Sunday, January 10, 2021

A Grand Proposal For A Grand Coalition To Restore Freedom In America

The following proposal to restore freedom and liberty in this country, two principles that are under attack by any number of sources, not the least of which is the American political class, is being mailed out this week. As freedom ebbs in this country, something dramatic has to be done to turn back the tide of oppression, unseat the entrenched, long term politicians whose first priority is self enrichment, and restore the Founders concepts embedded in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Your comments would be appreciated and if you agree with what the proposal sets forth, your support going forward would be great!


January 15, 2021

Robert Doar - American Enterprise Institute 
Robert A. Levy - Cato
Robert Bixby - Concord Coalition 
Frank Fluckiger - Constitution Party
Mark Meckler - Convention Of States 
Michael Abramowitz - Freedom House
Kay Coles James - Heritage Foundation 
Dan Fishman - Libertarian Party 
Karen Czarnecki - Mercatus Center 
E. Garrett Bewkes IV- National Review
Christopher Ruddy - NewsMax 
Larry Hogan - No Labels
Katherine Mangu-Ward - Reason Magazine 
Jenny Beth Martin - Tea Party Patriots 
George Upper - Western Journal

Good day. My name is Walter (“Bruno”) Korschek and I am just a regular American. I am not an employee or formally affiliated with any of the organizations listed above. 

However, I have been a big fan of all of the listed organizations for a long time. I have been a Libertarian voter since Roger McBride ran in the 1970s. I have been a long time subscriber to Reason magazine and Cato. And I have enjoyed and been positively challenged by the work, the research, opinions, and publications of every organization listed above for many, many years.

Thus, I am an American who cherishes the idea of freedom and liberty, an ideal that I think is a common link among all of you and your organizations. I believe that the concept of America, with its foundation in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, has provided humanity the best chance ever to have regular folks like myself live in a free, safe, and prosperous country. 

But as you and your organizations are well aware, that ideal of freedom is under attack as we speak, by an overreaching, entrenched, and corrupt American political class. Every freedom has been chipped away at over the years, be it freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to bear arms, freedom to gather, and freedom to not be dominated and bullied by government bureaucrats, rules, and regulations.

From the failure of Obama Care to excessive and draconian pandemic shutdowns and lock downs and to the obvious future failure of the New Green Deal, this loss of freedom cannot be justified by the gaining of wonderful new government services. Just about every government program and service, from the Federal government level to the local government level, eats up wealth, destroys freedom, and provides substandard services and results in return. 

And this loss of freedom seems to be accelerating. Outrageous government debt will make future Americans economic slaves to this debt burden if nothing is done. Censorship in so many forms is growing more and more prevalent as those in charge form partnerships with a failed and corrupt mainstream press and tech companies to control information and news for the benefit of the elitists that operate those entities.

The chance of returning America to its roots of freedom, liberty, minimal government interference in our lives is becoming more and more difficult every day. Which is why I am writing to all of you. While I have the utmost respect for the work you and your organizations do, working independently of each other has not been enough to stem the tide of totalitarianism and political corruption in this country that is destroying the very fabric of freedom.

Thus, I am proposing a grand coalition of the organizations listed above, a coalition which is solely focused on restoring freedom to this country and its citizens. Working independently has proven your dedication to freedom but has not stemmed the tide of an ever growing attack on freedom. Working together may be the only hope in this country of moving the needle back towards liberty and away from darkness.

Think about what you each could bring to the table of this liberty coalition. There are political parties that already have the infrastructure in place to get on ballots. There are research and policy experts that can prove the value of freedom and the negatives of government dominance. You have journalists that can spread that research and policy information to the public. Together you would be so much stronger and effective than continuing to operate independently of each other.

Now, I realize that there might be differences of opinion on individual issues and matters. But there has to be some sort of overarching agreement and consensus on freedom and liberty that can be agreed on by all of you and put forth to the public. Every family has its own disagreements but the family usually stays together for the common, overriding good of everyone. Same with the coalition, find the common ground of liberty that you all share and handle the outlier issues later. Erect a freedom tent that would be broad enough to attract disaffected voters of all kinds under a common theme of restoring freedom to this country. 

This does not mean you and your organizations cede your identities and individual organizational goals to this effort. Your unique identities and skills are what would make the coalition that much stronger. You each come at freedom from a unique and different perspective which would make that freedom tent broader and more powerful.

I am only a single American, I cannot make this happen, but I would make a few suggestions about the next steps:
  • This coalition and its structure, working principles, staffing, contributions, decision making process, etc. has to come together quickly, the ebbing away of freedom is not abating and thus, time is of the essence.
  • Being right, doing the proper analysis, having the most effective policy proposals, and putting forth great candidates for office, are all necessary to success but not a guarantee of success. While I did not vote for Donald Trump, I did recognize that he had a wonderfully simple but effective message that resonated with tens of millions of Americans, “Make America Great Again.” A similar message is required for this coalition, one that is simple but effective, easily understood but which conveys the deep need for change that this coalition would stand for. Smarter people than me are necessary to find that powerful theme and message.
  • The Presidential ticket that this coalition puts forth has to be identified and put into action as soon as possible. We cannot wait until the summer of 2024 to identify the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates this coalition will support, that is not enough time to get the message out. By then, the mainstream press and the tech companies would be that much stronger at suppressing alternative views. The candidates should be picked quickly, after a proper vetting process, and their work needs to begin now and continue on for the next four years. 
I realize this is a pretty radical idea. You all have your own organization goals, objectives, and challenges. But remember, the concept of America was a pretty radical idea at one time and the Founders pulled it off in grand style. I can't think of any other way to beat back the attack on freedom, our lives, and the future of the country and generations that follow us. 

America is in a dark place right now: divided, fighting among ourselves, being oppressed by a number of forces inside and outside of the country, and being served by a political class that care only about their long term tenure in office and the resultant self enrichment possibilities that come with “public service.” You all have the unique resources to come together and change the tide of darkness that now exists. I know of no other way or approach that can protect what the Founders created.

Sorry if I ran on a little long but I passionately believe that you and your organizations can make a gigantic positive difference in the future of this country if you work together. Put aside any minor differences you may have on an individual issue, that can be worked out later if we can all rally around the basic human need to be free. As a retired, middle class American I cannot make much of a difference. But I believe you and your organizations can change the world.

Thank you for your time and please continue the great work you do individually but also consider what you could accomplish if you took your talents, resources, and love of liberty into a grand coalition of freedom.

Walter (“Bruno”) Korschek

Robert Frost: “Freedom lies in being bold.”

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

Please visit the following sites for freedom:

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