Monday, December 18, 2023

December, 2023, Part 6, Political Class Insanity: IEDs On Our Southern Border, California's High Speed Train Fiasco Continues, Massive Covid Criminal Fraud and More

 Every month we devote posts to just general political class insanity that is running rampant through the country. The members of the American political class continue to show that they are incapable of operating any level of government in this country. 

Even their best efforts are almost always inefficient and ineffective at resolving any problem facing Americans. They spend a great amount of time not trying to improve the lives of their citizens but continually ensuring their reelection and enriching themselves, their families, and their friends in the process, all at taxpayer expense.

1)We have often pointed out how dangerous and bad Biden’s  failed border policies have been:

  • He has allowed millions of unvetted, unvaccinated, and known terrorists to stroll into the country.

  • This has caused American taxpayers to pay billions of tax dollars to feed, shelter, and care for these millions of illegal immigrants while ignoring the same needs of millions of Americans.

  • This has caused the amount of illegal drugs, especially fentanyl, to flood into this country, a flood that will eventually lead to thousands and thousands of incremental overdose deaths of Americans.

  • Crime has skyrocketed as a result of drug cartel members, Central and South American gang members, and foreign criminals entering the country and carrying out criminal activities against American citizens.

And now there is a very ominous development as a result of Biden’s policies:

  • The Mexican  military has reported that they recently found 10 improvised explosive devices (IEDs) at the border.

  • These devices have been in use around the world to blow up vehicles that drive over them with high impact explosives.

  • They found 10 devices, lord knows how many they did NOT find and where those unnoticed IEDs are heading to around the country.

Sorry to say but at some point in the not too distant future we are going to experience any number of devastating terror attacks within our borders, all because Washington politicians were unable to provide a basic government function: protecting the lives of the citizens they represent.

2)When one looks at almost every government function we find that government entities never seem to efficiently and effectively implement their functions, projects, and programs to any degree of success. Social Security and Medicare have been so mismanaged that they are both going bankrupt. Despite spending trillions of tax  over the decades, American  kids are constantly under-educated vs. kids in other countries. Despite trillions of tax dollars, our country’s road, rail, and other infrastructure are falling apart.

And it appears that another large scale government program continues to spend billions of dollars and continues to fail spectacularly:

  • Many, many years ago, the state politicians in California had this dream of building a high speed rail line that would stretch from San Francisco to Los Angeles.

  • The project started in 2008, 15 years ago.

  • After spending billions of dollars, the rail line has little, if anything to show for the expenditures: no rail laid, no trains running, no happy commuters.

  • Reasons commonly given for the failure, besides government ineffectiveness, include corruption, red tape, and union interference.

  • One politician in the state at least has a little common sense, Congressman Doug LaMalfa of California told Fox News: “This commuter train isn’t even ‘high speed,’ is at least 13 years behind schedule, and will now cost four times the original price tag promised to voters.  Far too much taxpayer dollars have been wasted on this boondoggle. It’s in everyone’s best interest to cut the losses and rescind every cent dedicated to this foolish project. Any fool can see this project isn’t going to be completed.  The state is $68 billion in debt, hasn’t laid a single inch of track and is over $120 billion short. Biden and Newsom sure know how to waste your money.”

Decades ago the politicians up in Massachusetts set about to do a major highway project. “The Big Dig,” which was supposed to cost about $2.5 billion. After it was all said and done, the project cost $22 billion and took many, many years longer to complete. At that time, it was the most expensive public transportation project in the country’s history. It looks like it will lose that crown as California politicians continue to spend more and more taxpayer money to get nothing in return.

And to add insult to injury, Biden just granted the state $3.07 billion to use for this god forsaken failure. Thus, not only are state taxpayers getting nothing of value for their tax dollars, now the rest of the country’s taxpayers are going to get nothing for their tax dollars either.

3)But wasteful, useless spending is not restricted to state politicians:

  • The Justice Department recently announced that they have arrested 371 people who are accused of stealing $836,000,000 in government covid relief funds.

  • 63 of those 371 people arrested are known gang members and criminals with previous violent actions.

  • Some of those 63 crooks used the stolen covid funds to fund murder for hire schemes.

  • The money was stolen from a variety of government programs including the Paycheck Protection Program, the Small Business Administration, and pandemic unemployment insurance programs.

  • These new arrests are on top of the previous 3,000 arrests that had stolen $1.4 billion from  the government.

  • The Paycheck Protection Program by itself sent our $200 million in bad checks.

  • According to the Justice Department, those arrested spent taxpayer money that they illegally got on luxury cars, private jets, vacation homes, and high end jewelry.

  • For example, a real estate broker got three and a half years in prison for having stolen $381,000 that he spent on a Bentley, a fancy apartment, and cosmetic surgery.

  • While the Justice Department has recovered about $231.4 million of the stolen funds, it is a long way from getting back the large amount that was stolen.

And as always, the government officials and politicians that allowed this wasting of taxpayer revenue to occur will never face any consequences, lose their jobs, or have  to pay for their incompetence.

4)Across the country, millions of Americans are homeless, hungry, in need of health care, and in need of drug addiction treatment. Inflation is ravaging household budgets  as prices for food, gas, rent, and other daily living costs continue to go higher and higher. Crime is skyrocketing in many locations and high mortgage rates are pricing millions out of the housing market.

And yet, this is what Washington state politicians are working on:

  • A proposed state law would ban small business owners, and homeowners, from using gas powered gardening tools.

  • And the penalty for using such tools is very steep: up to 364 days in  jail and up to a $10,000 fine.

  • Yes, in these tough economic times and suffering citizens, these politicians are focused on making the lives of small business garden and landscaping business owners more difficult and possibly prohibitively expensive to do their business.

  • The sponsors of the proposed law claim that  these horrible gas powered GARDEN TOOLS  emit “a host of air pollutants” and are “hurting public health.”

  • And of course, these liberal politicians always bring the so-called “climate change” crisis into play.

  • One  of their shaky climate change claims is that “One hour of running a gas leaf blower can contribute as much smog forming pollution as driving a passenger car 1,100 miles.”

  • Think about how absurd this claim is: it says that I can drive my two ton gas powered car from my home in Florida to visit my relatives in New Jersey, a thousand miles, a trip that takes about 20 hours of actual car operation and expel less pollutants than an hour of using a single gas leaf blower.

  • And this potential  law would disproportionately harm  minority businesses since nationwide almost 23% of landscaping companies are owned by Hispanics and 14.7% are owned by blacks.

  • This law would likely drive these and  other small business  owners out of business, out of the state, or greatly reduce their profitability since they would have to buy new equipment that would likely not serve their larger landscape projects,  given the current technology of electric driven landscaping tools.

What a mess, people are suffering and these politicians are harping on this nonsense rather than focusing on the homeless, hungry, and needy. And they always seem to ignore or not understand a basic fact of life: utility companies are going to have  to burn more oil, gas, or other fuel sources to take care of the increased electric power needed for the  new multitude of electric landscaping tools, wiping out whatever pollutant reduction this law might produce. 

And with increased electricity demand as a result of these types of programs, all  consumers will probably see their monthly utility bills go up, its basic economics: more demand, same supply, prices have to go up. 

Nice variety of political class insanity today: bad priorities in Washington state, more massive criminal fraud in government programs, continued spectacular high speed train failure in California, and IEDs on our southern border…if not elsewhere.


If you agree that we need to deseat every member of Congress for their lack of success and accomplishment, then please consider going to the following petition link to help the cause:


Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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