Sunday, January 24, 2021

A Final Look At The Many Accomplishments of The Trump Presidency, The Most Successful Presidency in Generations

Disclosures up front:
  • I have never voted for a Republican for President in my life.
  • Thus, I did not vote for Trump either time.
  • For a while when I lived in New Jersey I was a registered Democrat.
Thus, I am not biased Republican and conservative when it comes to assessing the accomplishments of any politician. And I agree that Trump is rude, crude, brash, obnoxious, etc. 

However, I am a bottom line sort of guy. I worked in the corporate world for some bosses that were not very nice, that they insisted on results first and niceties later. But they got positive results year in and year out and I grew to appreciate that they were focused on doing the right things and if people's feelings got hurt because they were not doing their own job then so be it.

Thus, as the Trump administration unfolded, I started to document the accomplishments of the Trump Presidency as they piled up despite his abrasive personality. This effort ended up covering about 20 different posts and documenting over 200 substantial accomplishments of his administration. Those previous listings of accomplishment posts can be accessed by typing “horrors and destruction” in the search box above. You can also go to the 11th post directly which has links to the first ten Trump accomplishment posts embedded in it:

Successful” is where I kind of land on Trump. He is obnoxious but he got results. Off the top of my head, I can present the following successes of his administration:
  1. The overall unemployment rate dropped below 4% and stayed there for a while, a feat that was once thought economically impossible.
  2. The African-American unemployment rate dropped down to record low levels.
  3. The Hispanic-American unemployment rate dropped down to record low levels.
  4. The women unemployment rate dropped down to record low levels.
  5. The non-college educated unemployment rate dropped down to record low levels.
  6. More women entered the worked force than any other time in history.
  7. His tax cut efforts gave well over 110 million Americans a major tax break, increasing their personal freedom in the process.
  8. GDP grew to levels never seen during the Obama years.
  9. Average household income grew substantially during his term after years of no or minimal annual growth.
  10. His tax breaks for business resulting in hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of manufacturing jobs being created in the country, a reality that Obama once proclaimed would be impossible, that those manufacturing jobs were lost forever.
  11. His tax breaks for business brought back $300 billion in wealth that was stranded overseas due to the high domestic business tax level, resulting in economic growth in this country.
  12. The year after his tax break program was implemented, charitable giving hit an all time high, over $400 billion, as taxpayers were able to be more generous with their charitable donations.
  13. These economic successes were attained in the context of a low inflation rate.
  14. He forced NATO members to finally honor their commitment from a military budget perspective in support of the coalition.
  15. He facilitated multiple peace accords between Israel and Arab countries, something once thought impossible.
  16. He imposed stiff economic sanctions on the leading terrorist country in the World, Iran, which helped protect not only Israel but also the rest of the world.
  17. He cut off foreign aid to the PLO which had been using foreign aid to attack Israel.
  18. He helped keep North Korea under control, coming closer than any other President to get their maniac leader to idle back his weapons programs.
  19. He did succeed in getting the North Koreans to return the remains of U.S. soldiers that died in North Korean territory during the Korean War, a gesture that means the world to families who never reached closure with the loss of their loved ones, an important issue to my family.
  20. If people have not noticed, Russia had been relatively quiet during his term, a reality not present under Obama, see Ukranian invasion by the Russians.
  21. He helped fix the dysfunctional Veterans Administration by firing inept administrators and changing some of the rules so that veterans could get better medical attention.
  22. He negotiated a much better trade treaty with Canada and Mexico, replacing the NAFTA treaty, a feat that even organized labor applauded.
  23. He initiated programs to protect religious and sexual preference freedom around the world.
  24. He withdrew us out of the ridiculous Paris Climate Accords but still led the U.S. to reduce its carbon footprint by about 140 million metric tons a year, according to a United Nations report, by far the most successful carbon footprint reduction in the world.
  25. He defeated ISIS in a matter of months, a feat that Obama said would take generations.
These are major, major accomplishments that far out distance the accomplishments of his predecessor, Obama, and other recent Presidencies. I dare anyone to list out Obama’s accomplishments, Bush’s accomplishments, etc. and try to match up not just to these listed 25 accomplishments of Trump but the 175 or so other ones that I have previously documented but not listed above.

Do not believe me? Consider a recent article Victoria Taft from the American Patriots United website where she also tried to document the success of the Trump administration:
  1. He helped generate a booming economy for three years and then guided the economy to a soft landing and quick turnaround as a result of the devastating pandemic.
  2. He implemented “Operation Warp Speed” which got covid vaccines developed, produced and distributed in record, unprecedented time.
  3. He got pandemic resources deployed quickly and efficiently, e.g. Navy hospital ship to NYC.
  4. He donated his entire quarterly Presidential salary to worthy causes for four years.
  5. He played far, far fewer rounds of golf than his 300+ golf rounds his predecessor played, focusing on the issues facing the country instead.
  6. He slashed the use of funding for abortions via the UN Commission on Population Control due its funding of “coercive abortions and forced sterilizations.”
  7. He signed an executive order that did not allow the Treasury Department to go after the First Amendment rights of political speech of pastors.
  8. He renegotiated trade deals with Canada and Mexico that improved on the then current NAFTA trade agreement.
  9. He got the country out of New World Order Davos-inspired trade agreements that put the U.S. at a trade disadvantage.
  10. He greatly reduced Federal government regulations to the tune of 25,000 pages being lopped out of the Federal Register, which freed up the economy and is estimated to save every American about $3,100 a year by reducing business regulations.
  11. The country saw its lowest unemployment rate in 50 years as African-American and Hispanic unemployment rates got down near record lows.
  12. The nation’s labor participation rate was at its highest level in years.
  13. Trump signed the First Step Act which was a criminal justice reform act that released prisoners from jail because of excessively long sentences as a result of Joe Biden’s sponsored legislation.
  14. Trump reformed the Veterans Administration by getting rid of deadwood high ranking officials and allowing veterans to pick their own doctors, improving the overall health care of all veterans.
  15. Trump positioned the country to be energy independent and a net exporter of energy, the first time this was attained in 75 years.
  16. He started no wars and did not militarily attack any other country, something that had not been done over the most recent administrations.
  17. In fact, he began bringing U.S. troops home from Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq after Bush and Obama had placed troops in each of those countries.
  18. He defeated ISIS in a matter of months, something once thought impossible.
  19. His sanctions crippled the Iranians’ terrorism activites while taking out the world’s number one terrorist who was a part of the Iranian terror machine.
  20. His son-in-law brokered peace deals between Israel and several Arab countries once thought impossible.
  21. Trump withdrew the U.S. out of the sham United Nations “Human Rights Council” which was often overseen by dictators who oppressed their own people while constantly condemning Israel.
  22. Unlike the Obama administration and the incoming Biden administration, Trump supported law enforcement officers across the country, offering Federal support whenever a local police force was under attack and duress, e.g. Portland, Chicago, and Seattle.
These are just another person’s view to mine that Trump was one of the more successful Presidents of our time despite being, as we stated above, rude, crude, obnoxious, uncouth, etc. And again, I would rather have a horse’s rear end as a leader who got things done to the betterment of us all than a smooth talking, coddling, smiling, leader who got nothing done. 

Biden has a big mountain ahead of him if he thinks he can accomplish as much as Trump. And as someone who did not vote for Trump, it is my opinion that Biden has no chance to be anywhere close as effective as Trump was. The lists of accomplishments above are way beyond anything that Biden will be capable of following up on.

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