Friday, September 13, 2019

September, 2019, Part 6, Political Class Insanity: Corruption In A Massachusetts Town, Stupid Democrat Climate Ideas, and Enabling Drug Addicts

It is another month which means it is again time to review the latest political class insanity from Washington and around the world. Political class insanity takes many forms including the wasting of taxpayer wealth, criminal fraud within government programs, inane and stupid political quotes and actions, the inability to create and implement effective and efficient government programs, stupid and ill performing economic policies and strategies, and other forms of insanity that continue to evolve and surprise and shock us.

Let’s get started:

1) We have often talked about the corruption at the national level of politics in this country. But political corruption is not restricted to DC, as we see from this recent alleged piece of local government political corruption:
  • Jasiel Correia II is the mayor of Fall River, Massachusetts.
  • He may soon be the former mayor since he was recently arrested for the second time in the past six months, this time charged with extortion, conspiracy, and bribery.
  • Apparently, authorities think he was operating a pay-to-play enterprise as it concerned marijuana licenses within the city limits.
  • The charges claim that he demanded bribes, cash, and campaign donations from local business owners who wanted to get a license to sell marijuana legally in in the city.
  • As an added bonus of slime, he allegedly demanded half of his former chief of staff’s wages in order for her to keep her job.
  • But do not feel too bad about the former chief of staff, she and others have also been charged as co-conspirators in the case.
  • The mayor has pleaded not guilty.
  • Prosecutors think that he gathered in between $100,000 and $200,000 in bribes and kickbacks.
Just another day and another set of indictments for the political class. Of course, the mayor is innocent until proven guilty.

2) The Democrats recently held a seven hour town meeting to discuss the climate. And through those seven hours they came up with some zany ideas and concepts. Keep in mind before reading the following that:
  • Global warming stopped about 20 years ago according to the data.
  • The polar ice caps have not melded as Al Gore and others predicted.
  • There are now more polar bears alive than when Al Gore was born.
  • Every major global warming/climate change forecast has been pitifully wrong over the past several decades.
  • Killer storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, and wildfire activity has either been steady or declining over the past few decades, a reality that should not have happened if global warming advocates were right.
  • The Post Office is inefficient and going bankrupt, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are going bankrupt, and the Federal “Do Not Call List” is a joke in preventing unwanted calls so who thinks that the Washington political class can control the climate when they cannot run current government programs that they have been operating for years, decades, and centuries?
Okay, back to the zany ideas:
  • Kamala Harris wants to ban all plastic straws across the country. Yes, over 100,000 Americans are homeless in her home state, public defecation, urination, and illegal drug use is rampant in her state’s major cities, and that public defecation and urination is causing a major environmental problem and she is focused in plastic straws.
  • Many candidates want to end fracking and offshore oil drilling which will drive up prices for gas and home heating options, hitting the less economically fortunate really hard, and not make a dent in the world’s carbon footprint because China, India, and the rest of the world will not do the same. 
  • These ideas would wipe out sources that give us 65% of our current energy needs and 80% of our energy needs during the winter, energy sources that cannot be replaced with wind and solar and which would leave many Americans freezing in place.
  • Some candidates want to make us stop eating meat since cows fart a lot and release methane into the air.
  • Elizabeth Warren wants to get rid of nuclear energy altogether even though it may be the cleanest of all energy sources relative to carbon and the climate.
  • But the craziest idea of all came from Bernie Sanders who wants to use American taxpayer money to increase abortion rates around the world to reduce humanity’s carbon footprint.
  • I would assume that much of his abortion funding would flow to countries in Africa leaving one with the impression of the Nazis culling out those of other races to put forth their vision of the world.
  • According to the Daily Caller: “The audience member added that the ‘the planet cannot sustain growth’ and ‘empowering women and educating everyone’ on curbing population seems ‘reasonable.’ Sanders said he supports women being able to ‘control their own bodies’ and have abortions when answering the climate change question."
  • Sanders obviously has no concept of history since the theory and fear of over population has been around for centuries and has never materialized into any kind of crisis, especially a crisis where American tax dollars abort babies in third world countries.
So, Democrats wanting to be President want us to pay more for gas and energy, freeze to death in the winter, stop using plastic straws, and pay for abortions around the world in order to fix a likely non-existent problem or a problem that their solutions will have no impact on. As you can see, they have very destructive ideas but no constructive ideas on how they would replace the things they want to get rid of.

