. By being so focused, and so smug, about illegal immigrants he has done his citizens and his taxpayers a grave disservice. But he is an American politician, most of whom only care about their own ego and self worth, not the safety of those they govern.

4)We have not talked about corrupt Chicago politicians for a long time. But that city, as we have pointed out for years, along with the statewide political class, has been host to a plethora of corrupt and criminal politicians. And that long legacy of corruption apparently continues on unabated:
  1. Edward Burke is a former Chicago city council member.
  2. He, unsurprisingly for a Chicago politician, was recently found guilty on 13 counts of racketeering, bribery, and attempted extortion.
  3. He was accused of using his political position to force private developers to use his law firm.
  4. His political career started in 1969 but it was not until recently he was found guilty of these crimes.
  5. In one specific case/charge, he was accused of shaking down the owners of a Burger King franchise by stalling building and property permits as he tried to force the franchise owner to use his law firm.
  6. He also threatened to block an admission fee increase because the Chicago Field Museum did not hire the daughter of a friend.
  7. Good to see that things have not changed in the Second City, corruption on a grand scale apparently still seems to thrive.
That will do it for today: political corruption in Chicago, growing fear of being a sanctuary city in NYC, illegal immigrants treated better than Americans, and millions of taxpayer funded condoms for the world.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:


Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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