Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Failure Of The American Political Class To Execute a Basic Function Of Government - Protecting the Lives and Property Of Citizens

One of the very, very basic functions of government is to protect the lives and properties of residents and businesses within its domain. By providing a police force, a judicial system, and a penal system, it fulfills its primary role of protection. If a government entity can provide those services in a just, fair way than anything else they can do positive is gravy.

Unfortunately, more and more government entities across the country cannot even fulfill this basic function. Crime is rising dramatically in certain parts of the country, endangering the lives, safety and property of millions of Americans. Consider a sampling of this failure below:

1) According to a recent article on the National Pulse website, homicides in Washington D.C. have hit a 15 year high:
  • Homicides in the District have risen three years in a row.
  • Almost 200 residents were killed for the first time in the past decade.
  • Over 900 people were shot in the past year, up 64% over the past three years.
  • And as the Washington Post pointed out, it wasn't only gang members and criminals: victims included a school bus driver, a construction worker renovating a home, a grandmother who survived a bout of covid, and a young boy shot at a “stop the violence” cookout.
  • In the midst of this, the mayor set aside limited taxpayer dollars to paint the city streets with a “Black Lives Matter” symbol.
How many other idiotic projects did the city government waste money on that could have been better spent protecting the lives of city residents? Would that young boy still be alive if taxpayer money was spent on protection and not street paintings? Such bad, bad priorities.

2) We have often talked about the substantial and recent increase in the New York City crime rate, an increase that is helping to drive more and more residents and businesses out of the city. And the mayor and governor of the state do not seem to have an plan to fix this problem which was probably really driven home to the governor’s office by a recent NYC attack:
  • In broad daylight on Christmas, a NYC homeless man took up a brick and bashed the head of a passerby for no reason.
  • What made this crime infamous is that the victim, Lisa Cavanaugh, is a staff member of Governor Cuomo’s staff.
  • The run up to the attack was caught on video.
  • The attack to the head knocked her unconscious. Fortunately two other passerbys called the police and came to her aid.
  • Fortunately, besides a deep gash that required stitches to close up, the last news reports said she was in satisfactory condition.
  • The attacker was arrested and charged with a felony.
  • In the first 11 months of 2020, shootings in NYC were up 95% year over year, homicides were up 38%, burglaries were up 30%, and carjackings were up 36%, according to reporting by the Blaze.
Given this lessening ability to protect the innocent in society, New York state has led the country in having the most residents leave the state in the July, 2019 to July, 2020 time period.

3) A recent article on the News America Patriot website discussed the reality that when the city politicians in Oakland, California started to defund the police department...crime went up! Who saw that coming:
  • Back in July, the Oakland City council unanimously voted to form a 17 person task force to study how to defund the police department.
  • The objective is to reduce the police force budget by a mind boggling 50%.
  • And they were not going to reduce it by 50% over time, they wanted to do it inside of two years.
  • But since then, even before the 50% cut back, crime of all sorts has surged in the city
  • As a result and not surprising, the city politicians are out of touch with what their voters actually want to see happen, since according to the San Francisco Chronicle: “A poll released last week by the Chamber of Commerce showed that citywide, 58% of residents want to either maintain or increase the size of the police force. That figure climbs to 75% in District 7, an area of East Oakland where gunfire exploded this summer.”
  • Further, the poll found that black residents wanted to increase the size of the police force even more than white residents.
  • The paper reported a recent incident where 60 rounds were fired in the middle of the city and no one was arrested.
More clueless politicians not doing their basic, basic job of protecting lives and property.

4) Minneapolis was one of the first cities to actually defund the police department in their city. But almost immediately things got so bad that city council members, the ones who actually downsized the police and endangered citizen lives in the process, immediately used taxpayer money to hire private, armed security guards to protect them from the crime wave they unleashed.

But proving there is still no cure for stupid the politicians want to take it a step further:
  • Three council members have introduced a plan called “Safety 4 All.”
  • Which is really ironic since the program calls for cutting $8 million out of the city police department budget next year.
  • This would prevent the city government from hiring police on department personnel to replace the many officers who resigned or retired in light of the non-support they were receiving from city politicians.
  • And this $8 million cut to the police budget is on top of a $12 million cut that the Mayor has already proposed.
Carjackings are way up in the city, murders and shootings are way up, property crime is way up and these folks want to further reduce the police department. Insanity.

5) Warner Todd Huston, writing for the Great American Politics website on January 1, 2012, went through the statistics of how much crime has risen as the movement to defund police departments took hold in some cities in the country:
  • According to CNN, murders in NYC are up 23% in the final months of 2020.
  • Homicides in Chicago are up 39% since the end of June.
  • Homicides in LA are up 23%.
  • Crime analyst, Jeff Asher, looked at data from 51 cities and found that murders are up almost 36% over 2019.
  • According to the Council on Criminal Justice: “Homicide rates increased by 42% during the summer and 34% in the fall over the summer and fall of 2019.”
  • Shootings are up 127% in NYC.
  • At least one NYC councilman, Rovert Holden, at least recongizes how stupid the defund the police movement is: “Defunding the police is perhaps the worst idea in NYC government history. We can’t legislate using fashionable slogans that fit on protest signs. It hurts every New Yorker. The NYPD are the gold standard for law enforcement around the world. Any issues that need to be addressed require more training, which costs money.”
  • He went on to say: “We have had well over 1,000 shootings this year. The deadly combination of closing Rikers, getting rid of cash bail, defunding the police and putting them under the fear of going to jail if they need to apprehend a violent suspect are all part of a pro-crime atmosphere that emboldens violent criminals.”
While politicians lie, the numbers do not. The defund the police department has resulted in city politicians neglecting one of their most basic responsibilities: protecting the lives and property of their constituents.

6) The numbers tell one story. But listen to the crime victims in the following link to hear the heartbreaking stories of the families who have suffered a loss from the skyrocketing crime rate across the country as a result of the defund the police movement:

Defund the police movement is like jumping out of an airplane, thinking that you can design, make, and wear a parachute before you hit the ground. In both cases the end result is a disaster. Unfortunately, the parachutist only kills himself, the politicians involved in this defund the police movement are failures when it comes to their basic duty of protecting lives without having a safety plan to replace it.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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