Saturday, February 6, 2021

February, 2021, Part 4, Political Class Insanity: Biden Tries To Corrupt The News Media Even More, Chinese Communists Take Taxpayer Wealth and Ocasio-Cortez Did Not Almost Die

It is the beginning of another month which means it is time again to review the latest political class insanity from the American political class. Each month it takes us multiple posts to cover the wasteful spending, incompetent government organizations and employees, government programs that usually make a problem worse than resolving it, inane and idiotic politician comments, etc.

To review past posts on this insanity and idiocy, just click on the first few posts in each month listed to the right of this page. After reviewing just a handful of these insanity posts we think you will agree that we are currently being served by the worst set of American politicians ever to hold office in our entire history.

1) We often have made the assertion and belief that for democracy to flourish in a country the journalism profession has to be aggressive, determined, independent, and in integrity. It is its job to keep politicians in line and honest in their actions and words.

Unfortunately, that has not been the situation in this country over the past number of years. The news industry and journalism profession today is basically an embarrassment to the tenets of good journalism listed above. Different media and news outlets are biased, shallow, and certainly not in integrity, usually picking sides relative to issues and politicians and do their best to “win” rather than be right and thorough.

So it is good to see these pseudo-journalists squirm when politicians and their minions try to make integrity even less prevalent in the reporting of the news:
  • Jen Psaki is Biden’s newest Press Secretary and despite being on the job less than two weeks she already has the less than stellar reputation of ducking questions from reporters during news briefings.
  • It is already a running joke in the press corps that when Psaki says “we will circle back to that question” it means she has no intention or ability of ever answering that question.
  • Besides this embarrassment she already has the reputation of not being a good press secretary as she basically stumbles through any press briefing.
  • But it gets better, or worse, depending on your perspective in that the administration now wants reporters to take the unprecedented step to submit their questions for her ahead of time for press briefings.
  • This breach of journalism ethics has not been received well from the very people who for the most part have not acted ethically for many years.
  • When Democrats piss off the left leaning Daily Beast, you know they have gone too far in biasing the news: “According to three sources with knowledge of the matter, as well as written communications reviewed by The Daily Beast, the new president’s communications staff have already on occasion probed reporters to see what questions they plan on asking new White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki when called upon during briefings.”
  • This action would obviously make the journalists look bad since it would appear they are cooperating with the administration and acting as their PR department and not independent journalists.
  • The reaction of a White House correspondent kinda sums it all up: “While it’s a relief to see briefings return, particularly with a commitment to factual information, the press can’t really do its job in the briefing room if the White House is picking and choosing the questions they want. That’s not really a free press at all.”
Again, it is fun to see them squirm when they think an outside agent is besmirching their professional especially when most of them have been besmirching the profession for years. The sad part though is our democracy is in danger when the press is not independent, focused, and unbiased, whether those ideas are violated by the journalists themselves or the politicians they are supposed to be keeping honest.

2) It is our opinion that it is the objective of China Communists to make that country the most powerful country in the world. Furthermore, it is our opinion that they will not stop at anything that helps attain that objective. Which means that spying in the U.S. via companies and universities is certainly on the table. 

Which brings us to the next topic of discussion today:
  • Lin Yang is a University of Florida professor and researcher.
  • He was recently indicted for falsely getting almost $2 million in grants from the Federal government’s National Institutes of Health (NIH) for hiding his financial ties to the Chinese Communist Party.
  • Specifically, he was indicted for six counts of wire fraud and four counts of making false statements to the Feds.
  • He got a $1.75 million grant from the NIH which required that he disclose if he was getting any research and financial support from foreign sources and if there were any financial conflicts of interest which included ownership or interest in a foreign company.
  • At the same time he established a related business in China and was accepted into a Chinese government program that encouraged members to hijack ideas, technology, and intellectual property from foreign entities such as universities.
  • He then proceeded to take American taxpayer money and lie to the NIH about his affiliation with a Chinese entity whose purpose is to steal technology.
  • Specifically: “The taxpayer dollars that funded Yang’s research were intended to benefit the health and well-being of U.S. citizens. But our indictment alleges that Yang engaged in acts of deliberate deception so that he could also further the research goals of the Chinese Communist government and advance his own business interests,” said U.S. Attorney Lawrence Keefe for the Northern District of Florida.
More money wasted by an inept Federal government and the politicians that oversee its operations.

3) We used to talk a lot about the ignorance, arrogance and idiotic statements that New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex would spew out on a regular basis. She has shown her ignorance so many times such as when she proved she had no idea what the definition of the basic unemployment rate was even though she supposedly had a college business degree, while running for office she incorrectly said that the three branches of our government were the Presidency, the House of Representatives and the Senate, and when Amazon wanted to move a major facility into her Congressional district, a move that would have made her district one of the richest in the country, she talked so much trash that Amazon changed its plans.

As a result, what were once charming idiotic statements and positions became tiresome rants of ignorance, repeatedly false claims of racism and sexism when she did not get her way, and outright lies. Thus, we stopped talking about her and focused on more important stuff.

But we cannot pass up her latest and possibly most blatant lie. When the Capitol building was breached on January 6, there was violence and death, a horrible experience in our country’s history. Shortly thereafter, Ocasio-Cortez claimed that she was stuck in the middle of the violence inside the Capitol building and feared for her life.

Which would have been a terrible experience to live through...except for the fact she did not live through that specific experience. She was not even in the Capitol building, claiming she feared for her life. She was in a totally different government building and her life was nowhere near being in certain, immediate danger like she claimed. 

And yet for days she played the pity and sympathy card, claiming she almost died. It was not until others pointed out that they were with her, in a different building and quite a different distance from the violence that it became obvious she was nothing more than a blatant liar. Which reinforces the reality that nothing she says, like many other politicians, can be believed since lying for personal benefit is part of their DNA.

That will do it for today’s political class insanity: more lies from a Washington politician, more corruption from the government when it comes to protecting American taxpayer wealth, and more undercutting of the integrity of the nation’s press corp.

Our book, "Love My Country, Loathe My Government - Fifty First Steps To Restoring Our Freedom And Destroying The American Political Class" is now available at:

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