In the meantime, our schools continue to under educate, our country’s infrastructure is crumbling, and Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are hurtling towards financial insolvency and these buffoons are focused on straws. Total, total insanity.

3) But Sanders and Warner insanity is not restricted to the myth of climate change. Consider the reality of this government program, another in a long series of government “solutions” that made the original problem even worse:
  • There is no doubt that there continues to be a major drug addiction problem in this country.
  • Estimates say that over 70,000 American die every year from drug addiction.
  • Several decades ago some politicians came up with the bright idea of providing free drug needles and drug exchanges program for addicts, the main reason being that it would help control the AIDS epidemic since many drug users were getting AIDS from sharing drug needles with each other.
  • The idea sounds good in theory but in reality there were several flaws in the plan and logic.
  • First of all, drug addicts often did not exchange their used needles for used ones so the use of contaminated needles were not eliminated.
  • Second, while the spread of AIDS looks like it went down over time, possibly because of the needle exchange effort, the potential reality is that the spread of AIDS went down because drug addicts overdosed and died from their drug habit, enabled by free drug needles, not from AIDS.
  • A new research study from Analisa Packham of Vanderbilt University, proved how stupid and lame these free needle and needle exchange programs have been. 
  • According to Ms. Packham, these programs “led to greater risk of opioid misuse and overdose.”
  • In fact, her study found that these types of programs increased drug overdose death by 12%.
  • By not solving the root cause of the problem, addiction, more and more taxpayer wealth is used to buy needles to be freely given away, hospital ER visits go up, crime goes up, and hospital stays are longer.
  • Besides endangering addicts by enabling their addictions, cities with drug needle exchanges are faced with cleaning up used and dangerous drug needles that end up everywhere on the streets of their cities.
  • San Francisco alone hands out 400,000 free drug needles every MONTH many of which end up used and discarded in the public domain, endangering the general public.
  • Ronald Reagan understood the problem of using taxpayer wealth to enable drug users and stopped allowing taxpayer dollars to be used to fund them back in 1998.
  • But Obama reversed course and from 2009 until 2016 86 free needle and needle exchange programs were set up across the country.
  • If the Packham study is correct, these 86 new needle programs caused hundreds of additional American deaths.
  • Just in West Virginia, the number of addicts who overdosed in the state has increased in six years since the needle exchange programs in that state were reinstated.
  • Oh, and by the way, it was Bernie Sanders, who pushed Obama to start funding needle exchange programs, his organization claiming that these programs are “an important way to alleviate some of the suffering, reduce public health risks, and provide services to addicts who desperately need them.”
  • But not to be outdone for having a bad program idea, Elizabeth Warren actually wants to have taxpayer funded locations where drug addicts can come and shoot up under a roof and not on the street, “facilities where people who use their own drugs can do so safely.” If you are a drug addict, you are not doing it for your own safety regardless of where you shoot up.
How crazy! But it illustrates two traits of American politicians:
  1. Their solution made an existing problem worse in that their free needle exchange programs enabled drug addicts even more, making it easier and cheaper for them to feed their addiction which increased their addiction and death by overdose levels besides littering the street and endangering non-addicts with discarded needles.
  2. They did not understand the root causes of the problem, this is an addiction problem that should be addressed with programs and efforts that treat the addiction, not enable it.
Thus, just another political solution that makes the problem worse, wastes tax dollars, and does not address the root causes of the problem.

That will do it for today: another busted political/government program, stupid politicians’ ideas on the climate change myth, and more political corruption in a local town. More insanity to follow.

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