Sunday, October 1, 2017

October, 2017, Part 1, Political Class Insanity: The Clinton Crime Syndicate Goes Into The Next Generation, Michelle Obama Calls Millions Of American Women Stupid and More

It is the beginning of another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

1) Liberals and Democrats are always bragging how tolerant they are, how they respect others’ opinions even if they differ from theirs. We have proven dozens of times in this blog that this is a fable, a myth, but that does not stop Democrats and liberals from continuing to tell themselves that they are tolerant and then promptly stick their foot in their mouths.

This latest example of tolerance hypocrisy came from former First Lady Michelle Obama. Speaking at a conference in Boston, she declared that, “Any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice.” She went on to say that women voting for Trump were justing going along with the pack, i.e. women who voted for Trump were too stupid to think for themselves and vote for whom they wanted. 

But her condescension got even worst: “That we look at those two candidates, as women, and many of us said, ‘He’s better for me. His voice is more true to me.’ To me that just says, you don’t like your voice. You just like the thing you’re told to like.” Again, a second inference that if you voted for Trump you are too stupid to think for yourself, that you are weak as a woman and as a human being.

How much more anti-woman can you be, telling millions and millions of women that they were too weak and stupid and cowardly to vote for the person that Michelle wanted them to vote for? Total lack of respect. 

Hey, Michelle, let me put forth a counter argument: maybe the women that voted for Trump could not see themselves voting for a candidate who protected, condoned, and abetted a sexual predator husband for decades and who did not want that sexual predator to return to the White House as representative of their views. By voting for Hillary, maybe you are the one that did not listen to “your voice” and supported the continuation of a sexual predator alliance.

2) Richard Pollock, writing for the Daily Caller website on September 27, 2017, exposed another little piece of corruption from the Clinton crime syndicate, an effort that was in full force during Hillary’s time as Secretary of State which resulted in many government favors and advantages being available for the right price and the right advantage to the Clinton family and family friends:
  • A company headed up by one of Chelsea Clinton’s best friends was able to land $11 million in Federal government contracts from a high secret Department of Defense think tank without ever having received official approval and clearance to handle classified and secret government materials.
  • Jacqueline Newmyer, a long term best friend of Chelsea Clinton, is president of a firm called the Long Term Strategy Group which has received government contracts from the secret DOD think tank, the Office Of Net Assessment.
  • The Office Of Net Assessment is so top secret that it reports directly to the Secretary of Defense.
  • Ten years after having worked for the Office Of Net Assessment, the Long Term Strategy Group is only now going through the process for getting proper security clearance even though the company never had a secure physical room or facility to handle top secret DOD materials.
  • Adam Lovinger, a whistleblower and 12 year veteran of the Office Of Net Assessment, has been sounding the alarm to this security weakness of the Long Term Strategy Group, obviously to no avail.
  • As we stated, Chelsea Clinton and Newmyer are long term, best friends and government emails show her mom Hillary Clinton actively promoting Newmyer’s company in getting DOD contracts despite lack of security clearance.
Just another example of how Hillary Clinton was in business as Secretary of State to take care of herself, her family, her friends, and anyone who had the resources to satisfy her and her cronies.

Oh, and by the way, Adam Lovinger has been under tremendous pressure and hassles from people in the government for daring to speak the truth about the Long Term Strategy Group and the Office of Net Assessment. He has had his security clearance revoked which is pretty ironic that for pointing the reality that Newmyer’s group did not have a security clearance he got his revoked. However, given the Clinton’s reputation for reprisal, he should thank the stars that was the only thing he lost.

3) Another high ranking and idiotic government employee recently had to resign for his inane behavior. According to Fred Lucas, writing for the Daily Signal website on September 29, 2017:
  • Tom Price, Trump’s Health and Human Services Cabinet Secretary recently resigned.
  • Price had come under justifiable heat for using private charter jets to get around the country and the world. 
  • According to Trump’s press secretary, Sarah Sanders: “Secretary of Health and Human Services Thomas Price offered his resignation earlier today and the president accepted. The president intends to designate Don J. Wright of Virginia to serve as acting secretary, effective at 11:59 p.m. on Sept. 29, 2017. Mr. Wright currently serves as the deputy assistant secretary for Health and director of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.”
  • Price had taken private charter plane rides to nearby locations like Philadelphia which were certainly within a short train ride or car ride of D.C. 
  • He also used private jets to take international trips, all on the taxpayer dime.
  • Price has offered to pay more than $51,887.31 of his own money to cover some of these taxpayer incurred expenses.
While this type of behavior is not right and it is appropriate for Price to pay back the taxpayers, the article correctly points out the hypocrisy of Democrats who criticized Price’s behavior: “During the Obama administration, a 2013 Government Accountability Office report found a similar problem, in this case, by the Justice Department. Two luxury jets the FBI had said were needed for security against global terrorism were used instead by Attorney General Eric Holder and FBI Director Robert Mueller. Holder’s predecessors in the George W. Bush administration, Attorneys General Michael Mukasey and Alberto Gonzales, also used the jets. It came at a total cost of $11.4 million, the GAO found.” I am assuming none of those costs were paid back.

But Holder was not done abusing American taxpayers. In 2014, he took a government owned Gulfstream jet and took his family up to New York to view the Belmont stakes horse race. The trip cost the American taxpayer $14,440 but Holder decided he only needed to pay back $995. At least Price’s trips were on official government business. Also, Obama’s CIA Director, Leon Panetta, paid back only $630 for luxury jet trips he took that cost the taxpayer $32,000. 

Price should have never taken the trips in luxury private jets and charged the taxpayers. He did the noble and right thing in resigning and paying back a large portion of the expenses he incurred. That was a lot more than what Obama officials did, taking luxury jets trips, at least once for pleasure, paying back only a fraction of the cost, and not resigning.

That will do it for today’s insanity: Michelle Obama dissing woman’s intelligence who dares to disagree with her, the Clinton Crime syndicate extending down into the next generation, and misuse of government funds, now and then. We are just getting warmed up, more insanity in the coming days.

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