Sunday, December 17, 2023

December, 2023, Part 5, Political Class Insanity: The Declining Fortunes of San Francisco and NYC, Biden's Failed Economic Policies, Fentanyl In The School yard, and More

  Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of operating any level of government in this country. 

Even their best efforts are almost always inefficient and ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

1)One of the continuing topics that we cover in this blog is what major U.S. city will go bankrupt first? Candidates usually include New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Portland. This episode concerns San Francisco and its battle to go bankrupt first:

  • Rampant crime, homelessness, public defecation, urination, and drug use has been causing businesses and residents to flee the city, taking their tax dollars with them.

  • As a result of this out migration of businesses and residents, remaining businesses have shut down their operations including Nordstrom, CVS, Office Depot, AT&T, Target, Whole Foods, and others which has further decreased the employment base and tax base.

  • And more recently, Old Navy has closed its city's flagship store.

  • All of this has resulted in an expected $200 million city budget deficit the coming year.

  • City robberies have increased 14% this year in the face of the mayor’s call for an 18% reduction in the 2024 police budget, not a good combination, increasing crime and decreasing police resources.

  • City drug overdoses reached 620 in the first nine months of this year, up from 540 in the first nine months of 2022, about a 15% increase.

  • And perhaps the saddest part of this whole disintegration of the city is that a city councilman, Dean Preston, has no viable solution to the city’s ills, claiming that “capitalism” is causing all of these city problems, not the policies that he and his fellow city politicians have set forth.

  • Of course, like most American politicians, he is quick to place blame on some nebulous cause but always has no viable, real life alternative to fix what they have broken.

  • Not surprisingly, Preston is a big advocate for “defunding the police”, a policy and thought process that has always failed in whatever city it has been implemented,  resulting in higher crime rates and unnecessary deaths of innocent residents.

Out-migration of residents and  businesses reduces the city tax base and tax revenue screams which results in a lower quality of life which forces more city businesses and residents to leave which further reduces the tax steam and what we call the “financial death spiral” is in effect.  This eventually leads to the bankruptcy of the city. A recent article reinforced our theory saying San Francisco was in a “doom loop”, a different name for the bankruptcy cycle that is underway and which politicians like Preston have no solution for.

2)One of Biden’s  primary failures as President has been the porous border policies he has implemented which has allowed millions of unvetted, unvaccinated, and dangerous criminal and terrorist factions to stroll into the country. Along with this flow of illegal and dangerous immigrants has also come tons and tons of illegal and dangerous/fatal drugs such as fentanyl.

This flow will undoubtedly result in a major jump in drug overdose deaths of Americans when the latest annual  drug death totals are totalled. And  most  distressing of all is that the fentanyl  epidemic that Biden has allowed to occur unchecked in this country is now reaching down to our kids:

  • In Virginia, seven school students recently fell ill after consuming candy gummies laced with fentanyl.

  • The drug overdose happened in Amherst, Virginia and fortunately all have recovered after being hospitalized.

  • Turns out a fourth grade student had distributed the fentanyl laced gummies at his elementary school during lunch,

  • Students experienced nausea, vomiting, headaches, and muscle spasms as a result of the fentanyl laced candies.

  • Two adults have been  arrested as a result of the incident with charges including contributing to the delinquency of a minor and possession of a controlled substance.

We have previously made the case that Biden, in theory, could be arrested for involuntary manslaughter since his policies have definitely resulted in incremental and unnecessary deaths. Fortunately, this was not another case where his poor policies resulted in more unnecessary deaths but it was close as his fentanyl epidemic rages on:

3)Not only have Biden’s border policies been a disaster,, but according to recent opinion polls, his handling of the economy has also been a disaster:

  • According to a recent CNN poll, a news outlet that has a history of favoring Democrats and doing biased polling to favor Democrats, 67% of those polled disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy, the main issue facing voters going tino 2024.

  • 71% of those polled rate economic conditions in the country as poor.

  • Of the 71%, 38% say economic conditions are very poor.

  • In the past year his approval rating has gone from 45% to 37%, the worst numbers of his Presidency.

  • 84% say they are at least somewhat worried about the state of the economy in their community with 43% saying they are very concerned.

  • A whopping 74% say they are at least somewhat concerned that the cost of living will get so high they will not be able to continue living in their neighborhood with 43% being very worried that this might happen.

Higher gas prices, higher food prices, higher utility prices, higher mortgage rates, lower wage growth, credit card balances exploding, and overall  worries about Americans well being, another failed economic Presidency.

4)New York City is another prime candidate, in our opinion, facing a financial death spiral. This has become a much bigger probability with the influx of thousands and thousands of illegal immigrants into this self proclaimed “sanctuary city.” This influx has caused the city to redirect millions and  millions of taxpayer dollars away from city tax paying residents to feed, shelter, and care for these illegal immigrants. This has resulted in fewer police, fire, ambulance, sanitation, and other city services for city residents.

And recent numbers regarding the caring for these illegal immigrants raises a concern of how wasteful this process has been:

  • About 70,000 meals that were intended for illegal immigrants were marked “wasted” in a recent three week period by the DocGo organization.

  • DocGo is a medical services company that got the city contract to provide illegal immigrant care.

  • At $11 a meal, this means that the feeding process of illegal immigrants wasted $776,000 in just three weeks.

  • On a pro-rated annual basis, this comes out to about $1 million in wasted food, food that could have been used to feed the city’s homeless and poor population.

  • DocGo gets paid $33 a day to provide three meals to each illegal  immigrant in the city’s system.

Think about how lucrative this counteract is. At $33 a day, 365 days a year, an illegal immigrant family of four is worth about $48,000 a year to the DocGo organizations. Too bad that the city is not paying an American family of four living in the city $48,000 a year. Another example where illegal immigrants are more important to American politicians than the poor, hungry, and homeless Americans they should be serving.

5)One last piece of political class insanity and this is a wild one:

  • Keep in mind that this is the first Presidency where cocaine was found in the White House, an incident that was covered up by the Secret Service since the culprit was never named despite it occurring in probably the most secure building in the world.

  • And now for the first time ever, a Democratic Senate staff member has been accused of allegedly filming himself in the nude and committing explicit sexual activity.

  • Not that this is bad enough but apparently he was doing the act and the filming in a Congressional hearing room, a place where Congress does its government business.

  • According to Geller Report, “Aidan Maese-Czeropski, a legislative aide for Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD), did not address the pornographic video directly in his Friday evening LinkedIn post, instead only outright denying an unrelated accusation that he accosted Rep. Max Miller (R-OH) on Capitol Hill on Wednesday.”

  • According to the U.S. Capitol Police, “We are aware and looking into this.”

Just when you think things in Washington could not get any worse or more disgusting, the folks in the District surprise us, be it cocaine baggies in the White House or sexually pornographic filming in a Senate conference room. Unreal.

That will do it for now: pornography in the Senate, wasted/expensive food in New York, Biden’s failed economic policies, fentanyl in an elementary school and the fading away of San Francisco. Wow.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:


Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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