Sunday, August 9, 2020

August, 2020, Part 5,Political Class Insanity: Politicians Are Not Subject to The Same Justice and Rules We Are And More Political Ineptness

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) We have spent years and some very recent posts to show two things: first, American politicians are very good at making themselves wealthy once they get into office and second, even when they get caught in their greedy corruption and law breaking they rarely suffer any dire consequences. Recently we found out that:
  • Nancy Pelosi made sure that her husband’s real estate partnership got coronavirus stimulus money even though they do not fit the definition of a small, struggling American business.
  • Many members of Congress also made sure that themselves or their family members were able to benefit from the stimulus money.
  • Congresswoman Ilhar Omar is under ethics investigation for funneling lots of campaign money to her husband’s struggling business venture.
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is constantly harping on the country to tax the rich, apparently still has unpaid New York state taxes.
And now we have another member of Congress that got caught illegally taking money and yet, despite breaking Federal Law, will suffer absolutely no criminal punishment:
  • The House Ethics Committee has determined that Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has violated Federal election laws.
  • She has been ordered to repay her election campaign $10,800 within a year that she used illegally.
  • This is a little over half of the $17,500 in total that her election committee had paid her.
So the good news: she got caught violating Federal election laws and by paying back the money she appears to be in agreement that she did violate the laws. But there is so much bad news:
  • Despite violating Federal Election laws, she is not going to jail, she is not paying back more than she illegally took as a penalty, she is not doing community service, no, there is no punishment at all.
  • The committee report said that she committed this crime “but without “ill intent.”” In other words: “I did the crime but it was accidental so I should not be held accountable.”
  • The committee “did not find that she sought to unjustly enrich herself by receiving the campaign funds at issue.”
  • And finally she gets a year to pay back the money she illegally used even though she makes $174,000 a year, more than three times what the average U.S. household makes.
So the next time you break a Federal law see if the judge will:
  • Give you a year to pay back the money you stole.
  • Not fine you additional fees, throw you in jail or provide any other punishment. 
  • See if he buys your excuse that you had no ill intent in breaking the Federal law.
  • Claim that you didn't unjustly enrich yourself with the breaking of a Federal law.
Sincerely doubt that you will get the same treatment that the good Congresswoman got, you are in jail, paying back that money as quickly as possible because ignorance of the law is no excuse...unless you are a Washington politician then all is forgiven.

2) Over the decades, since Nixon declared “war on drugs,” the Federal government has been losing that battle and losing it big time. Our laws have allowed the country of Mexico to be overrun and be home to any number of violent drug cartels that are rich beyond the wildest imagination and which terrorize the people of Mexico as they addict millions of American to illegal and deadly drugs.

To be honest, I don't know what the solution is to the rampant drug problem in this country. But I do know that what the Federal government has been doing has been a complete failure. This was again demonstrated down on the border with Mexico as the wealth and reach of the drug cartels was on display:
  • Special agents of the Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) unit recently found an incomplete but highly sophisticated drug tunnel from Mexico that crossed under the border into the United States.
  • The agents characterized the tunnel as “the most sophisticated [drug smuggling] tunnel in U.S.history.”
  • The tunnel’s characteristics included a rail cart system, ventilation ducts, electrical wiring and lighting, water lines and extensive wall reinforcements to prevent cave-ins.
  • The tunnel started in a Mexican neighborhood and ran to a location in San Luis, Arizona. 
  • It was 25 feet underground.
  • The only reason the tunnel was discovered before it was operational is that border patrol agents found a sinkhole near the border which led to the tunnel’s discovery.
Again, I don't have the final answer to the drug addictions in this country but it is not what Washington politicians have been doing since the Nixon years. We have created wealthy and creative drug cartels that have the money and means to build sophisticated smuggling tunnels to serve the drug addiction market in this country, a market that politicians have no solution for.

3) So many times in this blog we have reminded folks that a very basic, a very important function of government, possibly the most important function, is to protect the lives and property of citizens. In fact, I maintain that if government and politicians did that function perfectly I wouldn't care if they did ANYTHING else.

Of course, politicians do nothing well in this country so protecting the lives and property of citizens is not one of their success stories over the years.

Recently, as the coronavirus crisis has grown, many liberal/Democratic politicians have decided that it is a good idea to release convicted criminals out onto the street so that they don't catch the virus. Never mind that keeping violent criminals in jail in their cell is quite possibly the safest and best quarantine option in the world.

But for some inane reasons politicians think that releasing criminals during the virus crisis is a good thing. Bill de Blasio, mayor of NYC, released many, many convicted criminals from city jails and was then amazed that many of them were promptly rearrested for new crimes they committed once he freed them. I guess he doesn't understand what being a criminal means. 

How can you be so stupid to think the released criminals will not immediately go back to a live of crime, endangering the lives and property of innocent people?

But he is not alone in his ignorance of the criminal mind and down in Maryland this type of idiocy resulted in a totally unnecessary death of a young woman:
  • Ibrahim Bouaichi is a convicted rapist and was in jail in Virginia.
  • But some boneheaded politician decided that he and others like them should be released back out into society, falsely thinking that it would be safer for them than in prison relative to the virus.
  • Now Bouaichi is back in custody accused of murdering the woman, Karla Dominguez, who accused him of the rape that put him in prison.
  • Police suspected Bouaichi in the murder and when they tracked him down to arrest him he took off in his car which he soon crashed.
  • When police moved in to arrest him they found him suffering from what looked like a self inflicted bullet wound.
  • He is now under arrest in critical medical condition.
  • He was accused of rape, sodomy, strangulation, abduction, and burglary in the original incident and the original judge said he should be held without bond.
This is a very sick, dangerous, and despicable individual: rape, sodomy abduction, etc. And yet some politician's stupid policy somewhere in the state of Virginia allowed him to walk out of prison and commit a totally avoidable murder of a young lady. Another example of the political class being unable to execute a basic function of government: protecting innocent lives. So sad.

That will do it for today’s political class insanity: a failure to protect an innocent woman in Virginia, a failure to curtail and resolve the massive drug problem in this country, and the failure to make sure justice is served out evenly for every American even if you are a sitting member of Congress.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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